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update on poor mpg

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by bluejay, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. bluejay

    bluejay New Member

    Dec 24, 2005
    south jersey
    Hey, i justed wanted to update everyone who generously gave me input last week on my low mpg's. I believe my biggest problem is learning how to handle the car by being more aware when i am driving---acceleration, I was driving to hard. I not sure about the tire pressure, I have to keep playing with that.

    I wanted to give more description to my 6 mile morning commute. I pass through 11 traffic lights ( One really long light in upper darby) about 10-11 stop signs and 3-4 school districts on my way from west phila to collingdale,pa (for all you philadelphians). I am not bumper to bumper because it is residential neighborhoods but it is obviously alot of stop and go. Oh yeah--this is mostly a hills too :rolleyes: I still think with good handling, I can get better MPG. It become an obsession and challenge right now.

    I am new to the priuschat but you veterans probably are use to the panic pruis owner whose mileage decline or thinks they been decieved. I was going that route--but there's really nothing in the sales and delivery of the car or manual that is clear on the proper handling of this car for maximum mpg. You seem to have to experience this car first and then become one with it to drive it effeciently. Anyway, I would have been disappointed if their was a serious problem but I still like the car.

    Any philadelphians out there to suggest the best place to service their car and did you keep the factory tires--Will give a mile increase update at end of week for anyone interested--bluejay
  2. EricGo

    EricGo New Member

    Apr 30, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM (SouthWest US)
    Hey, that's the spirit !

    I'm sure you are right that we become smarter Prius drivers with time and effort. I am driving my Prius in my second winter, and am doing about 20% better this time around. Part of it is a warmer winter this year, but part is the Prius has a better driver ;)
  3. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Bluejay, congratulations on both: improving your mileage and realizing how to improve your mileage. I hope you stick around here. We can always use someone around to give some advice to those, let's see how did you say it - "panic[ed] pruis owner whose mileage decline or thinks they been decieved." :lol:

    Welcome to the Prius zen.
  4. bluejay

    bluejay New Member

    Dec 24, 2005
    south jersey

    Thanks for the encouragement. I am feeling like I've been iniatiated into prius world. You've got to "get it." If you don't you'never get great MPG--Like a magical secret but we won't force this onto the sceptical and unwilling prius owner that fails to believe that they have control over their prius--I feel so liberated :D

  5. bluejay

    bluejay New Member

    Dec 24, 2005
    south jersey
    Plan to stick around to encourage the newly panicked. TAlso, this is clearly the best forum on the web for prius info as well.

    Omshanti--I am a soul at peace. blujay
  6. igglue

    igglue New Member

    Aug 25, 2005
    6 mile commute is the killer. For example, a same 1/2 mile stretch about 1 mile from my garage gets tops 40mpg (normal is ~25mpg) after the startup vs. 99+mpg on the way back from work after 30miles of drive! There's a mall nearby so I can actually see what I get.

    The problem is the warmup. To get the best milage, I pick the shortest route for the outbound location (hills or not) with the least amount of traffic lights. After the first 5 miles, I pick the smoothest routes. Now I live outside of Boston (Brookline/Newton area) so there are few 'flat' roads. Essentially, the first couple of miles are dud. I figure "fastest/shortest way" is better. Avoid stop lights, and keep the car moving as unless you car is stopped for good ~15 seconds, the engine won't even shut off!

    Temperature matters in more ways...
    The other thing is where your car is stored. My car is garaged at night where it is temperature controlled ~60 degrees. When I get into my car in the late morning, it's pretty toasty. So the trip to the work I get decent milage. Now if I fill up on the way to the work (near the end), and I start a fresh tank from my office with my car sitting at a nice ~30 degrees in a open air with winds, then my milage gets shot. My best mpg was ~58mpg. My worse (last 2 tanks) was 42mpg and my current says 48mpg (it's been warm). Granted I am using snow tires which have horrible roll and sticky as hell. My neighbor, who stores her car outside, was complaining that she's only getting mid-high 30's. (I wasn't going to mention about the temperature controlled garage though...)

    Good luck!

  7. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    Go grasshopper! If you search the forums here there are threads which 'teach' you how to 'become one' with your marvel of technology. Also, the way I look at it, if this were a 'normal' internal combustion car I might look at any glitches with more scrutiny, as they have had over a hundred years to iorn out the bugs. However, we are pioneers on the cutting edge of a new technology, so I can feel good about cutting that new technology some slack. Very best of luck and enjoyment with your new car!