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Toyota dealer pulling back said delivery date, screwing me?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by whitespider, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. whitespider

    whitespider Member

    May 15, 2007
    Lansing, FL
    2015 Prius
    Is Toyota screwing me somehow in a game i'm not familiar with? I thought I won when I got a pkg#5 2007 for $24,900 with taxes and frees ($500 in BS 'dealer fees' which i was OK with for this price, and taxes and tags for rest) for a total of a little over $27,200. I was happy, I succeeded. I signed the papers after reading them, put down my $500 credit card deposit (not cash incase things went sour, as i read on some sites for advice) and left with the idea that June 9th was my day and with the numbers and details agreed upon i couldn't lose.

    Then trouble starts. I call toyota to ask about valet cards (see another topic on this) and after getting my response on that I asked to confirm if 'this saturday' (June 9th, the day they quoted me before, which btw is not on paperwork) is the day I should expect, of course, to come in. The guy is hessitant about the answer throwing out scary words like "unsure about availability on that car" and such. I freaked.. he said he would check and call me back. A little over an hour passes and I call him.. he says 'she' wasn't in and if it was OK if he could get back to me later.. or... tomorrow (which is today, btw, June 6th).. 8 PM my time and no call.

    I'm concerned. Are they trying to take me out of the market then screwing me out of the car I want? What kind of game could be in the works with them? I'm now unsure if i'll even be guaranteed the car details I wanted.

    What should I do? My two friends (i'm 22, they're the same age) said I should pressure them by asking for a loaner car (i never traded in a car though) on June 9th incase things dont come out the way I want.

    Could anyone chime in and educate me on what's going on here? Am I screwed somehow, here? I don't mind a little longer wait, if anything, but can it be worse than that or much more shady than I think?

    (Might have to change my signature if things don't go well) :(
  2. derkraut

    derkraut Member

    Oct 8, 2006
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(whitespider @ Jun 6 2007, 05:28 PM) [snapback]456976[/snapback]</div>
  3. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    What papers did you sign? Was it a purchase agreement for a specific car (ie VIN # on the paper)? If so then definately chill for now. If they don't deliver or sell the car from under you then you've got a very legit gripe and can threaten law suits, demand a higher package car for the same price, whatever. But right now you're just getting typical dealer chaos.

    If the paper you signed was a vague agreement without a VIN then you may, very well, be getting screwed around with if they found someone willing to pay more for a similar car. If so there's nothing you can demand (ok, you can demand but you won't get anything besides a curt apology) and that's your own fault for not having covered the bases while the slime bag worked you over.
  4. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Prius can be hard to get, especially in a given color and package. When we got ours, the dealer knew it was on the boat before he could commit to an approximate date. Keep calling so they know you are serious, but keep your cool. I don't think they are trying to screw with you, just having a hard time with delivery schedules.

  5. whitespider

    whitespider Member

    May 15, 2007
    Lansing, FL
    2015 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jun 6 2007, 09:35 PM) [snapback]457019[/snapback]</div>
    Agreed. It was the latter. Man, if only I would have thought of that. I spent about a month doing my homework on not getting screwed and I guess this was the problem. So I guess they could very well have sold the car..

    BTW the car was 'somewhere else' meaning at a port, at another dealership, I don't know.

    Tomorrow I will call, as today was when he was supposed to call back.

    We shall see where this goes, but damn, I didn't think of asking them to write the VIN on the agreement (there's a space there for it, but the only information filled out was what I requested specifically).
  6. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Whitespider, Toyota builds car and basically sells them to an importer that sells them to a dealer. IF you are being subjected to shady practices it is the dealer, not the manufacturer. As Evan said, read your paperwork. I'm sure, at best, you have an "order". The agreement is to sell you a car in a specific color with a specific option package at a specific price IF the dealer gets one. An unethical dealer will take a promised car and sell it to another customer who is willing to pay more. Your only recourse in this situation is to find the car yourself and come to an agreement with that dealer. In reality you probably only have a "reservation" for that car.

    Last year I was led to believe I was ordering an option 7 silver car from Toyota and the dealer gave me an estimated delivery date in September. I was notified when the next batch of cars arrived and was given the option on 3 that were not spoken for, none of which was the car I "ordered". I agreed to trade down and am happy with the car I own. My original "order" was imediately discarded.

    The game works both ways. If you have a refundable deposit (good move on the plastic) on the car at one dealer contact the Internet Sales Managers at others as far out as you are willing to travel and see what they can do for you.

    Here's a trick to be wary of that may be in season now. Dealer will promise a 2007 model year car knowing full well it won't come due to the scheduled model year changeover. Dealer will string customer along with alibis like "we can't find it" or "it's on the boat" or "it was reallocated at the port" until it is too late for the customer to get a 2007 anywhere. Customer is then notified that only a 2008 can be purchased and (big surprise) Toyota changed the pricing so the original deal can't be honored.

    If you didn't read through www.carbuyingtips.com do it now. They prey on everyone so don't feel singled out. No matter how it turns out you are going through a valuable learning experience. Don't get emotional over the car. I hope everything turns out well for you.
  7. whitespider

    whitespider Member

    May 15, 2007
    Lansing, FL
    2015 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JimN @ Jun 6 2007, 10:16 PM) [snapback]457062[/snapback]</div>
    This really makes me uncomfortable. I'm under the impression of the idea that I couldn't pull back on the deposit and would have to reverse charges on my card if i don't get a reply, especially since i havn't been called back at all.

    I'm not sure where to go, now. I mean i'm fine buying the car elsewhere, since i like the price at carsdirect.com (very close to what i was offered) and wouldn't mind there, but my deposit then would be lost.
  8. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    My opinion is that these things just happen. When I ordered my Prius last summer, I initially had an estimated delivery date of mid-June. By the end of it, the car didn't make it to the dealership until mid-July, and it barely made it for the weekend I had planned to pick it up in Chicago (I'm in SC).
    The whole scenario made me sweat, but it wasn't any fault of the dealership. Delivery dates to the port change on a daily basis. I don't think anyone's trying to screw you over. Buying it through CarsDirect would basically be buying the same car you've already ordered. You'll be subjected to the same time delays since CD gets the car from the same place.
  9. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    Certain Prius colors and package combinations are difficult to find and can take quite a while.......... be patient !! DON'T blow the deal........ chill and be "civil" to the Dealer and ask him HONESTLY what is going on..... DON'T try to go over his head at this point unless he did something like sell your vehicle to someone else or something "slimey" like that (and be SURE first before you accuse him !!)

    My Wife and I were VERY, VERY "lucky"................... there were NO Silver Pine Mica TOURING with Package #5 and gray (cloth) interior ANYWHERE in the S.E.T. (South East Toyota) area, NONE.........
    We originally gave the Toyota Dealer a deposit (personal check) and were planning to wait for 90 DAYS or MORE for one with this exact configuration. Well four days later we get a phone call from the dealer telling us he "found" one on it's way to port (Jacksonville, Florida) and it should be arriving at that port in about a week or so..... only problem was it was already "assigned" to another Dealer in North Carolina and he didn't know if it was sold (at THAT Dealership) or even under deposit. After he called them he found out it was NOT and he asked that Dealer if they could "trade" (vehicles before they arrive at port, while still on the ship) and they DID !! If it was NOT for this great fate, great piece of luck, we STILL would be waiting today and a couple of months more..................
    Another GREAT thing was that we were able to ELIMINATE (cancel) that $699 ToyoGuard Plus Package they put on at port.... saved another $699 !! (Almost 99% of the S.E.T. Toyota's have it.......... forced to pay $699 for this useless, overpriced, package !!)
    It seems that SPM as well as certain other popular colors are VERY, VERY "difficult-to-find" now ..............
    We really enjoy the color we selected (Silver Pine Mica) and I am sure you will be happy once you get YOURS in whatever color you chose, and in our case we would NOT have "settled" for any other color and just waited-and-waited-and-waited if we had to !!
  10. SSmith

    SSmith Junior Member

    May 21, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(whitespider @ Jun 7 2007, 08:59 AM) [snapback]457294[/snapback]</div>

    When buying my car last month I TWICE paid $500 deposits for a car that was to be transferred from another dealer. I began my negotiation at the Costco buying program price and worked down from there as I talked to the different dealers.

    Dealer #1 claimed that the dealers had stopped trading Priuses (Prii??) and they could not get a Seaside Pearl in the package I wanted. However they were very eager to sell me the Seaside Pearl in a package I did not want. They could not assure me of a delivery date, nor would they stick to the negotiated price.

    At that point I went to dealer #2 who again was going to get the car from another dealer; they actually beat dealer #1's price. As soon as we had signed the paperwork and they had my deposit I returned to dealer #1 where they refunded my deposit without any problems.

    I kept calling dealer #2 for status and was told the transfer was looking good, they were just determining the car they would be sending back in return. The next day when I called I was told the other dealer had sold the car. Again I was in limbo because the dealer had no idea when the color and package I wanted would be in.

    After getting off the phone with dealer #2 I hit the internet and called Toyota dealers in neighboring states looking for one that had the car in stock. I found one about 2.5 hours away in WI and asked them to hold for me for the following day. I arrived just as they were opening and was driving my new car home later in the day. On Friday I went into dealer #2 where my deposit was refunded without and problems. The day after I bought the car the salesman from dealer #1 called to say the had my package in RED available and wanted me to come in and look at it. :blink:

    I have read a number of posts lately that have been similar to what you and I have been through. If you are really wanting the car now I suggest that you find a dealer that has the color and package that you want in stock and deal with them directly You know the carsdirect price, if they won't match that you are free to walk out without giving them your business. That will eliminate and of the issues with dealer transfers or waiting for a boat to arrive.

    I have had the car 2 weeks today and it was worth it to me to get more aggressive in my purchasing tactics. I traded in a truck that averaged about 16 MPG and for my first 2 tanks (860 miles) I am averaging over 52 MPG with the Prius. I hope to improve upon that as I learn how the feather the pedal for extended glides.

    Hang in there, you will enjoy the car once you finally have it.
  11. whitespider

    whitespider Member

    May 15, 2007
    Lansing, FL
    2015 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SSmith @ Jun 7 2007, 11:03 AM) [snapback]457337[/snapback]</div>
    I think those few words were the most encouraging yet, strangely enough.

    I gave another call to the sales manager, who personally helpped in my sale. He said he couldn't find my file and that it was locked and that my salesman wasn't there and that he would call back.... ready?... tomorrow. And that if not I could call him tomorrow past 2 pm. Heh.

    Wow, I just couldn't feel worse. I went to carsdirect.com and just went with it. I called the guy up immediately and told him my situation and asked him for a reasonable out the door. He offered (though he didn't know it himself) $40 out the door above what the dealer offered me, which wasn't bad. I asked him if he could match the dealer when i told him of that fact and he didn't seem to fight the idea (but he couldn't agree since it was just an 'estimate' out the door or something I guess). He said he will definately call me back later today. He knows how I feel about all of this and I don't BS. I present the truth and when I get BSed I just confront passively implying my awareness of the BS and they usually change face.

    Still feeling awful about it, but the words of encouragement help, since it's a ray of hope.
  12. ZA_Andy

    ZA_Andy Member

    Jun 5, 2007
    Other Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(whitespider @ Jun 7 2007, 01:21 PM) [snapback]457440[/snapback]</div>
    I think you have to get this whole thing in perspective, because a week or a month from now you'll be driving around in your very own new Prius, enjoying the experience and the sour taste of dealership hassles will be fading into the past. The car is the thing, you know you want one, you know you're buying one, you know pretty much what you'll be paying for it, all you don't know for sure right now is where it's going to come from and exactly when. Think ahead!

    As for the present problem, it's really quite simple. You gave them a deposit in good faith and they if they aren't going to deliver on it, there won't be a problem getting your money back. Toyota dealers, like those for all the big motor manufacturers may be sleazeballs to deal with, but they're not thieves. If they ARE messing you around, they know it and they'll hand back your money without a quibble because there's no point in them keeping it - they won't have a car you want to buy. If they're NOT messing you about, they'll try and keep your business if they can - and you can help them do that by calmly explaining that you're frustrated with the way they're treating you, and that you want to know when they will have your car available, that if they don't have that information by a date you specify for them, you'll take your business elsewhere.

    Take control of the process, make the decisions you need to make in order to get the car you want, and impose your expectations on the dealer or take your business elsewhere - you are, after all, worth a lot of money to the dealer who makes the sale to you.
  13. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    :) whitespider, I hope things work out well for you. Just remember that YOU (just like I am in Tampa) are dealing with the S.E.T. (South East Toyota) group and once the Prius hits Port (Jacksonville, FL) they are adding on $699 for "ToyoGuard Plus Protection Package" and lately I have seen $299 additional for rubber floormat sets also added on the "window srticker" from the PORT, as well as $79 for mudguards, too.

    Did you know the "window sticker" is actually made AT THE PORT !! For some silly reason I really thought it was put on the vehicle in Japan, before it it loaded onto the ship (duhhhhhhh !!!!!) This is how vehicles can be "swapped" BEFORE they hit port as well as "eliminating" the ToyoGuard Plus Package, window tints, floor mats, and other options ALL done at port.

    I know you are very anxious to get your new Prius, but remember, IF you "catch it BEFORE it hits port" you can lop off these $1,077 worth of "extras"............ Our Dealer (Toyota of Tampa Bay) gave us a GREAT price on our new Prius as well as throwing in (NO charge) a set of genuine, Toyota rubber floor mats, which actually are "nicer" and fit sooooooooo much better than the WeatherTechs could ever fir, even after cutting and trimming the WT's !!

    Hang in there buddy................ it will all work out, if NOT with your initial dealer, but with another one as you already are trying..............
  14. whitespider

    whitespider Member

    May 15, 2007
    Lansing, FL
    2015 Prius
    So here's the update, all.

    Got my deposit back. They were pulling my strings. They couldn't get the car. I got in touch with carsdirect.com (look them up for the prius in the southeast, the price with them was $100 over invoice with just like 6 or 7 clicks!! no personal info except zipcode). They told me the dealer by me that will get the car, without trading. And that they will get it on the 27th (30th offically, they need time as security or something, so they say 30th for extra measure).

    My concern is not losing the sale. How can I be SURE they will not sell the car before it's delivered to them?
  15. llyons

    llyons Junior Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    2013 Prius
    Check out my experience.

    I have no experience with CarsDirect but I've heard mainly good things. A few negatives here and there but I suppose it's impossible to keep everyone happy. I would have looked into them a bit more but thier services weren't available in my area.

    One of the dealers did say that they dealers ask for a deposit to get you "off the market" like you stated. Also, a friend of mine that used to work in car sales said that you'll always get a better quote on cars they don't have on the lot because IF they do indeed get them in it's better for them if they get them off the lot sooner than later. But, IF the dealer will ever actually get the car you want...That's another story. ONE of the dealerships I dealt with tried to intercept a delivery when another dealership beat him to it. So....the dealer that really had it on it's way did get the short end........

    If you do go through a dealer the best advice that was given to me and that I would have to agree on is to deal with dealerships that have the car you want in stock. I searched the new car inventory for dealers in just about my entire state and Texas IS big. I emailed the ones that had the car I wanted in stock along with an offer. Near the end I had some VERY competative prices. Even better than what I am getting. BUT, with no guarantee that they'll even get the car I can't really consider those good offers. KWIM?
  16. whitespider

    whitespider Member

    May 15, 2007
    Lansing, FL
    2015 Prius
    "KWIM?" ?

    Nice color choice, haha. Yeah it doesn't help that mine is rare. Gotta find zipcodes to make up for my state (Florida) so I can find dealers all over who can help me find my car. I'm willing to travel the southeast for it if I can just pay a little extra to ship it over.

    So as for the guarantee. That's my biggest concern of all. As my search is now, no one has one (Mag. Grey Pkg 5) at all, the soonest one comes is.. today (see my signature) and it was suppsoedly sold, and I would probably have to call every dealership to find out which one got it. Anyways the next one is the end of the month, and I know which dealer is getting it. I even called a random dealership in the area and asked for the car to get the typical trade and when they mentioned the date and said 'this is the only one available' I asked if it was from the dealership i knew would get at end of month.. the guy reluctantly blurted out that yes, it was, then went on to say it didn't matter. It's all I needed to hear, as now I was sure they were going to get the delivery.

    But still, my concern is security. Can the dealership who's getting it from port sell it from under me before they get it if someone offers me a bigger price? My plan is to get a friend of diffrent age (and maybe sex) to call and 'naturally' let the curiousity of the conversation lead miraculously to ask about the car I want (color and package).. ans ask if they would sell.. if they offer them my car, I will know for sure, if not then i'll feel totally relieved. I'll even have the friend offer a grand or two more than me to give them some good bait.

    I think our difference, llyons, might be that no dealer here actually has my car, at all, and port is where it would come from, it seems. Or was that simular for you? All I really feel for is a guarantee that I may have the car, so I can relax and finally enjoy priuschat again, haha.

    So to review;

    1. Can the dealership who's getting it from port sell it from under me before they get it if someone offers me a bigger price?
    2. Could I get in writing some confidence from someone that I will get the car from port?
  17. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    According to buyatoyota.com there is one vehicle exactly as you want in S.E.T. region right now, it is Mag. Gray with Dk. Gray cloth interior, Package #5 and NO ToyoGuard Plus ($699 SAVINGS) and NO "extra options", VIN #JTDKB20U873264898 but it might be "sold or under deposit" ??
    It is at Toyota of Tampa Bay (813-375-3006). If it IS sold, still try them.... this Dealer was where WE bought OUR Prius from and I am telling you, they will be 100% HONEST with you............ ask for Roger or Matt (internet Matt).

    Good Luck, be patient ONCE you find a "good" Dealer................ B)
  18. traydragen

    traydragen New Member

    May 18, 2007
    Columbia, SC
    2007 Prius
    I feel so lucky now. I wanted the exact same package as you and same color as you (I did not know that the package 5 in Mag. Grey was soo difficult to come by??) and I just singed the paperwork on it yesterday (they gave me the VIN # and everything so I know it is legit and it should be in by the 20th of June). They told me they were the only dealership in all of the southeast that is getting the Mag. Grey in Package 5 coming to them and I was the one who got it (I'm not sure is they were shooting me crap but who knows), but this has been a long and tedious process. I know it's hard to be patient but it will come...Good Luck.
  19. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(traydragen @ Jun 9 2007, 09:50 AM) [snapback]458619[/snapback]</div>
    Since YOU are getting your Prius from S.E.T. (SouthEast Toyota) which in includes your state of South Carolina as well as four or five other Southern states, you have the option (provided the vehicle did NOT come into port yet) of "declining" (omitting) the $699 ToyoGuard Plus Package (VIN Etch, wheel well undercoat, paint "protector") and ANY OTHER "port installed options" such as $299 for 5-pc. rubber floor mats, $79 spalsh guards (mud flaps), etc.
    Just an F.Y.I. ................... ;)
  20. GoEco

    GoEco Red Prii Rule

    Apr 17, 2007
    2007 Prius
    whitespider, I'd question why is it taking all of them so long to get the car to you? If carsdirect's dealer has it, why so long before delivery? I'm just wondering if they're not setting you up for the same thing you just dealt with. Did you try the websites of all the local dealers? I have found great pricing going through the Internet Sales' groups and they will tell you what they have on the lot.

    I hope it all works out for you!