so i tried installing a backup camera today. big mistake. when i start the car the yellow triangle shows up. and warning says check hybrid system. i try and put the car in reverse and i hear a snap, it slips to neutral and a warning appears that says put into P position. any ideas, the only wire I tapped into was the red reverse llight camera. I even tried undoing the install and i get the same messages. any thoughts. thanks
Remove your intrusive electrical gremlin Unhook the negative lead from the 12v battery, re-install the negative lead on the 12v battery, carry on Good luck
It took three Ready/Off cycles to clear that message when I was working on my HU. That is assuming nothing is in fact malfunctioning.
I had the same issues when doing my system. I was worried after it didn't work the second time. These cars really freak out if you disconnect the power lol.
I had the hybrid warning light come on when i replaced the head unit. this time i think i really F--ed something up. i cant even put the car into a gear. . as soon as i do there is a load snapping noise. like a fuse. but i cant seen that any fuses are blown
The only cable I disconnected was the black battery cable. Now I don't even get the ready light. Ii will let it sit overnight and see if by magic everything will be fixed when I wake up either that or tow truck time
This may not be your problem but this is what spiderman was referring to. You might not have removed the plug you may have slid it to the left by accident.
Holy Awesomness!!!!! It was the orange battery interlock thing. So I read spidermans and dusstoff3 post and I went to bed thinking, well I will look at the orange thing but I doubt that is the problem and that I severely ruined the electrical system in my car and it's gonna cost thousands of dollars to fix and I was severally depressed. Fast forward a few hours... Naturally I couldn't sleep that well, woke up and immediately went to the garage. Carried the handheld light over to the back of the car and looked at the orange thing. Noticed it wasn't open or pulled but loose. I slid the orange thing to the left and it snapped into place, I said to myself " we'll I'll be darned". Went into the driver seat, pressed the power button and then voila.. Magic.. Awesomeness. Noo triangle warning light, no snapping sounds. No other idiot lights flashing just the word READY. Thanks spiderman and dustoff03 for you post. I can't thank you enough.
Oh and by the way, the camera I tried to install was a $13 license plate camera from amazon. Brand was koolertron. Lesson learned. Big time. I have unitinstalled it and i am going to smash it to pieces later today.
Now the question is, did you manipulate the service plug (the orange thing) when installing the camera? It really shouldn't work itself loose on its own.
I am sure it was me who manipulated the service plug. I had the hatch area totally empty and I was standing, sitting, squatting, stooping back there trying to route the wires and and all that stuff, I can see where it could be accidentally knocked into.
Very happy that was it. I totally freaked too when I got that error message. I got depressed too. I came here and was told about the three cycles and tada! This is an awesome site.
Spiderman should change his user name to Guru Thanks to Spiderman I successfully installed a new pioneer radio and he saved me from a towing and throwing myself over a bridge Prius chat is the best. three months ago the Prius was not even one of my finalist for a new car. I was considering a ford focus or Hyundai Elantra. Then I discovered Prius chat and I was totally enamored with how passionate everyone about their prius. Since then I became addicted to Prius Chat and I have been reading it couple of times a day everyday. I have been a very proud prius owner for one month.