A friend recently acquired a 2013 Prius Plug in. He tells me that he can’t get the radio to work at all when driving, including no Bluetooth. He recently replaced the 12v battery. He did not test radio before replacing battery. Odd thing is that if he parks the vehicle and shuts it down, the radio “usually” works fine. I have not examined it as he is currently far away from me. Any ideas what to look at? Is there something that needs to be reset after battery replacement?
I agree that long distance diagnostics are not easy, but all I can do at this point until I see car in person in a few weeks. Further information I received yesterday. Maybe this will spark some ideas. If the car is in Ready mode, radio does not power on. If switched to accessory mode, the radio works fine at least until end of travel. Unknown if Bluetooth works at this point. But if the car sits for some unspecified time in off mode, the car reverts to non functional radio, unless and utilizes the accessory mode trick is tried. Sounds to me like the radio is entering a sleep mode or something.
rodents chewing on your wiring harness or someone installing aftermarket equipment? Everything is suppose to shut-off when you turn the car OFF; so obvious someone or something has been messing with it. This wouldn't be the first time someone screwed up a car and sold it cheap to some unsuspecting consumer.
Seems like a few misunderstandings here. First as i said, it works when “switched to accessory mode”, not completely off. Second, the history of the car is well known but the prior owner is deceased. No aftermarket equipment whatsoever has been installed. It appears no one has any suggestions. Thanks anyway.
Sorry, seems all of us are making assumptions and you did ask for suggestions. Please check the title of this thread. I'm simply suggesting a path forward, I haven't seen the car either and only have what you've typed to go on. I'll shut up now!!!
That has not been the case for decades, if not longer. It used to be that 12V lighter sockets were not switched. In most every car now you see the blinking engine immobilizer light. It does not run off of air!