Pruis 2006 trying to add turning signal strip light or sequencial arrow lights,hooked it up with engine bay fuse..problem is it stays on doesn't turn off,I really don't wanna go through firewall to it from driver side fuse box..any easy solutions plz
How are these strip lights supposed to be wired in? ie, what circuits do they need? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
It's obviously wired incorrectly. Go get two relays. Tap your signal from either your marker or turn signal lamps. They'll only turn on when either your marker or turn signal is active. Good Luck....
What are the installation instructions? We can spend lots of time playing guessing games. It would help to understand how the manufacturer of these lights says to install them. A power? A ground? A turn "signal"? What? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.