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System going in today, plz wish me luck !

Discussion in 'Gen 4 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by Chris Wolfgram, Oct 7, 2022.

  1. Chris Wolfgram

    Chris Wolfgram Active Member

    Oct 20, 2019
    Sacramento CA
    2019 Prius
    Having my system installed today. Nothing I couldn't do (or haven't done) myself.... I just don't want to spend 3 days twisting and turning, laid across my foot jams, legs out on the driveway...

    But let me backtrack for a minute. I had basically this same system in my 2019 LE, and it was the cleanest, most balanced daily driver system I've ever put together in my 40 years of putting together aftermarket systems. And it played everything well :)
    So when my 2019 got stolen, I think sometime that same day, I thought, "Well I know I'm getting another Prius, and it will have to have the same exact stereo system !
    Unfortunately, I found out that my Kicker KXA 800.5 amp has been discontinued :( Darnit, that thing did such a great job, and never gave me the smallest problem. And the thing is, I had learned from one installer over in the mid West, that this amp worked perfectly (without causing any electrical error popups) in his wifes 2019 Prius LE ! He actually tried a couple stronger amps too, and he said it was good up to about 120 amps (or should I say, amps fused for 120 amps) After that, it would pop up with an error/ warning, and shut everything down for safety. Glad he did all that, so I wouldn't have too :) lol
    So yea, my Kicker 5ch never gave me any problems either, and it was fused for 90 amps. Its anybody's guess how much it actually drew when I was playing hard ? 50, 60 amps ? Granted, Toyota recommends a max amperage draw of 40.... but again, I never had a problem

    So, lets skip forward to now. I ended up going with an Infinity reference series 5 ch, with almost the same specs (wattage output for all 5ch) and it's also fused for 90 amps. Closest thing I could find to my kicker. Hope its very comparable.
    Also, the last time I had a pair of co-axials in each of the 4 door placements, and a pair of tweeters in the two dash spots. Problem with that, is that made the resistance on my front two channels only 2ohms. Never caused any problem for the amp, but I always wondered if that might have hurt anything, sound wise ?
    So, this time around, I'm going with a pair of co-axials in the rear doors, and a set of component mids / highs, with mids in the front doors, and the tweets in the dash. So it will be 4 ohms all the way around. Except 2 ohms for the sub channel.

    The box came out perfect ;) Giving myself about a 9.8 out of 10 :) I'll bet you my Prius, its within a few cubic inches of exactly 3/4's of a cubic foot. Tuned to 35 hz, with an 18.5" x 3" diameter port.

    So, almost worth a separate post, but why does my 2021 XLE, have little diagonal corners in the back left and right of the trunk ? Those definitely took some extra time and work, building the box, but in the end, my box fits tightly into the slant of my back seats, and I notched those corners to fit like a puzzle piece.
    Also, did the trunks get deeper / taller ? So I put my finished box in place, and swung the little trunk cover down, and the top of the box seems to be 1 1/2" lower ? Kind of freaked me out for a bit... I thought I screwed up my measurements, but I checked and rechecked my numbers about 4 X's and nope. Just like the last box in my 2019, but it sits 1 1/2" lower ? Hmmm. That's okay, that gives me a little bit more space in the cubby spot on top of my box. I usually carry a shaving bag, hoodie, towels, etc up there, then let the little cover piece hang down to keep stuff up there, and hide it from view.

    Here's my subwoofer. LOVE these little things :) Small, but mighty ! Freaking thing weighs 27 lbs ! And its so deep, that the motor literally tries to touch the back of the box > but I chiseled out a little notch right there, to insure it wouldn't rattle against it ;) Edit: Its the little photo that looks like an Amazon add :) lol

    Oh, and also this time around, sound deadening in the whole trunk area and all 4 door...
    Needless to say, this was a nice little chunk of change, and some labor. Sure hope it works "as well" as my last Prius system. If it happens to be a little bit better, that's just a bonus :)

    Here's my amp. Hope it does as well as the Kicker did.
    box notch.jpg IMG_20221006_122118737_HDR.jpg IMG_20221006_130123303_HDR.jpg IMG_20221006_130217151_HDR.jpg
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