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Silent death of Prime apps on the 2020

Discussion in 'Prime Audio, Electronics, and Infotainment' started by Kicks07, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. Suspi

    Suspi Junior Member

    Feb 27, 2015
    2020 Prius Prime
    Is this for your 2017 Prime or were you able to get the old Entune App Suite for the 2020 Prime? I'm trying to figure out if these apps were initially available but then were pulled, or if they were never available for 2020 Prime users.

    I enjoy Carplay because it's better than nothing, but it would be nice to have some of those connected features too :/
    #61 Suspi, Dec 18, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
  2. Old Bear

    Old Bear Senior Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Boston, Massachusetts USA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    This was for my 2017 Prime with Advanced trim. I believe that the vehicle must support these functions, so 2020 owners are plain out of luck. Moreover, one needs to register the vehicle with Toyota's Entune server and I don't think you'd be able to do that with a 2020 Prime.

    It's just my opinion, but I've been amazed that so many folks on Prius Chat have complained so vehemently about not having Apple Carplay or Android Auto because they primarily are just ways to interface the entertainment features of one's smart phone to one's car. They provide no functionality for managing, controlling or interacting with the vehicles systems.

    Instead of having one's phone being an extension of one's car, Carplay and Android Auto just let one's car being an extension of one's phone.

    And, also in my opinion, I think a smart car is a lot cooler than a smart phone. But I appear to be among the minority.
    Salamander_King and GSK like this.
  3. GSK

    GSK Active Member

    Jul 24, 2019
    Baltimore, MD
    2021 Prius Prime

    You are not alone. I've had both Android Auto and the Apple one on a previous car, and I have no desire to have them again. They really aren't that useful, particularly when you have to keep your phone plugged in all the time. The remote charge management and remote A/C through an app are much more useful, and these are features that I used with my Leaf almost every day.
    Salamander_King likes this.
  4. Suspi

    Suspi Junior Member

    Feb 27, 2015
    2020 Prius Prime

    I only got a slice of the older Entune experience when I was plugged into a Chargepoint charger and their app kept me up to date with how long I've been charging and the estimated state of my car.

    Carplay/Auto is more of a sidegrade for me. In the past, I would mount my phone approximately where the screen currently is and use the Android Auto app. Now I just get the same experience but leave my phone in the console.

    I think the surprising thing is the removal of one for the other.
    Old Bear likes this.
  5. CharlesH

    CharlesH CA HOV Decal #5 on former PiP

    Nov 27, 2005
    Roseville, CA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    The Entune entertainment apps and the Entune telematics apps on the Advanced were two entirely unrelated things, confusingly bundled under the name "Entune". The entertainment apps let you use the screen in the car to manage some apps running on your smartphone, and CarPlay is not fundamentally different, but just providing more general access to the smartphone. The Advanced Apps didn't talk to the smartphone directly; there was software in the car that connected to car systems, such as GPS and charge management and climate control, and communicated with the outside world over the car's built-in SafetyConnect cell phone. The app on the smartphone talked over its Internet connection to a server that knew how to contact the car's cell phone. The Advanced Apps were almost stealth apps that pretty much only the geeks knew about, with very little, if any, promotion. It seems that most sales people did not even know they existed. On the other hand, all cars have entertainment systems these days, so Car Play/Android Auto has a much higher profile.
    pghyndman and Old Bear like this.
  6. Old Bear

    Old Bear Senior Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Boston, Massachusetts USA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    An excellent explanation! A lot of confusion is introduced by the terms used by the marketing people. (Of course, their job is to support the sales operation, not to provide clarity.)

    Even the "Safety-Connect cell phone" CharlesH mentions is really just a transceiver communicating over Verizon's cellular network. "Safety-Connect" is a Toyota service which operates via that transceiver. The Prime's various telematics (charge management, ECO dashboard, remote climate, etc.) also use the transceiver to interact with a Toyota-run server.

    Even with the removal of the user apps in the 2020 Prime, I suspect that Toyota will still be collecting a lot of data about how Prime owners are using their vehicles. Toyota knows how much you drive, where you go, how much of your driving is electric, where you charge your car, and when you've driven enough miles to be due for periodic maintenance -- or to be likely to buy a new car.

    Only time will tell if and how Toyota will use all that data.
    #66 Old Bear, Dec 29, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  7. t_newt

    t_newt Active Member

    May 27, 2018
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    I have a theory about why there's a silent death of Prime apps and believe it or not it involves Blackberry and Samsung.

    All these software based entertainment systems have an operating system underneath them, just like your PC has Microsoft Windows or Apple MacOS, and your phone has Android or OS1 running underneath your software programs. The OS can start the programs and the programs can call on the OS for services (connecting to the user interface, networking, etc).

    Car entertainment systems have 'embedded' operating systems (OS) on them too. In the past it was often QNX, an OS now owned by Blackberry. Toyota used QNX for its cars.

    Car companies got tired of paying royalties for a commercial OS for all their cars, so they joined together to create their own open-source OS based off of Linux. They started off with Samsung's Linux called Tizen,which is used on Samsung televisions. This new OS is called Automotive Grade Linux (AGL). A number of car companies supplied their drivers for things like user interface, navigation, etc to this OS.

    (Note that Microsoft used to supply a car OS to Ford, BMW and others, but it had so many issues that most car companies have dropped it in favor of QNX. Apple and Google both offer a car OS but most car companies don't want to tie themselves to these companies--I think Mercedes once had an Apple OS based car).

    Toyota is one of the first companies to switch over to AGL, first with a Camary, and now other models. Toyota realized that customers have been demanding CarPlay and Android Auto, but they weren't going to port it to both their QNX and AGL OS cars--why do the work twice?

    So if your car supports CarPlay, you probably have the AGL Operating sytem running your car's entertainment system. I'm guessing they haven't ported the more advanced remote Etune features over to AGL yet, which is why they have silently disappeared. I'm sure the Blackberry QNX engineers are telling Toyota "It's harder than it looks, isn't it? Anytime you want to come back to us and get these features back, let us know."

    I can see why Toyota isn't talking about these details. This is getting way too deep into the car details to be able to give a clear explanation to their customers.
    #67 t_newt, Dec 29, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
    twinprime, GKL, yaun and 1 other person like this.
  8. CharlesH

    CharlesH CA HOV Decal #5 on former PiP

    Nov 27, 2005
    Roseville, CA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Thank you for the possible explanation about car OS issues. One would think that the telematics stuff would be an almost trivial port, since, unlike the media stuff, they don't involve any user interface functionality. It is just some code talking to the relevant internal data bus on one side to get or set the information, and sending that over a cell phone data connection. But who knows, the issues might be legal (patents, licensing, and such), not technical.
  9. Old Bear

    Old Bear Senior Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Boston, Massachusetts USA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    It's hard to say why Toyota seems to have abandoned these functionalities. It may be as simple as deciding they are a low priority in creating the new in-car user interface.

    Getting info from the car and instructions to the car would seem to be trivial. The real complexity is in Toyota's server which has to keep track of all the data, handle security issues (I don't want random people operating my car's features) -- and providing a cool graphic user interface to run on customers' cell phones. Although this already exists, it does require maintenance and periodic updating as users' phones change.

    Somehow, I think the market has yet to appreciate the concept of a "smart car" not being just "self driving", but also providing smart features like the increasingly popular "smart home" -- "Alexa, how long until my car is charged up?"

    Keep in mind that many the features we've been discussing are more relevant to electric vehicles than to conventional gasoline powered cars. With a gasoline car, one probably does not need to remotely check on the level of gas in the tank or how long until the tank is refilled. Other features are similar but not identical: remote start to "warm up" the gas engine; remote location to find where one parked the car (or where the car thieves abandoned it). And still other features, such as locating gas or charging stations, can be handled easily using a smart phone's web browser and easily accessible existing online services.
  10. yaun

    yaun Member

    Feb 13, 2019
    2021 Prius Prime
    I had some time to have a closer look at the infotainment system of my new 2020 LE and have come to the conclusion that for anyone but Apple Carplay users it is a downgrade over the system on prior models (yes, hard to believe that was even possible). I already wrote about the replacement of the internal Nav with ScoutGPS in this thread. Just adding to it, after I really gave it a try, best thing you can do is to uninstall it from your phone again.

    This is what I get when clicking on the 'App' button

    IMG-20200123-200541146 — imgbb.com

    The first one says 'Remote Connect - Authorization'

    Clicking on it, results in the message 'This feature is not available on your vehicle'. Why have this in the first place, if it's not available? I suppose Toyota is working on re-adding it to the 2020 model but didn't get to it yet, or is this for real? On Urban Dictionary I believe they call this a 'Cock tease'.

    The other app is called 'Notifications'. If you click on it, it shows you one message: 'No notifications available'. I suppose there are moments it may show me a notification? But I couldn't find any documentation what type of notifications to expect.

    For anything else I had to pair the Entunes app on my phone to the car. I never did this on my 2018 and I still could have a weather tile on the home screen. Now the only things you can customize as tiles on your main dash are 'Audio', 'Phone' and 'Eco'. There is an Entunes weather app, but a) it requires your cellphone to be connected via Entunes and b) it cannot be configured to a tile. It's funny that they allow to configure a 4 tile layout, if there are only 3 things that you can add to it.
    #70 yaun, Jan 23, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
  11. Desaxman13

    Desaxman13 Junior Member

    May 22, 2013
    Syracuse, NY
    2020 Prius Prime
    Wish I had seen this thread earlier. The one thing my wife has been pushing for was something with remote climate/heat. I have never (before this weekend) purchased a car while I still owed even a penny on my "current" car, but when I talked with not one but two different salesmen at a dealership I've been using for 20 years, they offered a great deal on a Prime XLE as an "upgrade" to my Prius. I verified, in writing and verbally that the only *must have* to trade in my 2016 Prius III for a Prime XLE was remote climate. They confirmed there was Remote Connect and I would be all set. Delivery is supposed to be tomorrow and now I'm stunned - just called the dealer and was told there is no Remote Connect and the Prime apps for Entune are gone, even though all other research I did including on Toyota's own website show remote climate is available. My wife is going to be really pissed when I tell her. Not sure what to do when the Toyota site shows it available, two salespeople stated it was available, and now the sales manager states that they were wrong and there is no remote climate control. Really sucks when it's constantly in the teens all winter :(
  12. Salamander_King

    Salamander_King Senior Member

    Nov 8, 2015
    New England
    Other Hybrid
    Just to clarify some detail. You are correct that Remote Connect and the Prime apps for Entune are gone, but those functionalities were never available in XLE (previously Premium) trim. Although Remote Connect and Prime apps are gone from 2020 Limited trim, all three trims including you XLE still have remote A/C functionality from the fob. It only works from the distance close enough for the fob signal to be able reach. Also for both Remote A/C by fob and old Remote Climate control by Prime app relies on electric heat pump. Thus it has to be either connected to the charger or battery must have enough charge left to function. Under 14F, the heat pump will not function, thus whey you most want the function, it does nothing.
  13. Desaxman13

    Desaxman13 Junior Member

    May 22, 2013
    Syracuse, NY
    2020 Prius Prime
    Yes, I know it wasn't on XLE (Premium) before. That's one of the things I asked the salespeople, I was asking about the Limited, but they informed me all 3 trims had Remote Connect for 2020 and steered me to the XLE.
    Salamander_King likes this.
  14. Salamander_King

    Salamander_King Senior Member

    Nov 8, 2015
    New England
    Other Hybrid
    Sound like a typical misinformed (or uninformed?) dealer sales rep. Is the paper signed and deal already closed? Maybe you can rescind the deal based on the misrepresentation by the sales rep???
  15. Old Bear

    Old Bear Senior Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Boston, Massachusetts USA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    When we bought our 2017 Prime, Mrs Bear also was particularly concerned that the vehicle have remote start so that it could be warmed up with windows defrosted in winter. The salesman said that remote start was available but that we'd have to bring the car back and schedule a time for the service department to set it up. After taking the car home and reading the manual, we concluded that what we were being offered as an after-market remote starter for the internal combustion engine -- something that was unnecessary. It also seemed kind of strange because the ICE does not come on when the car is started unless the traction battery is fully depleted or the quick front windshield defrost is invoked. We cancelled ordering whatever it was that the salesman was ready to sell us.

    Awhile back, there was some discussion on Prius Chat about how someone had set up an after-market remote start and that is was complicated because it had to "fool" the Prime to start the internal combustion engine. In addition, the Prime will not start if it is plugged in, so that feature would have to be defeated if you wanted to remotely start the I.C.E. when the charging cable is connected. See: 2018 Prius Prime - Remote Engine Start | PriusChat

    And, if one parks inside a garage, remotely starting the I.C.E. might not be such a good idea because of the exhaust gasses, especially carbon monoxide. But, if you park outside in a very cold climate, I can see how it might be useful and practical -- if you can find someone who can figure out how to install it.

    As has been mentioned elsewhere, the electric heat-pump in the Prime does not function effectively at temperatures below 14 degrees F. So, in that situation, being able to remotely start the I.C.E. might be desirable.
    #75 Old Bear, Jan 28, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2020
  16. garglo

    garglo Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Port St Lucie, FL
    2020 Prius Prime
    When I lived in Buffalo NY I kept a small 1500w heater in the back of my 08. Plug it in in the morning or have it on a timer if you always leave at the same time. I let the plug hang out the hatch in case I forgot it and drove off, the extension cord just pulled out.
    Desaxman13 likes this.
  17. motch6

    motch6 Member

    Apr 13, 2020
    2020 Prius Prime
    After reading all the posts on this board i'm going to chime in on some resent research I have done...

    First, I still get mixed signals... Prior to purchase I received similar information about "remote" abilities... Then the day I purchased my car I investigated the "Prime Apps" information and found this site that walks you through the setup...
    Entune Premium JBL Audio With 11.6-In. HD Multimedia Display – Prius Prime Apps

    Although, When you pull that site up on Safari on iOS iPhone device, it still says 2020 at the top (see photo attached) But if you bring it up on a PC Google Browser, you no longer have the option to click on "Prime Apps" (as pictured below).


    I called "Safety Connect" and they spent some time researching on their end and came to the conclusion that the 2020 version of the car had the "Prime Apps" removed due to the update in the Head Unit (they didn't mention what the updates were) but I suspected it was the Apple Car Play (as many of you have mentioned).

    I then just started having Entune Apps Update Download ERRORS... Said to Re-initiate download, with no directions on how to do it. I called Toyota, they tried to work through it with me, but was giving me information that conflicted with my actual unit, so they suggested i go into a dealership. Which i did. They fixed the download error, but said their weren't any updates (according to my research today, there is in fact an update). This service tech worked through a lot of things, including the Prime Apps details, as it was his understanding their should be. He ended up calling TSA (not to be confused with airport security ;)). And they walked through the same issues and said YES there should be something that works... He was finally instructed to have me Download Toyota's "Remote Connect" app.

    Many of you have mentioned Remotely connecting to your car and have referenced Remote Connect... This should NOT be confused with the Entune 3.0 app suite (and using Prime Apps to remotely connect to the car). "Remote Connect" is a brand new app that is used across several of their vehicles. For instance the Toyota Corolla can be remotely connected to and Remote Start the car, etc.

    upload_2020-5-1_9-56-50.png (notice all the Toyota Apps... "Remote Connect" is separate)

    Anyway, I told him it wouldn't work, but we did it anyway... download, and Scan the VIN number on the car... and BAM, comes up and says your car is not equipped with "Remote Connect". But they kept insisting this would work for the features i needed.

    So, I have some theories since EVERYONE at Toyota seems to be confused and NOT in agreement....

    There is the possibility that:
    1) the Remote Connect app will be the NEW way to connect and control the options we need in the Prime and that an update is come to make to it work.
    2) the Toyota+Alexa app and features will eventually be updated as well and we'll be able to control the remote features from anywhere we can use Alexa, directly from our phones, or from an Amazon Alexa Eco device in our homes (or offices).

    Finally, I have always thought this, on my other Toyota vehicles, that the Entune App suite was a Joke, from the old system and even now the 3.0 version. Complete waste...
    Benjamin W likes this.
  18. GKL

    GKL Active Member

    Aug 1, 2019
    South Carolina
    2020 Prius Prime
    Since Alexa capability is still advertised as a feature I sure hope when our 2020 Prime is delivered that it does indeed have that capability.
  19. motch6

    motch6 Member

    Apr 13, 2020
    2020 Prius Prime
    Just to clarify, yes the Alexa app is there, but its a dumb'ed down version. Therefore if you have lights in your home that can be controlled by Alexa, you can ask Alexa to turn them on before you get home. I have found though, that other functions I'm used to don't exactly work yet.

    After reviewing both the setup of the Alexa+Toyota app and setting up SKILLS in the regular Alexa app, it seems that there are more car functions available, they just aren't functional "yet" for the Prius Prime (ie: Remote Connect functions, like turning on the car A/C etc.) I hope this means that in the near future their will be an update to our units that make these functions work for us 2020 Prime owners.
    garglo and GKL like this.
  20. GKL

    GKL Active Member

    Aug 1, 2019
    South Carolina
    2020 Prius Prime
    Thanks for the clarification, it is appreciated !

    So I guess it means Alexa works from the car to control things in the house, but you can't use Alexa in the house to do anything in the car.

    I'm guessing there is a number of things you can ask Alexa in the car to do as far as things in the car, like call a phone number, show you the location of the nearest hardware stores, ect.
    motch6 likes this.