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I have a 2013 Prius C (the purchase date was Jan 2014) with 20K miles on it. Two days ago after a snow, I noticed my TPMS light was on. Even...
Thanks, wjtracy, good to know that PA only carries the standard warranty. I will keep it in mind!
Thanks very much for all your help! I just traded in my car in a dealership for $500 today, and bought another used car (Prius C, year 2013 with...
One more question, guys. What is the worst case scenario if I keep driving my car at current state (i.e. with the check engine and the other...
Thanks, JC91006. I guess you are right. Looks like I have to get a new car because it is not worthwhile to get an expensive battery for my old...
Thanks for the quick reply! I never replaced my 12V battery. I bought my vehicle 5 yrs ago as a used car. At that time the mileage was 80,000...
Dear all, My 2005 Prius has about 224,800 miles on it. I has been driving okay until yesterday. While driving, there are many warning lights...