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Ran out of Gas, got BAD advice from Dealership!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by gbgirl79, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. gbgirl79

    gbgirl79 New Member

    Jan 13, 2006
    Well, I have never run out of gas before and didnt expect to do it 1 week after buying my Prius, but s*** happens I guess.

    I had about 460 miles on the tank, which the dealer supposedly filled up when we bought the car. It said we were getting 45 mpg, so I figure mathematically we should be able to make it home from work and then some. Well, I thought wrong. It doesnt make sense to me Why we ran out of gas other than maybe the dealer didnt fill it up all the way, so Ill have to just wait and see what we get on the next tank.

    Onto the next problem. My bfriend walked to the nearest gas station, after our electric died as well. About 10 minutes later he returned with a small gas thing with about 2 gallons of gas and poured it in. We turned on the car and no dice. Would not start and acted like it didnt notice the gas. So I call Darcars Toyota Silver Spring, MD. The lady service advisor says "You have to have it towed to a Toyota Dealer and reprogrammed" What???

    I kept saying are you sure are you sure you think theyd Warn you about this at the dealership or put it in the manual if something like this is what you have to do when you run out of gas. She said yes shes sure.

    I dont trust her at this point and call Alexandria, VA Toyota. They said they dont know what shes talking about and give me the # to Roadside Assistance, who tells me that they dont support the 06 Prius anymore so I cant get help but she does say it takes 3 gallons to get the Prius to start again. So my boyfriend goes again, comes back and puts more gas in and Voila, on the road again.

    So 2 things to consider...

    1. If you run out of gas, you do NOT have to have your car "reprogrammed"
    2. Apparantly if you have an 06 Prius, it doesnt come with Roadside Assistance. Why?? Who knows...but probably because nobody knows how the hell to even get it started again after running out of gas. :lol:
  2. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    1. do not rely on the tank being 11.9 gallons and do not rely on your own calculations. if the bar is blinking, get gas. the bladder gives you extremely variable fillups, and rarely do they get much over 10 gallons.
    2. do not run until the electric dies. this can cause serious problems with your vehicle.
    3. roadside assistance was discontinued after the 05s
    4. the prius takes 3 gallons of gas to reset the gas gauge and the MFD, it does make sense in some twisted way.

    lesson learned: if the car says to get gas, LISTEN!

    sorry for the rant, but there's no reason to ever run out of gas in any vehicle, especially one that gets over 400 mi/tank.

    please, spend some time on priuschat and get to know your car a bit before something else crops up that you're not sure about. good luck.
  3. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Until you become familiar with the bizarre tendencies of the gas tank always fill asap after the last bar on the fuel guage starts flashing.

    If/when you run out of gas pull over and stop as soon as safely possible...do NOT continue to drive until the electric quits...this is clearly pointed out throughout several areas including the owner's manual. If you excessivly discharge your battery you very well MAY have to have the battery recharged...this will be an expensive and lengthy process and may lead to premature demise of your battery.

    But, as you surmised, if you run out just stop and put some gas in and it should start right up with no adverse consequences.
  4. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    Dealership not the issue. You need to become an informed driver. You have a vehicle that is very different in some ways but has hard to screw up instructions...listen to your vehicle and read the manual!!
  5. flynz4

    flynz4 Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    Portland, OR
    2015 Prius v wagon
    A friend of mine brought her car today to the dealer for an unrelated issue. She is still on her first tank, and has about 1/4 of a tank left. The dealer gave her strong advice to never let the tank go below 1/4... and those that do are likely to get expensive repairs. She was not sure why... but the dealer added that it would not be covered by warranty. Once again... I do not know if that is really accurate.

    On a similar thread... my (exceptional) mechanic recently changed a fuel pump for $650 on my daughters Jeep. He asked her if she routinely ran the tank low... and she said yes (college student without extra money). He claims that he changes fuel pumps every week for people who let their tanks run low because the submerged fuel pump gets its cooling from fuel. He said that if you never let the tank go below 1/4... then you will never need a replacement fuel pump.

    I have no idea if this is acurate or not for the Prius... but to me it is crazy to see how low you can go with the fuel in your tank. It is not hard to fill up more often. Maybe it is my training as a pilot (we don't have mid-air refueling for Cessnas :))... but IMHO there is no advantage to allowing the fuel to go low.

  6. mdmikemd

    mdmikemd Member

    Dec 3, 2005
    2017 Prius
    I have to say I'm puzzled with what seems to be an obsession of seeing the most you can get out of a tank. Most of the guys(and girls) doing these seem to be getting good mileage anyway. I've only let it go as low as 3 bars...well, that's my preference.
  7. jamarimutt

    jamarimutt New Member

    May 4, 2004
    I suspect that this a bogus story.
  8. HokieHybrid

    HokieHybrid New Member

    Dec 16, 2005
    2006 Prius
    I can attest to the poor fuel pumps in Jeeps if you let them run below a 1/4 tank. My sister has a love affair with Jeeps....her only two cars have been an 89 and 99 Blue Jeep Cherokee. Our mechanic and our father continually remind her to fill up often, but she has yet to learn. Three fuel pumps later...I have yet to drive her Jeep without having to fill it up.

    On the same line as the pilots...my father was a fire chief...and obsessively starts thinking about filling up the tank at 3/4.
  9. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    I'm with you on this. :rolleyes:
  10. lwillis

    lwillis New Member

    Sep 11, 2005
    Russiaville, Indiana
    I learned when I was young that it costs just as much to keep the tank full, as it does to keep it empty.
  11. Stairman

    Stairman New Member

    Nov 13, 2005
    I had exactly the same experience, except that I got to a filling station before the battery died. 45 X 11 = 495 right? Now I look for gas as soon as the guage begins to blink. It usually takes between 9 1/2 and 10 1/2 gallons.
  12. mmfjj

    mmfjj Junior Member

    Sep 25, 2005
    PA, USA
    I guess I'm in the minority here. I've been driving an 01 for 5.5 years and 80K miles, and I've always waited for the blink (and the ding). I usually get filled up 40-50 miles after the blink. The only exceptions were during long trips when I was taking a rest stop anyway.

    I did the same thing with all my previous cars, but of course wouldn't dare to go another 50 miles. I have never had any trouble with any fuel pump, nor have I been stranded. The 01 did stall on me several times, but that's a different issue and had been fixed.

    I'm on my 3rd tanks with the 06 and yes, had let it blink twice. I don't know if I'll change my ways for the 06. Old habits are hard to break. I generally pay very little attention to the car, even a Prius, until it starts to call my attention. Thank goodness the Prius gives a lot of feedback about low fuel, even on the MFD.

    I'm not dismissing the wisdom of keeping the tank near full, I'm just offering another data point. Procrastinators can drive a Prius, too :)
  13. priusham

    priusham New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
    Michigan - land of everlasting snowflake icon!
    I **LOVE** "I ran out of gas," threads.

    Only those of us with the RIGHT STUFF, true members of the brotherhood, can claim they intentionally ran out of gas in search of an elusive 600, 625, 650!, dare I say more(?), mile tank.

    Not that I ever did that. nudge nudge wink wink, Right Evan?

    Not in Michigan in the Winter! HOLY CATS! Down half a tank at 150 miles! In the summer, I don't lose the FIRST BAR until 200 miles!


  14. gbgirl79

    gbgirl79 New Member

    Jan 13, 2006
    100% not bogus. Ive NEVER run out of gas before. I just figured it would be ok. I read on here somebody got 105 miles out of the flashing light and I only had to go like 60. It is my fault to have cut it so close! But I just bought the car last week and havnt had alot of time to read up on this forum.

    The problem is what the dealership told me, it was a total lie. And I wanted to share in case anybody else here was told the same thing. Just trying to help out.
  15. 2Hybrids

    2Hybrids New Member

    Sep 17, 2005
    Eustis, Florida
    Please do not blame anyone other than yourself for running out of petrol. Isn't this one of the fundamental things you are taught when learning to drive? Sure, Toyota lied (or that one person you spoke to didn't know any better) but who did you really talk to when you called? Don't hold them all to that standard because you may have talked to the lot idiot.

    Wasn't the roadside assistance - or lack thereof, explained to you when you purchased the car?

    Sorry for that rant - I woke up this morning deciding that I was going to stop pandering, being politically correct, and just put it on the table.

    Okay, on to filling the tank before it drops below 1/4 - this is highly recommended for a reason. But no, it will NOT affect your warrantee - that was completely an assinine thing to say.

    It is RECOMMENDED (but not required) that you add fuel to your tank before it drops below 1/4 because in time, sediment and other contamination settles at the bottom of your tank. If you consistently run it from the bottom, that sediment gets into your fuel filter and other engine components.

    Now, with that said, I think this was very, very important on older cars and also because fuel and its processes were less refined.

    Oh, and by the way, welcome to PC!!!
  16. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    I learned when I was old that it costs MORE to keep the tank empty as it does to keep it full. :)
  17. Marlin

    Marlin New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Bucks County, PA
    2005 Prius
    I too am in the "fill it up before I absolutely need to camp". Usually around two bars.

    But for those who insist on thinking that they should be able to get 11.9 gallons of operation out of a 11.9 gallon tank, I feel I must point something out. Even if you ignore the fact that the gas is really inside a big balloon in the tank, there's another factor.

    Have you ever noticed that when you drink soda with a straw, it's hard to get every drop of it out of the bottom of the cup? You usually have to tip the cup so all the soda runs to one side and then it's deep enough to suck most of the rest out, right? And when you tip the cup, part of the cup bottom is high and dry, right?

    Well, think of your gas tank as a big 3 foot wide cup full of gas. How deep do you think a gallon of gas would be in this 3 foot wide cup? Less than an inch maybe? And what would happen to the level of gas across the bottom of the cup when you tip it, by going uphill, downhill, or by turning, braking, or accelerating? Part of the tank bottom would be high and dry, just like the soda cup, right? And when that happens, the fuel pump starts sucking air.

    And when that happens, the Prius's ECU decides that you must be out of gas and shuts down the engine. However, while other cars might just sputter a little and keep going, the Prius's ECU will refuse to restart the engine until it knows that you've added more fuel (3 gallons or more to be exact).

    So, while the Prius may have an 11.9 gallon tank, it can't practically use all 11.9 gallons in the tank, unless the tank was shaped like an inverted cone or funnel.
  18. smy

    smy New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
    Wilmette, IL

    I live in Chicago area, with just as harsh winters. Does the MPG on these cars suffer THAT MUCH during Winter?

  19. augustson

    augustson New Member

    Sep 14, 2005
    SE Georgia
    It seems (after reading some older entries in the forum) that some areas ARE getting roadside assistance and some aren't. The 2006 pocket guide from Toyota specifically mentions it. I know I checked with my dealer and he confirmed that I DID have it.

    If you got one of these pocket guides with your car, you might inquire with your dealer about it.
  20. gbgirl79

    gbgirl79 New Member

    Jan 13, 2006
    Some people here are a little harsh or quick to judge I think. I have been driving for long enough to know what is going on, and I have enough common sense IMO to figure that I should have been fine. If the tank was full, like they said when we left the dealership, and I was getting 45 mpg like the car said, that means that I only have 10.2 useable gallons in the Prius. Now I have owned many cars and NONE of them have overated the tank size by that much.

    As far as not running the car under 1/4 of a tank. I dont see why that would be a problem. You dont want to run a car to empty every time but 1/4 tank is totally safe. After time stuff does build up which is why the fuel filter is easily replaceable and not a very expensive part.

    So now I know, only expect to get 10.2 useable miles out of my Prius. Doesnt seem to make alot of sense to me when it says it has an 11.9 gallon tank. Id think id at least get 11 gallons out of that tank. But its no big deal, I know better now.

    And NO the dealership did not tell us that Roadside Assistance was not available for the 06 Prius.