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Sudden drop in mpg

Discussion in 'Prime Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by LBPrime, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. LBPrime

    LBPrime Junior Member

    Nov 16, 2018
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    I tried to read all the drop in mpg threads for the Prius prime but none really seem to match up with what I’m experiencing.

    I’ve always averaged 59mpg. I don’t plug the car in because I live in a condo that doesn’t allow chargers and 59mpg is more than enough for me.

    Well here is what I noticed. One night it was in the low 60’s so I decided to turn on my heater, there was a huge clunk sound from the driver side of the engine compartment, I thought that was strange but wrote it off because it was quick clunk and no other odd noises came about after that.

    Well I’m driving on the freeway and I notice the mpg is in the 40’s on the freeway. I’m in eco mode and I don’t drive aggressive. Nothing has changed in terms of driving habits, tire pressure, the temperature was 5 degrees cooler than normal. The heater was only on for 5 mins to warm the cabin up just enough.

    Since then my car has felt weak starting from a dead stop. It’s like there is no power. The engine is constantly kicking on even when I’m just at a dead stop. I read about winter gas but the problem started mid tank, so there was no new gas. My car feels like it struggles to even go up the slightest incline now. There is a noticeable difference. I’ve driven this car for the better part of 12k miles and I know I’m not going crazy. There is definitely a drop in power and a huge drop in MPG. I tried driving normally and it showed I was getting 38mpg, this is in ECO mode. Tonight, I tried to watch my gauges and tried to get 60mpg. I managed to get 51mpg but I was crawling down the street.

    From a stand still, If I barely tap the gas pedal the gauge shoots up in the “red”. It never did this before. I want to take my car to the dealer but there aren’t any cels or check engine lights.

    I’m sorry if I don’t know the terms, this is my first Prius. I definitely think there is a performance issue with the traction battery.

    Has anyone else remotely experienced the same problems?
  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    not that i have read. i think you do need to go somewhere for an underbody/brake inspection. not sure if the heater is involved, but something definitely happened that is causing it. perhaps a good visual inspection will find the culprit.
    just explain what you did here. and maybe a drive with the service manager, as well as a new one to compare.

    all the best!(y)
    LBPrime likes this.
  3. FuelMiser

    FuelMiser Senior Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Monument, CO
    2016 Prius
    Actually, the Check Engine Light (CEL) is a misnomer because it has nothing to do with engine trouble. It is strictly for Emissions Control System issues, such as Catalytic Converter, Oxygen (O2) Sensor or Fuel Vapor Containment (Gas Cap). BUT, from your description, you do have a serious problem with power. When a Prius uses the gas engine more than normal, it is because the battery portion is not picking up the load. It turns out the electric side of the power system (the inverter) is on the driver side of the engine bay, so maybe the clunk you heard was something that needs to be looked into.
    LBPrime likes this.
  4. LBPrime

    LBPrime Junior Member

    Nov 16, 2018
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Thanks for the reply guys. It was really helpful. I canceled my appointment today because I didn’t want to go there and not know exactly what to say. I’ll remake an appointment and update any findings.

    I was starting to settle with the colder temp and winter gas theory. That clunk was not normal and the loss in mpg was most likely the result of it. Nothing else has changed or happened.

    One more thing, it’s not related or maybe it is. I read the manual and I couldn’t find anything about not taking the car into an automatic car wash. I’ve been taking my car at least twice a week. I’m wondering if that could have caused a mpg ticking time bomb.

    Thanks again!
    bisco likes this.
  5. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    if it pulls you through while in neutral, there is some drainage of both batteries. if you have a/c or heat on, serious drain.
    prius won't start engine to charge battery when in neutral.

    if you must go through, best to start with as full a battery as possible.