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Just Another Fat Bloated Company Shaking Down the Little Guy (A Volt Story)

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by Octane, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. UsedToLoveCars

    UsedToLoveCars Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    Other Electric Vehicle
    but but but... it's car of the year !

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  2. SageBrush

    SageBrush Senior Member

    Jun 4, 2008
    Southwest Colorado
    2012 Prius v wagon
    I take issue with the excuse that the bailout had to happen to save jobs. Corporate welfare does not save jobs, it just adds a layer of bureaucracy and corruption to the taxpayer bill while delaying the inevitable.
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  3. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Since the subsidy was written for electric vehicles and plug in hybrids this other editorial is incorrect. Others have pointed this out in print. Why do you think editorials are news? Do you not read the real news and feel smarter because you can quote parts of incorrect editorials?

    I never said the leaf got bail out money. The law clearly states the electrified tax credit goes for plug in hybrids like the volt and phv prius. Keep up son. How much bailout money was spent on the volt? very little.

    Also your editorial cutting out information from another editorial fails here again. How can a car that runs such a small percentage of gm go for the majority of retooling set for trucks and suvs? Nissan, Ford, and GM all got DOE funds for battery developments and money for battery manufacturing. Nissan got the most.

    except the corrupt corporation planned it not the us government. Blaming the volt for GM's commitment to SUVs and bankruptcy is not factual, it is just plain wrong. How can a partial $0.5B program get you to lose tens of billions of dollars? If you are arguing that bad management should be able to fail that is quite different than arguing that a law subsiding phevs only is for bevs, or that a bailout went mainly for a car that is a tiny portion of a massive global corporation. You did argue here that the government should have killed the volt program, which would be government doing management of means of production. That could show some crony capitalism.

    Here are some mainstream press on the backruptcy. If you notice the volt doesn't rate as a reason.

    General Motors bankruptcy: End of an era - Jun. 1, 2009

    Seven reasons GM is headed to bankruptcy - USATODAY.com
  4. Octane

    Octane Proud Member of 100 MPG Club

    Apr 10, 2010
    The Swamp, Southern FL
    2007 Prius
    You engage in classic fallacy by introducing your strawman. I never argued that the Volt was the cause of the bankruptcy. But, given your shrill tone, I can see why you must create a strawman to bash.

    Also, your chiding that my reliance of a Forbe's article is misplaced and does not constitute reading "real" news, why did you just go the primary source rather than introducing your claim that plug in hybrids are clearly allowed "by the law?" Here's the primary source of the definition.


    The law doesn't clearly state that this applies to plug in hybrids like the Volt. I fail to see where plug in hybrids are specifically allowed. Any reading of:
    c) New Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle.--For
    purposes of this section, the term `new qualified plug-in electric drive
    motor vehicle' means a motor vehicle--
    ``(1) which draws propulsion using a traction battery with
    at least 4 kilowatt hours of capacity,
    ``(2) which uses an offboard source of energy to recharge

    such battery,
    seems pretty clear that a gas powered car is not covered by this. The volt is part time electric and directly driven by the gas engine for some loads. This bit of detail has been widely argued in the press as a bait and switch by GM.

    I stand by the Forbes article you denigrated.

    I took practically verbatim the rundown of the subsidies directly from the quoted article which is why I put it in quotes. I did not write it as you imply by saying "your editorial."

    Lastly, you twist words. Obama canned the CEO. He could have canned the Volt program. I simply pointed that out to somebody who brought it up. He didn't can the Volt. I'm not advocating for either. Government should stay the hell away.

    As I said, GM and any other crony capitalist should stay the hell away from tax monies. Enough of the socializing of risk while privatizing the reward.
  5. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Well that was the bulk of the monies you were blaming on the volt. I'm glad you agree that the volt wasn't the reason of the bankruptcy or the primary recipient of bailout funds.:)

    I'll clarify, I did not mean you wrote the editorial, I was criticizing the editorial you chose. You also posted the law which was clearly written for the volt and phv prius as well as other phevs and bevs. Otherwise it would state electric only driving and no engine.

    Jalopnik - Drive Free or Die
    You could check out the author you agree completely with.

  6. Octane

    Octane Proud Member of 100 MPG Club

    Apr 10, 2010
    The Swamp, Southern FL
    2007 Prius
    It is about EV. This is the title of the subsection: New Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle. Electric drive motor vehicle MEANS electric vehicle (minus an exclusion for golf carts and the like.)

    Where do you get that the tethered Prius was thought about in crafting the law?

    Lastly, this is what the argued hair split has been with respect to the Volt's gas engine merely recharging the battery or the wheels are actually driven by the gas engine. We now know that GM didn't tell the truth on this one.
  7. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Toyota met with the lawmakers and then....

    Hybrid Cars: Tax credits for plug-in's a done deal

    Federal Tax Credits for Plug-in Hybrids Purchased in or after 2010
    It had nothing to do with sales of volts as it was disclosed before any sales. It also had nothing to do with the tax credit or government support. Seems like a totally dumb move by gm, as they should have decided that at least 6 months before sales and not gone public when motortrend found out gm had enabled the software. Unlike the editorial though the engine is off at all speeds during electric operation. When the batteries are low it is used as a generator up to 70 mph and can be used to directly drive the wheels as low as 30 mph as determined by software.
  8. Octane

    Octane Proud Member of 100 MPG Club

    Apr 10, 2010
    The Swamp, Southern FL
    2007 Prius
    I read all the government source data and cannot find anywhere that plug-in hybrids are allowed. The Prius is not on any list. Here's the list according to a government source:

    Qualified Vehicles Acquired after 12-31-2009

    CODA Automotive General Motors Corporation Nissan North America Tesla Think Wheego Electric Cars, Inc.

    Further, this is completely circular. The Volt is on the list because the claim was that it was an all electric vehicle with an onboard charging engine. As you point out, Motortrend debunked this. The engine directly drives the wheels at speeds as low as 30 mph. GM lied about this. It should be immediately removed from the list, in my opinion.

    This is just corporate welfare for them all. Worse, it was illegitimately obtained by GM by lying about the BOP integration.
  9. hampdenwireless

    hampdenwireless Active Member

    Aug 21, 2005
    Baltimore MD
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The original Chrysler bailout made the government money and kept a huge amount of manufacturing in the USA.

    The GM bailout as much as I do not like it will do the same thing. If the US government had to pay out unemployment to all of GM's employees it would be far worse off. GM is a sizable portion of the US economy. In this case (far more then the banks) it is to big to fail.
  10. Octane

    Octane Proud Member of 100 MPG Club

    Apr 10, 2010
    The Swamp, Southern FL
    2007 Prius
    Crony capitalism: Social risk, privatize reward.

    As bad a car company is, did Chrysler go out of business in the past few years?

    Somebody would pick up GM and hopefully totally reinvent it. Unfortunately, the government did it first.
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  11. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    You are entitled to your own opinions but not to your own facts. I gave you 4 links that showed you were wrong including the official one from the DOE. The prius phv is not on the list because it does not exist yet.

    The law is rather clear, you just have the inability to read it. It only requires that batteries assist motion and are at least 4kwh in a street legal vehicle that can be charged from an outlet. Do you think the DOE is stupid enough to put the volt on the list after knowing how the car is propelled if it did not comply with the law that toyota and gm crafted? Do you think that the page that says Plug-In hybrids on the site was somehow hacked or a lie. No, the lies were in the source editorials that you quoted. Get over it, the more you argue a false position the sillier you look.

    Did you rail against the hybrid subsidies to toyota? The invisible hand does not work well for public goods like assisting technology development to use less gasoline or create highways.
  12. Octane

    Octane Proud Member of 100 MPG Club

    Apr 10, 2010
    The Swamp, Southern FL
    2007 Prius
    Your links discussing hybrids being allowed aren't primary sources. You eschewed my links, so I went to primary sources. I will only accept primary sources or articles with citations.

    Enough of your handwaving. Please provide a government reference which says that the plugin Prius WILL be allowed when it is released.

    Irrespective of your repeated claims that the law says that plug in hybrids are allowed, it doesn't say that at all. Also, the Forbes article I cited disagrees with your interpretation.

    Further, and I will say pretty please, where does the law use the word "assist" as you have just claimed? I mean, if I can't have my own "facts" then you can't add words to legislation that aren't there. Fair enough?

    So, primary sources and actual quotes, okay?

    Lastly, when did the DOE put the Volt on the list? Do you actually know? If DOE put it on the list BEFORE the Motortrend article, then I'd say you are way off base and frantically trying to justify your position with an increasing shrillness.

    Oh, and to answer your last question, the Volt is purely a political animal. Do I think DOE is corrupt enough to put the Volt on the list when it doesn't belong there. I'll leave that up to you to decide.
  13. Octane

    Octane Proud Member of 100 MPG Club

    Apr 10, 2010
    The Swamp, Southern FL
    2007 Prius
    No, I had just purchased my 2002 Acura 3.2 TL Type S with Nav in June of 2001 and was very please with it. I was completely ambivalent about the Prius at the time.

    Yeah yeah yeah.. invisible hand. And the invisible hand can't possibly waste resources the way this government is wasting them.

    Lastly, although electricity is cheaper than gasoline to use per mile, it is a more wasteful power source and actually requires more energy per equivalent mile once you consider the efficiency of converting to steam, running a generator and the transmission losses, not to mention the power loss as you charge up the battery, so it doesn't really help the environment at all.

    But you knew that, right? Only could those thermodynamic realities be covered up by the iron fisted hand of government and make you believe so deeply in your Marxist rhetoric.
  14. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    I include the doe link from my previous post.. You can click the links to the IRS last updated in February. I doubt the doe and irs determine things by reading motor trend, but hey keep up with you conspiracy theory rant. Please do click the link above. Read it. Stop whining. The other quotes showed that toyota was involved in this politics. I did a quick Google, and did not think you needed more.

    Why are you calling me shrill? Just read the link. Those on the board may think you have no clue, but stop providing us with more evidence.

    btw: my argument..... winner!
  15. Octane

    Octane Proud Member of 100 MPG Club

    Apr 10, 2010
    The Swamp, Southern FL
    2007 Prius
    Who is "us"? Do you have a mouse in your pocket or do you always talk in the royal "we?"

    The DOE link specifically says this:

    The information on this page should not be viewed as an official or legally binding document. Other requirements or exceptions may apply. For more detailed information, please consult an IRS tax representative and/or official IRS publications.

    Enough of your mamby pamby. You didn't even read the DOE's own disclaimer. Please point to the legislation, official IRS document, etc., which says plug in hybrids are allowed.

    You are increasingly shrill. The Prius PHEV is NOT on any list. The word "assist" does not appear in the law as you claimed, and you still haven't told us whether the Volt was approved before or after the Motortrend article.

    I still stand by the conclusions of the Cato Institute's Forbes op. ed. piece.
  16. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Sure it can look at how much money gm lost in 2008. But hey I'm a libertarian. I would rather have individuals waste it too....

    Well, I'm not sure if the windmill powering my home right now requires steam, but even if it did we are running out of oil. Its not iminent but it is in this countries best interest to power at least some of our cars without gas. The united states spends much treasure to obtain overseas oil. Oil dependency definitely wreaks havoc on our economy, and has been used as economic blackmail.

    Small investments to correct for public goods. Even adam smith agrees to that. I am not marxist or even socialist, but hey if it helps you sleep at night.
  17. Octane

    Octane Proud Member of 100 MPG Club

    Apr 10, 2010
    The Swamp, Southern FL
    2007 Prius
    Boy, you change your text quicker than jack flash.

    You took me to task for citing an article you disagreed with. The only logical thing to do from there is to use primary/source data. You've done nothing of the sort in more than 7 posts.

    I have provided a link to the specific legislation as well as excerpted the relevant text. I have posted the specific list of cars which are eligible. This proves you are wrong. There was no use of the word "assist" as you tried to slide into your argument with your sleight of hand. The law or any IRS code I can find does not say that plug in hybrids are eligible--only some highly disclaimered DOE page which tells you specifically to check with the IRS official documents. (The DOE page is good enough to cite, but not to follow their very own instructional disclaimer. Interesting).

    Lastly, just demonstrate when the Volt was added to the list and when it because known that GM lied about the drive train of the Volt, i.e. that it was possible that the gas engine would directly drive the wheels at speeds as low as 30 MPH.

    I notice that even though I asked you "pretty please" show me where the phrase "batteries assist motion" was used, you haven't.

    Please put up, or retract it. You aren't entitled to make crap up and to read qualifiers into legislation that don't exist.
  18. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    That page also has this link on it. You do know how to use this internet thing right. Last time

    Qualified Vehicles Acquired after 12-31-2009
    from there you can click on the volt link

    30D. New Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicles ? General Motors Corporation

    Do you really think I have trouble reading? You will note that links have dates as I said, and they are after full information on the volt was known. And if you can read it says that your opinion is completely wrong. The prius phv will also qualify. The page also has definitions and other links.
    The be certified for the credit by the manufacturer, the vehicle must meet the following requirements:

    Cato publishes some good stuff and some absolute crap. That author publishes crap. I also provided source watch on him for you, but I guess you can't really click those links.
  19. Octane

    Octane Proud Member of 100 MPG Club

    Apr 10, 2010
    The Swamp, Southern FL
    2007 Prius
    And I'm not sure that the windmill at your house can provide the 16kWh necessary for a single Volt charge. So, your windmill is irrelevant. What, do you have a 150-300 watt generator? Unless you have one of those "green" windmills made with the new technology that Obama ordered that is so powerful that even Ted Kennedy didn't want anywhere near his family compound???

    The power grid is based almost entirely on steam generation. Quit mocking a rock solid fact.
  20. Octane

    Octane Proud Member of 100 MPG Club

    Apr 10, 2010
    The Swamp, Southern FL
    2007 Prius
    1. I asked you when the Volt was added to the list. Those dates do not say when it was added to the list. So, yes, I think you have a problem reading.

    2. It doesn't matter that the dates are after the issue was known. Cato's point and I agree with it, and am arguing this point: the Volt got on the list by falsely claiming it was an electric vehicle. That it stayed on the list could be for many reasons including political expedience.

    3. You told me repeatedly the the Prius Plug In DOES qualify. You have not provided a single scintilla of cited or credible source documentation that says this. Now you change your tune.

    4. Attacking a person with source watch is called an ad persona attack and is fallacy, not argument. It does not debunk his claims in the article I cited.

    Lastly, where does it say battery assist motion (as you claimed) in the actual law that I cited. I've asked you 4 or 5 times to defend this point. You refuse. For good reason. It shows your bias and your willingness to make stuff up to secure your point.