Prii drive fine in snow! Just drive carefully and watch out for people who are driving too fast for conditions. Let's be careful out there. Stay warm and stay safe! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I made it safe to home. The mpg was horrible but I didn't feel any difference with driving in rain. Now I'm drinking non alcohol Champaign with my wife. Have a great weekend!
I had one winter where the Prius got about 24in of snow and ice accumulated on it from the ground up the hood, over the windshield and roof, and out the back. Combination of high winds and multiple snow dumps over a few days of not driving it. When I finally went to drive it, I couldn't open the hatch. Probably a couple hundred pounds of snow on it. Oh well, just another winter day lol.
Yeah I stayed around 30 mpg around town in part due to using charge mode to draw excess engine heat into the cabin. If I was using HV mode only, it probably would have been 40 mpg. (Whereas in the warmer seasons that same trip would have been 65+mpg.)
I find that around town if I just turn the HVAC off at a light or when stopped, there is enough residual heat to blow somewhat warm air out. MPGs really aren't too different than around town assuming in HV mode (as that's all my Gen2 has lol). When it is -20 outside, even 50F air is tropical.
This was not a fun experience - we got about 6" and lost power for 3 days. On the bright side, my Prius wasn't badly damaged by my ignominious skidding into a parking lot curb.
Do Prius drivers put cardboard in front of radiator in winter these days? Maybe that was just an NHW11 old-timer thing.