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We can all drive greener, even if we have green cars

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Chuck., Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Chuck.

    Chuck. Former Honda Enzyte Driver

    Oct 24, 2006
    Lewisville, TX (Dallas area)
    2007 Prius
    Most reading this have a Prius, other hybrid, or EV and that is good.

    I'd like to encourage everyone to make your car even greener by how you drive.

    In the vast majority of cases, fossil fuel is involved in charging up your battery pack. Even if renewable energy is recharging your car, the more you use, the less alternate energy others have from the grid...unless it's your own wind turbine on your property. Using your battery pack moderately most likely extends it's life, which is saving a valuable resource.

    Just observing the obvious - the people racing to a red light - isn't that crazy on a number of levels? Or a driver gunning their car around you just to take a freeway exit immediately after whipping around you? Cars you glide by that blasted by you 1-2 minutes ago? Been in a major freeway gridlock causing thousands to idling because one speeder wiped out? This list of idiotic aggressive driving could go indefinitely, but it really does not take much longer to commute planning ahead and keeping cool instead.

    None of us are going to save the planet singlehandedly, but shouldn't we try to do good anyway? Driving greener has spiritual benefits - can you imagine Gandhi as a road rager? He would probably walk when practicle....not a bad idea in a large shopping center to avoid driving your car a mere hundred yards to that 2nd or 3rd store. And not let the abysmal emotional intelligence of the drivers around you get to you.

    Tailgaters come to mind. Are they REALLY going to hit you? They get the ticket and bill and know it. All the threads on speeding, speed limits, HOV lanes are often not an authentic discussion but involve ranting speeders that feel entitled to continue do it so, and others that go along out of intimidation. I've called that bluff for at least five years in Dallas with no harm to myself or car, although there have been a number of highbeams, gestures and horns.

    Again - they are not going to hurt you. It's their problem it they can't get up in time to make their commute or think more than two car lengths ahead.

    So try some simple things. Give yourself enough time on your commute. Think ahead while driving on how you can moderate the use of your accelerator and brake. Make it easy for others to pass you. Make the most of your time in the car by practicing a speech for Toastmasters, playing a podcast, meditate, pray, maybe whatever you were going to do the first five minutes in the office anyway.

    Beyond the gas and emissions saved, also think of the reduced wear-and-tear on your car and emotions.
    Jbio likes this.