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US automakers vs competition

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by parky, Feb 12, 2008.

  1. parky

    parky New Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    2008 Prius
    In todays news I read that the Indian auto manf Mahindra will be introducing a diesal mid size pk up with mpg in the 30 range and the following year a diesal hybrid in the 40 range. If there is dealer support and the trk has a good record, I'll buy one if I can get two 18' canoes up there!. (Trucks are used in my lifestyle) I personally believe that this country has a mind set that keeps big vehicles on the road, attributted to Americian spending habits and credit cards. GM makes announcements about their so called hybrid vehicles coming to dealerships but I bet the engineering has more to do with advertising than anything else. By the way, GM took a big hit on monetary losses! And who is making all the money, Exxon!, $40+ billion up from 39 billion the previous year thanks to American auto manuf and their gas guzzelers. Exxon should share its' profits with Am auto manfs!
    I saw a photo of a VW single seater on another thread, really cool. Looks like a bullet. Know nothing about it.
    I used to work just to travel, starting in the seventies. (got married at 50 and now have two kids) and one of my keenest memories was all the small cars. Like the Fiat 850 with 4 men inside going to work. Or the Fiat mini mini truck, with a cow in the back. Morris Minors and Minis in England; I just took a trip around Great Britian and what did I see?, mid size to large cars on the roads. And the secondary roads aren't even wide enough to accommodate them. I was told that in the last ten years under Blair many people got rich, and of course went out and bought big vehicles - even thou the cost of gas is out of sight. Same thing happen in Costa Rica when the gov't lifted the surcharge on vehicles imported into the country. Before that, people used buses.
  2. MikeSF

    MikeSF Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    San Francisco
    2006 Prius
    What makes you think they don't? I'm of the firm belief that oil companies "encourage" US auto manufacturers to keep with the status quo, and produce more vehicles that don't get very good mileage. Oh sure you might hear the arguments that they make what the public wants, but it's only because they cram the advertising behemoth down their throat, think of SUV commercials, they show nice wilderness type areas, or having fun off roading, or being able to take your family anywhere you want to do anything you want, it really is quite a powerful encouragement to want me one of those big'uns! Then think of their more "fuel efficient" cars, like the Ford Focus, what kind of commercials do you see with that? .. "bla bla... the ford focus, an impressive 35mpg on the highway...<end>"..

    So seriously the Auto manufacturers are setting themselves up to make people want a particular car, not so much that it's what the market is driving. And yes I believe the oil companies have encouraged this in some way.