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Tell Automakers Why You Want Green Cars Today

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by BMcGraw, Mar 30, 2006.

  1. BMcGraw

    BMcGraw Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    Southern California
    I just received the following Energy & Global Warming Alert from Care2 and thought it might be of interest in PC.

    "Did you know that Americans spent $250 billion on our oil addiction last year? Maybe the word addiction is a bit strong, but I really don't think so - we're just four percent of the world's population, yet we consume 25% of the world's oil.

    Many of us are strongly committed to using less energy, using cleaner energy, biking and walking when possible, and driving greener cars. But we need some help from the major automakers, and we're not getting enough of it. So please take a moment to tell automakers why you want green cars now! by clicking on this link: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/865259740?z00m=78671&z00m=78671&ltl=1143747310

    Here's an amazing - and disturbing - fact: if we simply used existing technology to ensure all cars got no less that 40 miles per gallon, we would save four times the amount of oil that could be produced by drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. We have the technology - we just need automakers to use it.

    I read a news report recently that described how scientists are spotting polar bears drowning in the Arctic as more and more ice melts. Polar bears are extremely well adapted to their environment; the fact that they are starting to drown in significant numbers signals a serious problem, and needs to be a wake-up call for our country. We need to change our ways, and fast.

    Think about the people, places, plants and animals that would be better off if automakers do their part to help us break our oil dependence and transition to a more sustainable future. Then sign this petition to automakers and let them know how you feel. We'll deliver your comments to Detroit and Tokyo. We want Bill Ford, Rick Wagoner, and the other CEOs to truly grasp what's at risk... and to respond.

    Thank you!

    Rebecca Young,
    Care2 and ThePetitionSite team

    Thank you for signing up to receive Energy & Global Warming Alerts via ThePetitionSite or Care2 website! Your email address has not been bought from other sources. If you learned something interesting from this newsletter, please forward it to your friends, family and colleagues."
  2. momfortheenvironment

    Mar 9, 2006
    Southern New Hampshire
    hmmm wonder why I didn't get that one, anyway thank you, I signed! I've also been to Alaska and am so against them drilling up there.