Separate names with a comma.
I would if I could afford it. The $6.5 K discount in NJ brought the total to a price point I was happy with. The deal ends on the 4th (as of...
I wouldn't be surprised either if it were extended. I ain't signing a doc that has the wrong tax rate amount embedded in financing coupled with...
LoJacked Part Deux Got my quote and time frame from DAS yesterday and got my contract from Toyota of Turnersville today, but all was not Kosher....
^ CoolJW. Congratulations on a great purchase and what should turn out to be a great car for you. Hope a new battery solves your woes. You worked...
Today Turnersville Toyota added a $695 LoJack charge several hours after a pre-incentive price of $38.419 was agreed upon this am. Bumped me up...
OK 6 months later. Anybody bought the Husky Weatherbeater floor and cargos who can review their quality in the PIP?
Nice Work. Very Helpful information. Thanks.
Question. IYHO is the price of the advanced package worth the differential from the base. Are people still snagging discounts on the '12 PIP where...
wicked I am sure there is quite a range state to state and month to month. Hopefully more folks will feel comfortable sharing .
This thread is only purpose is to inquire on the price paid for PLUG IN PRIUS by PriusChat members. No other information is solicited in this...
nice these will be ordered when I pull the plug on a PIP
Unless they salt the heck out of your roads or your drive on unpaved often, I am not sure the purpose. Sounds like a pricey add on for an easy...
Allow owner to program basic vehicle settings. Owner should not have to have a tech at a dealer do such simple tasks. The software for the...
The similar Lexus prototype at the L.A. autoshow seemed a lot smaller inside. Smaller than the difference in specs. I am all for a luxury small...