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PT949-48210 Dash Cam Harness

Discussion in 'Gen 5 Prius Accessories and Modifications' started by lohikaarme, Aug 31, 2024 at 7:54 PM.

  1. lohikaarme

    lohikaarme Active Member

    Jul 8, 2008
    2023 Prius
    Limited AWD-e
    I recently picked up a radar detector and decided that instead of running the cig lighter cable, I would wire it into the mirror. I figured it would be easy picking up a dash cam harness and tapping into it as the harness has the fuse and all that jazz. It seemed simple enough, the connectors to the mirror and main harness are something like 5 or 6 wires, but the cam connector is just three wires: white\black, black and reddish-pink


    I hooked it up and jabbed around with the multimeter. As expected, the black\white was ground, the reddish-pink was 12v (constant, car on or off) I thought the black was probably 12v switching (off when the car was off). To my surprise the black appears to be dead all the time. I have continuity but cannot get a signal. I plan on disconnecting my radar detector and putting it away when I get to where I am going and it has the ability to sense GPS location turning itself off if it is in the same location for > 1 hour so I am not really concerned and wired it off the constant 12v. Everything is functional, I t-tapped the ground and 12v constant.

    Just writing here to see if anyone knows what is it with the black wire. Is it actually some kind of data signal to wakeup the Toyota dash cam and get it recording when the car is turned off? In thinking about it, it would not really make sense that to the actual dash cam there would be a constant AND a switching 12v- if it is not some kind of wakeup feature I would think there would just be switching power to the dashcam with no constant. Anyone know off hand? I guess I could have played around with the main harness, I am sure one of those wires are switching (maybe like the orange or purple or whatever) but as previously mentioned it does not really matter.