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Unable to connect to iJDMtoy page ||Trojan Alert ||

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by ES44AC, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. ES44AC

    ES44AC C.A.U.S

    May 7, 2012
    2011 Prius
    Was trying to log onto the iJDMtoy page and my virus scanner blocked it saying " Trojan Horse' page infected.

    I tried both IE and Firefox and the result was the same. Then I phoned iJDMtoy and notified them of my experience, they were less than impressed or alarmed by my report. Saying "Everything here is working fine."

    Sure it can "work fine" and you can still be infected.

    My virus scanner is Avast and I have learned to trust it, it rarely if ever shows a false positive report. Note that I WAS able to access the site when I place my order for the LED kit for the interior of the car, all was fine then, this is a new development.

    So for those not using any sort of virus scanner, I'd recommend getting one and then trying to access iJDMtoy.com

    Just a word to the wise............. I hope I am wrong but better safe than sorry.


    In spite of the fact that Avast said it was protecting me, when I ran a scan I found I was infected!!! So after 3 hours I am still repairing the damage.

    pichner likes this.