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Windshield crack--so much for saving money

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Celtic Blue, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Window cracked out of the blue this weekend, less than 2,000 miles on the car. Neither of us have seen or heard a rock hit the window, but the otherwise pristine window pinged on the interstate while my wife was on a trip, nothing around. In two days the crack has extended halfway down the window. She took it to Lou Fusz Toyota--that was a mistake. Clown declared it a rock chip before he even got close enough to see the crack, let alone whether or not there was a chip. He was generally a horse's rear--unfortunately par for the course with Toyota dealer service depts. and didn't even give a repair estimate although he made several statements. Definitely will be putting Lou Fusz on the "dealers to avoid" list, not that they are in our area. Keep in mind that I bought Toyota in spite of the dealer experiences, not because of them.

    So I've read that these windows are really expensive, get Toyota glass, etc., but I'm wondering if this makes any sense? Why put more overpriced Toyota glass in it? Should I even change it at all until forced to? It will probably have a crack all the way from the left corner to left bottom by next weekend at the rate it is growing. (It does have me thinking it would be a good idea to get the strut tower brace since the windshield is obviously getting a lot of stress from body flex--may want to wait until after the brace to put any replacement glass in.)

    Toyota needs better glass in this car, period. In at least 300,000 miles of driving I've never had a crack develop from a rock chip, even really nasty big starred ones that sat out in the frost and baked in the Texas sun. The fact that this is developing rapidly from a slight, non-starred point screams out some defect in glass or design. It's been garaged and never seen frost/temp extremes, etc. I can't imagine how sensitive it would be to conditions my previous vehicles' windows have seen.
  2. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    At some point a rock must have hit the windshield to cause that crack. Once the glass is compromized cracks happen. No biggie...windshields get cracked all the time.

    Have you called your insurance company? They may cover it without any deductible.

    I would INSIST on OEM glass. I've never had an aftermarket windshield that didn't have some sort of distortion in the glass.
  3. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius
    The outer glass laminate on this car is really thin from looking at the crack. I wonder how its thickness compares to other vehicles I've owned. I've had some pretty hard hits in the Tundra and heard most if not all of them, expecting nasty stars, yet I have only tiny pits (most of the worst are at the edge of the glass.) By comparison, we've never heard or seen a rock chip in the Prius--even though it is much quieter and we only recently even started using the radio. So there is virtually zero chance that we somehow missed it happening...unless it happened on the boat over or at the dealership.

    Does anyone know if it is possible to get a thicker replacement window? Having a thicker outer laminate would reduce the chance of a penetrating crack.

    Also, in examining this I realize that the crack is a cosmetic rather than safety issue since it is merely the thin outer piece that is cracked.
  4. spitinuri

    spitinuri Member

    May 23, 2008
    2004 Prius
    Lou Fusz "Engines for Life" everything else cost out the wazoo. Amazing how after a short period of time they forget how important the sale was to them. The least they could do is offer you an at cost replacement and free labor. It's good business to keep former (potential again) customers happy. They have not only lost a future sale from you but most likely from anyone you tell this story to.

    Dealers.... take care of your customers. Remember "service after sale".
  5. nfschlaack

    nfschlaack Junior Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    2004 Prius
    We bought our Prius at Jay Wolfe, but get it serviced at Ackerman. (closer) I highly recommend any Toyota owner in the St. Louis area to visit their service department as it is second to none.
  6. cairo94507

    cairo94507 Active Member

    Dec 24, 2004
    Auburn, CA, USA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    cracks in a windshield are just one of the things that happen when driving. It is like gambling. I have 95K on my car on the original windshield. Just luck because it has been hit probably 20 times with rocks while driving. So far it has not cracked but has some small chips in it. Replace your windshield and just drive it.
  7. morpheusx

    morpheusx Professor Chaos

    Mar 6, 2007
    Akron, OH
    2011 Prius
    and remember kids crack kills.
  8. Qlara

    Qlara New Member

    Dec 18, 2007
    2008 Prius
    Or you just live with the crack til the next inspection comes.....

    But like others have said, it's a gamble.....changing new glass won't immute you to get the crack next time, as long as you're still on the road.
  9. EZW1

    EZW1 Active Member

    Aug 20, 2008
    Phoenix, AZ
    2016 Prius v wagon
    Four Touring
    Out here in AZ a chip in the window glass is a big thing. If it is not sealed real soon, it almost always will develop into a crack. The reason for this is the expansion/contraction at different rates of the two layers of glass. Here, the summer heat is the culprit, maybe where you live Shawn, it might be the cooler temps. Same end result.
  10. pdhenry

    pdhenry It's HEEERE!

    May 26, 2008
    2008 Prius
    If it's a rock chip it's a comprehensive insurance claim. $100 or whetever your comp deductible is, comp claims aren't chargeable to your rate. Get iteh stone chip finding in writing from the dealer and take that to the insurance carrier.
  11. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Replacing it with another likely similarly made windshield seems futile. I'm looking for a long term answer rather than playing musical chairs with the window. And it appears to be defective. I've examined my Tundra's PPG glass and can remember the major hits on it--at least four are along the edge, yet no stars, bulls eyes, half moons, etc., just chips. The Tundra glass has impressed me for its durability because other vehicles I've owned have typically had worse damage from loud glass impacts while driving, but never a crack. (With an asterisk: the one crack I did have on the Accord came from something being dropped on the windshield at the body shop--still had glass powder on the surface when I was inspecting to sign off on their repair, so they had to replace the glass before I would pay them. It was obvious that it had just happened, and the presence of the powder made the dispute very short.) The difference is the slightest impact on this Prius AGC manufactured glass--undetected by the occupants--resulted in a massive crack that grew rapidly.

    I will probably drive with it like this for awhile, perhaps through Winter. I want to see how the glass handles other chips. Chips do happen, that is expected. Giant cracks are rare by comparison--roughly two orders of magnitude less frequent. So I plan to survey the window after a time to count the chips & cracks for comparison with the Tundra's glass. If I get another crack from a different point then it will be extremely strong evidence of the suspected problem with the glass. Contrary to popular belief, lightning does frequently strike the same place twice...but there is a physical reason for that.

    A logical approach suggests the following: defective glass is more likely to crack from a single chip. If it isn't properly annealed then just this sort of failure is expected. If the glass is well made, then it is unlikely to crack, bullseye, or star, even if struck many times.

    Between my wife's mileage and my own we have over 500,000 miles experience with our windows in various cars. If the Prius crack had happened after multiple chips or rock hits over tens of thousands of miles, then I would agree that it was just bad luck. But after 2,000 miles and no apparent rock hits or chips before this, plus the extremely rapid growth of the crack, I'm not at all inclined to chalk this up to coincidence.

    I've had experience with other parts having material failures due to cracking in the Tundra, so I recognize that Toyota's part selection/certification is less effective than what I've seen from Nissan and Honda. (Rear end failure--probably due to sheared housing bolt, AC blower knob, both rear window hinges--almost never used.)
  12. David Beale

    David Beale Senior Member

    Jul 24, 2006
    Edmonton Alberta
    2012 Prius
    The Prius windshield is no more expensive than any other car, and in my experience no more fragile (I've got lots of rock chips but so far no cracks). Just before I purchased Pearl, I priced out one while putting a new windshield in the anti-Prius (2001 Nissan Pathfinder). Same price, even though the Prius windshield is larger. They can be had for $300 ish. I wouldn't worry whether it's an OEM replacement or not, just that it has the same things built in, same tinting, etc. and it fits correctly.

    I would NEVER go to a dealer for glass - they contract it out anyway. Well, if I'm in the mood for humour I might. I got a quote on the anti-Prius windshield from the Nissan dealer and almost ended up rolling on the floor in laughter - they wanted $1200. I ended up paying about $300 and got the -same- windshield the vehicle had when new. Same label etc.
  13. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Shawn, I think you are overreacting just a bit. It's understandable and perfectly normal to feel angry and cheated when something expensive breaks, but I think you are letting frustration cloud your judgment. Take a couple of deep breathes, step back a bit, and look at the data from PriusChat. If the Prius OEM windshield design were defective or there were common manufacturing problems, we would have a rash of postings about bad windshields. This happened with the new Toyota FJ-40, and it was all over the forums. I haven't seen anything like that about the Prius.

    The Prius has a large windshield due to the extreme angle, and weight is an issue, so it is possible that the glass is thinner than found on some other cars. Even so, there is no pattern of failure.

    I suspect you are just a victim of bad luck. Someone has to make the odds, and once in a while you draw the bad card. That is why most of us carry insurance. Get your windshield replaced and stop fretting over it. There are bigger things to worry about.

  14. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius

    Since the Prius has not been produced in the U.S. I don't even know that there is a U.S. manufacturer for OEM Prius glass. My Tundra, produced in the U.S., has PPG as OEM. I don't know if the 2001 Pathfinders were produced in the U.S., I know some later ones were so I'm not surprised you could easily get OEM glass at a good price.

    I replace OEM parts with OEM when it makes sense to do so, but in the windshield case it would appear to be counterproductive. I replaced the Tundra's rear window hinges with aluminum parts that a fellow made to address the problem of the poor material selection for the OEM. I found a thread where PPG glass was used as replacemnt in the Prius and the owner was satisfied. Since I've had good luck with PPG that's the way I intend to go if/when replacement becomes mandatory.
  15. tedb

    tedb Member

    Nov 18, 2005
    Woodland Hills, CA
    2014 Prius
    We got nailed by a small flying object on our 2007 while driving at freeway spreed and the crack quickly spread. The insurance company quckly replaced it, although initially only with something other than OEM glass. When my wife complained that there was a problem with the new glass, the insurance company quickly changed to OEM. If it were a side window, I might (and have) accepted non-OEM glass.

    For us, driving on freeways, a cracked windshield is a definite risk and not much we can do about it.

  16. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius

    I appreciate your concern, but I have a problem with folks not honoring their obligations and it is pretty clear that Toyota has no intent of honoring any claim related to glass. It is pre-judged without even being seen and that raises a red flag.
    What I noticed in looking at windshield threads was folks with the same problem as mine--low mileage and cracks from single chips. This suggests a substantial amount of poor quality glass getting through.

    I actually see somewhat of a pattern, more related to the occasional poorly made glass. It might be thinner, but if so then it truly is a design flaw or compromise that is going to cause the customer increased operating expense.

    The Prius glass angle is not bad at all and is actually ideal for preventing this. The crack started from near the top side where the angle is shallowest. This is yet another indication that something is amiss. The bad star hits I've taken in other vehicles were usually near center and closer to perpendicular than the Prius, the worst way to take the hit. (This is my recollection from studying kinetic penetrators.)

    As for cross section of the glass it doesn't appear to be all that different from other vehicles I've owned. What would make the Prius more vulnerable is the shallow sloping hood. On other vehicles many high speed projectiles are caught by the grill/hood. Those plastic deflectors on the front of trucks that were once common were there to prevent glass damage.

    Time will tell. I hope it is bad luck, but my problem solving instincts say otherwise. I intend to use the glass as a test bed for awhile and within a few months perhaps will have a conclusion. A second independent crack would be absolutely damning to the quality of the particular window manufacture...assuming there are not an extremely large number of other chips.

    Nothing beats empirical data.
  17. Stefx

    Stefx Member

    Apr 11, 2008
    2008 Prius
    This is based on your single event?

    I don't see hundreds of threads about glass cracking in the Prius forum. I would chalk that off as bad luck rather than a fleet-wide issue.
  18. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Shawn, I didn't intend to imply that the angle of the Prius windshield was bad for stone hits. I was making the observation that the steep angle of the windshield requires a large amount of glass to provide the same frontal viewing area. Glass is heavy, and the Prius has a lot of it in the windshield. A Jeep, on the other hand, has an almost vertical windshield, so a small piece of glass provides and adequate viewing area. Regardless, your comment about kinetic penetrators is correct.

  19. malibucarl

    malibucarl Member

    Apr 26, 2005
    Malibu, Ca
    2007 Prius
    I agree with Mr. Beale.
    We had a stone hit the window. The crack slowly enlarged. Called the firm in the book I'd used before on another car. They came to the house, replaced it, and left within 45 minutes.
    Around $300.

  20. a_gray_prius

    a_gray_prius Rare Non-Old-Blowhard Priuschat Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Good luck on the windshield, at least insurance should cover (some portion of) it.