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Ran out of Gas, Now Prius won't start...

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by kraziewilly, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. kraziewilly

    kraziewilly New Member

    Jun 5, 2007
    Ok, I have a 2004 Prius, while driving I ran out of gas, limped down the highway on the battery maybe a mile before it died in the breakdown lane with the big red triangle lit in the display, 1/2 mile from the gas station. After walking back and forth 4 times and filling the tank with about 7 gallons the car would not start, nor would the gas indicator register the gas I put in, fuel gauge remained flashing with one bar showing. I had the car picked up by a flat bed and delivered to my house. At one point I think the whole electrical system died, no respones with key pod in and pushing the power button, nothing on the dash board, no lights, I've tried jumping the car with a charged 12 volt battery and jumper cables on the rear booster battery and have display lights on the dash board and the fuel gauge registers the gas I put in and the red triangle is not lit. I have tried the re-boot by pushing the brake and holding down the power button for 45 seconds several times, no start but the shifter will indicate moving from Park to Neutral but will not indicate shifting to Drive or Reverse, also when i push the power button to start the car I get 5 beeps. The Display Screen indicates only one band running across the bottom of the battery when I check Energy on the Display Screen. Short of going to the bank and getting a loan so I can pay the dealer to fix this thing what can I try to avoid giving the dealer enough money to make a couple of his yacht payments???
  2. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    try this:

    disconnect the 12v battery- the negative side.
    let it sit a minute
    go to IG-ON and watch the fuel gauge. once it stops flashing and registers a level, start it up.

    this should cause the level point of the gas gauge to reset. for future reference, add three gallons before trying to start the car at all. some cars require this- not sure if it's just the 04s or what.
  3. dmckinstry

    dmckinstry New Member

    May 4, 2006
    Cheney, WA (Near Spokane)
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Jun 5 2007, 07:16 PM) [snapback]456221[/snapback]</div>
    If the three gallons is always the case (for some cars), it must have changed some time in '05. The time I ran out of gas it restarted after adding only a gallon. Could that have been changed with the recall for the ICE shutting off at (I guess) highway speeds? My car wasn't a part of that recall.

    Dave M.
  4. Tripod137

    Tripod137 New Member

    Oct 11, 2005
    Long Island
    2006 Prius
    So it's NOT bad to still drive the car AFTER the gas runs out (just going on electric until it dies)?
  5. Michgal007

    Michgal007 Senior Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    Macon, GA
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tripod137 @ Jun 6 2007, 06:42 AM) [snapback]456413[/snapback]</div>
    I think the car is not desiged to run without gas. So, it is not advisable, but duable in an emergency.
  6. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Jun 5 2007, 09:29 PM) [snapback]456230[/snapback]</div>
    My understanding is that it depends on how empty the bladder is. All reports (that I remember) where every last drop was pumped out and the battery run down possibly to the point of damage required at least 3 gallons for the car to recognize gas was added. If one doesn't try to push it and stops when "out of gas" 1 gallon probably works all the time. Personally I'm not going to explore this type of performance.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tripod137 @ Jun 6 2007, 05:42 AM) [snapback]456413[/snapback]</div>
    If you run the traction battery down too far you will cause permanent damage not covered by warranty. I'm not the tech so I can't say how low is too low but if you pushed the car until you actually have to push the car to keep it moving then you found "too low".
  7. pingman

    pingman New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Michgal007 @ Jun 6 2007, 07:59 AM) [snapback]456453[/snapback]</div>
    Just dont mess with the flashing PIP GEEZ :wacko:
  8. acdii

    acdii Active Member

    Apr 5, 2007
    So at what point does it flash? On my trip to IA last week I was down to two bars, and getting nervous that I couldn't find a station and the miles were exceeding my normal add fuel point. When I finally did find a station, there were still two bars, but I had added 10.3 gallons of gas. FWIU this tank holds 11 gallons. I am currently down to 1 bar, and it isn't flashing, so I am a bit concerned that the add fuel thing is broke. I am battery distance from the gas station, so I am not concerned at the moment that it will run out, but in the future, if 2 bars are still showing with less than a gallon of gas in the tank, that could be a real problem.
  9. kraziewilly

    kraziewilly New Member

    Jun 5, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ACD @ Jun 8 2007, 09:53 AM) [snapback]457968[/snapback]</div>

    my gauge seems to start flashing when there is about 3 gallons left... I read somewhere the car will shut down automatically 50 miles after the flashing starts...
  10. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kraziewilly @ Jun 8 2007, 12:25 PM) [snapback]458128[/snapback]</div>
    There is a reason it is called the GUESS gauge. At some point in time the last pip will start to flash and there will be 1 beep (which always startles me). The distance members have been able to go on the flashing pip range from 5 to 50 (maybe more) miles. You may experience 50 miles the 1st time then be VERY surprised when you can only get 5 miles the 2nd time. The car will shut down automatically when it can't pump any more gas from the bladder.

    ACD, I commend you for handling the situation rationally. I prefer not to experience the anxiety of the flashing pip in unfamiliar territory in the middle of nowhere (again).

    While driving in familiar territory or commuting

    Shop for gas at 2 pips.
    Buy gas at 1 pip
    Brian Adcock and jwlbel like this.
  11. kdmorse

    kdmorse Member

    Oct 15, 2005
    Germantown, MD
    2006 Prius
    While it's not solid fact - there appears to be a trend among those here who have run out of gas.

    If you run out of gas, go stop somewhere, and power off the car - any amount of gas will allow it to start back up - as little as one gallon.

    If you run out of gas, and drive until the battery dies on it's own - then three gallons are needed.

    Each time I ran out of gas (intentionally, with 2x full two gallon cans in the back seat) - I pulled off at the nearest side street and shut down the car. (With 4-5 blue battery bars remaining). After that, the smallest splash of gas would allow it to start back up without issue.

    Yes, that was awfully silly of me. On the other hand, I now know that the last pip consistently starts blinking with between 0.85 and 0.9 gallons of usable gas remaining*. I also know that the average pump clicks off when the tank contains 10.5 gallons of gas, +/2 0.2 or so. **


    *) If I do something stupid with this information, it's my own damn fault. If anyone reading this does anything stupid with this information - that's entirely on you...
    **) see previous *
    ydpplqbd likes this.
  12. dglauz

    dglauz New Member

    Oct 4, 2006
    Re: Ran out of Gas, Now Prius won't start...

    I am an experienced run-out-of-gasser. I have a 2004, the first one that the dealer actually delivered.

    If I add gas when the pip starts blinking, I can only add 7.4 gal. Do the math, I can go a lot farther. (I wrote a letter to Toyota about the way too early blinking.) Now when I get the blinking pip, I press the trip odo button and plan to get gas at 100; I also monitor the mpg and miles traveled on the MFD and keep track of how many miles till 10 gallons have been used. That all said I am still not infallible. One time I ran out of gas at 74 miles past blinking (perhaps I did not notice the blink when it started.) and I have gone over 120 miles after blinking and added less than 10 gal. Start of blinking depends on the angle of the road, time spent at that angle AND the level of fuel. Park on a steep down grade and it blinks very early.

    My most recent out of gas experience...
    Ran out about 6 blocks from work. Finished driving to work and ran down to one red bar. (In a past experience I ran out on the freeway
    and the car completely shut down at the traffic light across from the gas station and I restarted it when the light changed and pulled into the station, running the whole time.) I thought I would be able to drive the half mile to the gas station after work. Not so, only made it out of the parking lot. After adding 1.7 gal, would not start and I called the dealer for advice. Tech suggested disconnect the ground. I had no 10mm wrench. Then he suggested a particular fuse under the hood. I tried the fuse, no luck. I checkd for the main fuse, it is on the battery, and could not get it out feeling safe. I noticed a couple of easy disconnect plugs on the hot side after the fuses and unplugged them. Everything shut down (dome light, open door indicator and had to reset the auto window function) same as if the ground were disconnected. Still no start. Added another 3 gal, trying to restart after each gal. Still no start. I decided to try a hot disconnect. With the car in "almost ready" mode, that is "tried to start it," I disconnected the battery; everything shut down. When I reconnected, much to my surprise, everything came back on. I had not disconnected the 5 amp connection, so I did that one too and upon reconnection everything came back on again. When I got the front seat, still mystified, the ICE started; I was then in business. I do not know if it was the first or second hot disconnect that did the trick. This is about the 5th time I have run out of gas and the first time that it did not start right up. Each and every time I ran the battery down to 1 bar.

    I hope this helps someone.

    BrentonJJ and northwichita like this.
  13. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Yes it does. It reminds us to refill long before the last bar starts blinking. Running out of gas is a pretty poor hobby.
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  14. yardman 49

    yardman 49 Active Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Northern Kentucky
    2009 Prius
    Re: Ran out of Gas, Now Prius won't start...

    I just don't get this "running out of gas" thing. :brick:

    I'm convinced that the tank could be a 25 gallon tank, and still people would find a way to run out of gas. I can hear it now: "the owner's manual says that the tank holds 25.0 gallons. I ran out of gas at 24.8 gallons. Something must be wrong with the car". No one is saying that on this thread, but it's been the topic of many others.

    Yes, the bladder doesn't allow the tank to hold as much as it really should, and that is frustrating at times. And I appreciate those who have taken the time to thoughtfully run experiments to see just how empty "empty" really is. But fer cryin' out loud already, how do you accidently run out of gas? Ok, you're allowed one time. But "accidently" running out of gas more than once? Really!!

    I usually know how far a route I am driving when I get in the car (or at least a rough idea). I look at the gas gauge, and then figure, "hey look, I've only got 3 bars left. I'd better get gas before I get on the highway".

    Maybe I'm just one who likes to be prepared, but I also watch the weather, etc, and plan my gas accordingly. I'd hate to have a storm hit when my tank is on fumes, and then find out that the power goes out and none of the gas stations can pump gas. That would really be painful.
  15. PriusLewis

    PriusLewis Management Scientist

    Feb 25, 2009
    Denver Metro
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Re: Ran out of Gas, Now Prius won't start...

    I agree with yardman. Is it an economic thing? Our kids (31 and 30, so not exactly :kids: any more) will put in $5 or $10, drive until on fumes, put in another $10, etc. Not that they couldn't pay for a complete tank, just that they won't.

    My wife wants me to fill up at half tank, especialy if we're doing a cross country. I push it to a quarter, and she gets nervous. But I more agree with her than with the kids. I haven't run out of gas for 36 years except in an Alfa Romeo that had fuel feeding problems (blocked tank intake - I was runing out with half a tank left).
  16. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Re: Ran out of Gas, Now Prius won't start...

    Not defending habitually running out of gas, but the above would be more accurately stated as:

    "I'm convinced that the tank could be a 25 gallon tank, and still people would find a way to run out of gas. I can hear it now: 'the owner's manual says that the tank holds 25.0 gallons. I ran out of gas at 21.0 gallons. Something must be wrong with the car'"

    That's about the typical percentage difference that is getting folks worked up. And, yes, if any of my vehicles had that much error, I would be looking for warranty repair because I would most certainly run them out of gas at least once within the first few fills...probably on the very first fill. I don't run the Prius out of gas because I treat it differently than any of the other cars that I've never run out of gas--of course, one pretty much has to as the Prius guess gauge is much inferior to other vehicles' gauges--it won't display any level changes below ~1/8th tank so you can't really use it like a normal gauge.

    And this doesn't include at least three reports I've seen of folks running out of gas with 2 pips showing, which would be equivalent to my other vehicles running out of gas at about 1/4 tank. I would not be in the least bit amused if this happened in any vehicle.
  17. warrent

    warrent New Member

    May 22, 2007
    Re: Ran out of Gas, Now Prius won't start...

    What dglauz wrote worked for me. I too ran out of gas and put 2 gallons of gas in and the Prius would not start, would only go to Neutral, etc like stated in previous posts. I did a disconnect while the car was on, waited a minute, then reconnected and car started right back up. I first tried a non-hot disconnect with car already off and that did not work.

    BrentonJJ likes this.
  18. 4evrPrius

    4evrPrius New Member

    May 18, 2012
    Savannah, GA
    2007 Prius
    Re: Ran out of Gas, Now Prius won't start...

    If you run out if gas and your Prius chooses not to start, put 2-4 gallons of fuel in it. Ensure the car is off, locate the battery in the trunk (thats where mine is in the '07), on the "positive" terminal remove the "5 amp" fuse and plug it back in. Your Prius should start right up.
  19. firepa63

    firepa63 Former Prius Owner

    Jul 23, 2005
    Other Hybrid
    You need to put 3+ gallons in for the car to recognize it has fuel after an out-of-gas situation.
  20. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    Re: Ran out of Gas, Now Prius won't start...

    Removal of the 5A fuse will do nothing with regards to being out of fuel. That fuse is in the sense line which monitors voltage of the 12V battery.

    The key concern is to add sufficient fuel so that the Prius can recognize that fuel has been added, typically 3 gallons or more. If it is not possible to add that much fuel, then if the negative battery terminal is disconnected for a few minutes then reconnected, that will force the fuel gauge to reset and the Prius can then start.
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