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Something wrong with PriusOnLine? 4/4/08

Discussion in 'PriusChat Website Questions' started by Ct. Ken V, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. Ct. Ken V

    Ct. Ken V Active Member

    Oct 16, 2007
    2005 Prius

    I know when PriusChat is having problems you guys ask for help over at PriusOnLine. Well, tonight I was trying to post at POL & I couldn't get my post to submit (it locked up). So I opened another session & logged on to POL again to do a copy & paste (my successful method in the past to enter a post when it won't submit the 1st time).

    Low & behold, my post was already there, but I had additional info to add & correct, so I went to "edit" my post on that session & each time after doing the edit submission & having it stop & freeze with only 1/2 of the activity progress bar filled (I don't what you computer geeks call that bar, but I'm sure most of you know what I'm talk'g about).

    I tried at least 3 times with no success, so think'g my computer was running slow & to blame, I logged out of POL on both sessions to get ready to close both sessions before shut'g down my computer, but both logouts gave me a message something to the effect of "SQL4Sequence Error"? (I'm not sure of the exact word'g or letters) & "Too many connections". As I said above I've been successful lots of times being connected to POL on 2 sessions to do my copy & paste method of salvaging an unsuccessful 1st post submission.

    I shut my computer down, waited a few minutes & re-started it (which I've been told dumps the temporary files that sometimes slow things down). After the re-boot speed did improve, but when I attempt to open PriusOnLine I still get that SQL error & too many connections warning (but I'm NOT connect to POL yet). It also says if the problem persists to contact the administrator, but how would you do that if you can't even get connected?

    So, after my long-winded relating to all of you about what transpired, I guess my questions become : #1, Is something wrong with POL? or #2, Is it my computer (or the operator) that's to blame for this? or #3, Did I get locked out of the site for being a bad boy & overload'g the system by having 2 connections at the same time from the same computer (even though I've done it before with no punishment)?. If it's not the site having trouble, but me being locked out instead, I wonder if somebody has a way to get ahold of Pete Hatton over at PriusOnLine & have him re-instate me or contact me (my e-mail address is in his registration files). Thanks, guys.

    Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
  2. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    With the SQL error clearly coming from POL, I can't imagine why
    you'd think it was comig from your own computer.
    Hopefully they didn't get pwnd again...
  3. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    ken, i'm getting the same message. sounds like the site is just temporarily down, i'm sure it's nothing you did ;)
  4. Ct. Ken V

    Ct. Ken V Active Member

    Oct 16, 2007
    2005 Prius

    Hobbit, just to clarify, I didn't think the message was coming from my computer, but that something bad that I or my computer did that caused the message to be returned to me from POL. I don't have any understanding of what an SQL error is or means.

    Galaxee, thanks for letting me know that you're getting the same message too. Now I know that I'm not a loner who did something wrong or stupid. I feel a lot better now. This is why these 2 Prius sites are so great. Some different people are on each one & the 2 sites contribute to/compliment each other. That's what it's all about---sharing info & help'g one another!!

    Ken (in Bolton,Ct)