Noob here, grateful for this forum. 2 days ago, the wife parked our 2010 Prius in the driveway and mentioned an odd sound from the brakes. Next day I go to run an errand and find that the brake pedal is hard, very hard to depress and there's almost no braking action, it barely stops. So I had it towed to a local dealership in Bradford, PA. They're diagnosing a failed actuator and a break line leak. They want to charge $3500 to replace the actuator (which was replaced in 2013 under a recall), $350 to do the brake line. I've researched the average cost to replace this and they run from $1500 to $2000. SO we really think the dealership is trying to gouge us on this repair. Who else has had this issue and how much did repairs cost?
i have read around $2,500. typically. have you checked other dealers? it's hard to believe there is a brake line leak, how is the level in the reservoir?
Seems expensive as said above I would try another dealer of better yet find a mom and pop hybrid shop. I would file a complaint with NHTSA. This is a major safety problem and should be covered by Toyota especially if it’s a repeat fail point.
Anyone done the CG jumper trick? Put in the jumper, start the car, let it run it's diags then hit the brakes 8 times in rapid succession to reset the brake system.
That isn't a reset, it just clears trouble codes. But getting the car to forget what it knows about a brake problem isn't the same as fixing the brake problem.
Pennsylvania is not a state where you want to be messing with Toyota dealerships or having to go to court with your kids believe me