It's funny when conservatives accuse democrats as being like terrorists. Sounds like Mr Ahmadinejad and the conservative right have a similar view in terms of a heterosexual utopia.
So, do you believe both those statements? If, not do yo believe one and not the other, and if so why?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Devil's Advocate @ Sep 24 2007, 04:35 PM) [snapback]517076[/snapback]</div> I believe him with the same regard as any theocratic evangelical religious political zealot. In other words, I don't lend much credence to his words. Do I believe Iran has right to a nuclear device? They have as much right as any nation I guess. Will it be "peaceful". Probably just as "peaceful" as any other nuclear possessing nation. My preference is no, but if the alternative is war with them, then I say go Cold war strategy. I do not believe that there aren't any homosexuals in Iran. In fact, I'd hazard to guess that there are probably the same number as most societies. Unfortunately, it's probably lethal for them to come out of the closet so we don't get an accurate count.
The only flaw I see in the "Cold War" strategy is that it seems that the Iranian's don't fear killing most if not all of their citizens. In otherwords I don't believe the MAD strategy to be a deterent to a people who believe that 72 virgins await them in heaven if they die in battle!
I think that Mr. Ahmadinejad qualifies as an Iranian liberal. He talks to us, wears clothing like we do in the west, and has traveled half way around the world to talk with us. I haven't heard anything from him about converting the Christian world to his religion. He is an advocate for Iran, and also for the Palestinians. I suggest that we would be well advised to talk with the gentleman. There are many in his part of the world that are not willing to talk, and just want to destroy us. His description of the Holocaust probably plays well in Iran. It really irritates us, and that buys him credibility at home. He wouldn't be the first politician to play to his constituency. I doubt that any amount of education and proof that we could present would change a public posture that works for him. Kind of like trying to teach Bush about global warming. Iran's interest in nuclear power is a disaster. It will pollute their land, and may well pollute ours. Haven't we already demonstrated that enough? Maybe we should invite him to tour the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. He could talk with the locals about how much trouble that single facility has caused us. Perhaps a group of homosexuals would like to meet with him. They could talk about the plight of Iranian homosexuals. Bet that would make Mr. Ahmadinejad a lot more uncomfortable than his dismissal of the Holocaust makes us.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Devil's Advocate @ Sep 24 2007, 06:30 PM) [snapback]517134[/snapback]</div> I think that unless you've immersed yourself in the country and have learned to know the people of Iran(not just the sound bites from "american mainstream media"), it might be a little bit premature to assume that the first thing Iran will do when gaining possession of a nuke is strap it on a suicide bomber and walk in to Jeruselum or NYC. I'm sure over 50% of Americans wholeheartedly believe this as strongly as they once believed in WMDs, Iraq's link to Al Qaeda, Iraq's involvement with 9/11, Santa Claus, etc... Why is getting to know your "enemy" such a bad thing?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ Sep 24 2007, 02:56 PM) [snapback]517087[/snapback]</div> You're almost right. They have the same number, minus the ones they have executed: From Human Rights Watch
Perhaps it's just that it's late and I'm tired, but if I'm not mistaken, this thread has so far covered homosexuals, terrorists, Democrats, conservatives, nuclear weapons, suicide bombers, and of course Santa Claus. And all in less than ten posts. Throw in Hitler and Jesus and we've got a party!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Sep 24 2007, 10:53 PM) [snapback]517252[/snapback]</div> And between the thread title and Tony's post, I think there's the plot of a potentially brilliant South Park episode, maybe with a big dance number set to A Flock of Seagulls' "Iran, Iran so far away."
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Devil's Advocate @ Sep 24 2007, 06:30 PM) [snapback]517134[/snapback]</div> This is such a typical right-wing response... You take the example of religious extremists from the region and apply it to everyone in the country. As i've said before, people who rise to power do so for one reason - they want that power. While they may fool those who put them there with extremist talk, in reality they only want one thing: more power. They aren't going to sacrifice all of their power just because they have a bigger bomb than they already do. As far as the quote from the OP, I think that Iran, like any country, has the right to any peaceful technology. simply building a nuclear power plant doesn't mean they're going to build a bomb, it's our fears that tell us thats "what will happen". As for the homosexual statement... How many of those did we have in the US 50 years ago? 100? from what i've heard, not too many... It's a rather recent "development" here in the US. Of course, that just means that only recently (past 20-30 years) has it become socially and culturally acceptable. Before that, the country was in denial, and looked down on those who practiced that lifestyle. While we didn't go so far as to imprison or execute people for it, we still shared the same general feelings towards it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Devil's Advocate @ Sep 24 2007, 07:30 PM) [snapback]517134[/snapback]</div> You are 100% correct - the same way the Japanese died for their Man-God Emperor with Kamikaze attacks the Iranian Islamofascists will die for their cause too rendering a western style concept like MAD useless in this case. Does iran belong having a nuclear weapon - about as much as hitler deserved having one. there are willing idiots in this country who dont get these points - simply because a country exists does not automatically allow it to possess wmd's. We find countries like NoKo who were allowed to develop nuclear weapons ACTIVELY EXPORTING THIS TECHNOLOGIES TO OTHER TERROR STATES LIKE SYRIA - IS THAT OK WITH EVERYONE HERE TOO? The Iranians feed millions of their own citizens into a meat grinder war with Iraq - millions of them for no reason - you dont think they would sacrifice a few more in an attempt to create their life long ambition of creating a caliphate? Does anyone think here that Iran was not involved at all, in the slightest, with what was going on in Syria? And the whole point of his homosexual comment at columbia (another useless idiot enabler of evil there too or should i say two of them - save for their deans of the law and business schools) was meant as a warning to them in his own country. i am amazed at those who should know history, and yet allow the ascent of another potential mass murderer (already considered by some to be a mass murderer of his own people not to mention hundreds of US soldiers iran is responsible for killing directly and indirectly through its close connections with hezbollah and other terror groups) into a position of being even a bigger killer. sure let iran gets nukes - no problem - why not - he wont use them - because the US has even more to kill him --- well how many does he have to use to kill thousands or tens of thousands - is using even one ok with you all here. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ Sep 25 2007, 10:10 AM) [snapback]517375[/snapback]</div> if iran wanted only to build nuclear power plants why not just buy one from GE or Siemans or Toshiba? Why bother with the billions and billions of dollars needed to recreate the wheel and the time delay as well. and why do they need a nuclear power plant in the first place - they want to save the earth from greenhouse gasses :lol:
Sen. Larry Craig: "I am not Gay" I think says it all concerning the GOP. There are no Gays in the GOP, and also if asked, they would tell you all Gays are going to hell anyway. So yes, the Republicans secretly *love* the prez of Iran because he stands up for the things they stand up for. In fact, many would say he was put into power covertly by Bush Co, just to play into their plans for attack.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Sep 25 2007, 09:52 AM) [snapback]517389[/snapback]</div> It's called independence. You love spouting how much the people over there hate us and want to kill us - you think they want to rely on us for the energy needs?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ Sep 25 2007, 07:10 AM) [snapback]517375[/snapback]</div> Peaceful nuclear technology does not need highly enriched (or weapons' grade) uranium which the Iranian government is so intent on producing. New York Times - Highly Enriched Uranium Found at Iranian Plant This statement is almost as ludicrous as Ahmadinejad's claim that there are no homosexuals in Iran. The number of gay people in the United States has not changed by much over the years. The only thing that has changed is the number of homosexuals who are open about their homosexuality and who are no longer living in the closet.
Why is okay for us to have nuclear weapons and not others? You choose-- A. So we can force others to accept democracy. B. So we can run around the world killing people so they don't do something evil like go to another country and kill people. C. So we can continue to have access to oil and other goods at cheap prices in order to maintain the hedonistic american way of life. D. So we can continue to have freedom of religion so we can go around the world and tell them that Jesus loves them (I got Jesus into the conversation, someone else can work on Hitler). PA P
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ Sep 25 2007, 10:59 AM) [snapback]517392[/snapback]</div> r u 4 real? lets see, iran sits on one of the worlds largest oil deposits and cant make enough gasoline for itself - why and do they care? are we not dependent on them for stuff. and how would they be dependent on us if they buy european nuclear power plants - they know the germans and french are reliable partners. and tell me are they not dependent on others for: food???????????????? medicine????????????????????? airplanes ?????????????????????????????? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius @ Sep 25 2007, 11:15 AM) [snapback]517395[/snapback]</div> r we agreeing on something? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PA Prius @ Sep 25 2007, 11:30 AM) [snapback]517401[/snapback]</div> a. yes - better than forcing ism's on people like fascism, nazism, - better than dictatorships. so yes i am a big fan of democracy - they tend not to make war on other democracies. b. yes. if iraq had nukes (remember israel destroying its nuclear reactor in 1981 preventing them developing them) and they then invaded kuwait (sounds like a real life story here and a potential role model for other little dictators with nukes) what could we have done?????? NOTHING. Imagine an iran iraq war with both sides have nukes????? c. cheap oil?? you must not drive or heat your home with fossil fuels. if we went there to take their oil gas would be $0.50 / gallon. jeez for once i wish we would - heck we could invade canada easier - they dont have the military iraq did. even Venezuela. american way of life provides enough food for billions of people and generates hundreds of billions of $'s in charity each year - it provides for modern medicine and an overall improvement in human life - it provides for democracy around the world today - so by me its ok - and much better than your alternative which you seem to favor. e. i am Jewish, I dont know if Jesus loves me - i could care less - that is unless he really is who people say he is then I care a lot. my God and my belief in God is a o k - if you dont have a belief in God or Jesus you should respect those that do.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius @ Sep 25 2007, 10:15 AM) [snapback]517395[/snapback]</div> maybe it came off wrong... But i was simply illustrating the point that back then the country didn't recognize homosexuals, just like Iran doesn't do so now. They were there, "in the closet", but no one knew it, just like in Iran right now. I thought the rest of the paragraph explained that portion of it - the part that you omitted from the quote.