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S4 Strategies....

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by efusco, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I use an EBH. In warmer months this means ICE temp is usually around 135-140 after that initial cool-down you see immediately after the ICE spins up, but then quickly climbs to the "magic" 154 degree temp. For me that's often before I exit my subdivision (~1/4 mile)...in the winter it takes closer to 1/2 mile and I've exited the subdivision.

    My strategy is that I can usually blow through the first 2 stop signs I encounter as they are on very rural very minimally traveled roads that traffic from all 4 direction is easy to see (yes, I'm being safe if illegal). I can continue a nice pulse and glide until the first real intersection that requires at least a slow rolling stop and usually a full stop.

    If I wanted I could come to a complete stop for 6 seconds at either of the first 2 stops and allow the car to go into S4...but I don't really NEED it in S4 at that point and it seems more efficient to just maintain my momentum.

    The problem is that at my 3rd stop it's often difficult to justify the full 6 second stop b/c traffic is heavier and it's conspicuous when I'm not going and traffic comes over a nearby hill.

    My 4th potential stop is a traffic light that I try to time so I don't have to stop...if I do stop I certainly allow S4 to occur there. Missing that there's often not another good place of up to 6 or 7 miles!

    So I'm curious what fellow anal retentive hypermilers are doing...do you always take the full 6 second stop at the very first opportunity, wait until a better opportunity comes along and just deal with the lack of sub-35mph P&G or what?
  2. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    I'm curious about this too, since the driving in our area does not call for stops. We only have one traffic light in the county, and that one is 25 miles away. My typical Prius trip involves leaving the driveway cold, traveling two short blocks at low speed, then going 25 miles at 55 mph before the first stop. There is a stretch of 30 mph road through another village 15 miles away. I know on some occasions I have traveled that 30 mph zone on electric only, but perhaps that only happens if I have stopped before. I doesn't seem like that's the case, but I haven't studied it formally. I wonder if it is possible that I am getting S4 without the six second stop?

  3. JimboK

    JimboK One owner, low mileage

    May 1, 2006
    Chesterfield, VA
    2005 Prius
    I have a handful of stop signs on the commute routes, and I also do the slow roll when I can do so safely. If I have to stop, traffic behind me often prevents sitting long enough for the idle check.

    These days I generally just wait for the idle check until I know I have to stop anyway. My regular commutes have enough red lights along the way that one of them will catch me long enough for it. Meanwhile, the routes I choose generally allow slow enough speeds to use the EV switch, so there's no urgency. And if not, they allow sub-41 MPH glides.

    Before the days of the EV switch I would be more eager to get her into S4, stopping at lights or stop signs that I now try to optimize approach glides towards. Occasionally I would use a parking lot if I could pull into it at a slow glide. I still do that from time to time for certain non-commute trips when there is uncertainty about upcoming opportunities to do it sitting in a travel lane. The main motivation now is to eliminate the nuisance of continually pounding the EV button.
  4. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Not a hypermiler, I do drive efficiently so my strategy is regardless of weather, cut through neighborhood, ~1.7 miles, using a maximum speed of ~27 mph and coasting in "N" to minimize fuel burn. [​IMG]
    When I reach the last neighborhood segment, I'll ramp up to 35 mph and coast down in "D" to see if the ICE will auto-stop:
    1. It does not autostop - the coolant has not reached 70C so the ICE can not transition into S4. I stay stopped in "N" until the light changes and continue my commute using 35-38 mph and looking for evidence of S3 autostop.
    2. Does autostop - means holding the brakes on, I pulse the ICE to get it spinning. If MG1 rpm does not drop within seconds to 3,500, I shift into "N" and wait until it does for at least 10 seconds. Then I shift into "D" to see if it will S4 autostop. If not, I go back to "N" and try again later in the commute.
    Until I know I'm in S4, I try to use 35-38 mph commuting speed since in S3 it will autostop. Speeds below ~32 mph, it won't autostop in S3.

    BTW, there is some evidence that stopped in "N" with the ICE running may allow the S3 to S4 trigger to occur but in "N", it can not stop the ICE. This is very subjective data that is what I think I'm seeing.

    Bob Wilson