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2nd Gen Left Rear Brake Mystery/Misery?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Ed Martel, May 13, 2022.

  1. Ed Martel

    Ed Martel New Member

    Jan 26, 2022
    2005 Prius
    Hello to ALL, and thank you for reading this post and trying to help me out.
    I have 2005 Prius with unknown mileage since I've gone way past the 299K metered mile reading and no longer keeping track. A while back I had an issue with my breaks, were all the lights indicative of a break actuator malfunction had occurred.
    Initially I tried the paper clip trick to the corresponding OBDII connector points and try to reset the lights but was unable to do the reset. I then got a hold of a techstream scanner and proceeded to get my codes that way. It showed some ABS codes and a Speed sensor issue with my Left Rear wheel. The path of least resistance lead me to change the left rear wheel bearing which included the speed sensor, but after replacing the unit with a new one, the issue continue and still unable to reset my lights which left me with none working ABS. Next I changed the break actuator and when completed connected my techstream but still got the same codes. When I try to do the bleeding procedure with the Techstream, the software just gave me a fail to connect issue and I gave up doing it that way. I next tried to do the break line bleeding without a scanner routine and was able to bleed 3 of 4 wheels except for left rear break (the one with the initial problem). So now I'm thinking this is an electrical issue (sensor/connector/harness, you name it). What helps me think is an electrical issue is the fact that I found mice droppings under the passenger globe compartment area, and upon inspecting found that in deed a creature had eating thru the cabin air filter and gotten into the car. I suspect that shortly after is when I began to have lights/break issues. Because of that, when I replaced the break actuator, I was looking for signs of chewed wires etc., in the engine compartment and on the main wire harness plug by the actuator pump, but didn't find anything.
    Questions: 1) Has anyone traced electrical issues to breaking systems on a 2nd Gen Prius and could send some tips as to how to go about it/best practices. 2) How can I check the ECU for failures?
    Any tips or experiences will help.
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Theyres a bunch of valves that have to open n close during bleeding.the fact that one corner don't squirt etc. Leads me to Believe same or similar I guess actuator and pump accumulator are all suspect me thinks accumulator pump maybe no stock . Or NLA
  3. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    Out of curiosity, wherever you found the "paper clip trick", were you shown how to use it to get the codes? (They're what the blinking dash lights were telling you while the paper clip was in.) Just going straight to the code clear before writing down what the codes are isn't a very effective way of using that "trick".

    We have lots of posts here that do describe it usefully and completely, but we still often get people who seem to have done a search and landed on something that only says how to clear. If we can find those places we can fix them up, which helps other people later.

    A post like this is easiest for us to help with if you tell us the actual codes (C1234 or whatever). If you did find paraphrases of their 'meanings' somewhere, it's fine to include that along with the codes themselves, but it's harder for us to retrace your steps backwards to guess what the codes really were if you give us paraphrases alone.

    I've had similar experiences (on Gen 3 though) that depended on which dongle I was using with Techstream. It's frustrating.

    Anyway, if you give us what the current actual trouble codes are, we can probably get some ideas together.
  4. Ed Martel

    Ed Martel New Member

    Jan 26, 2022
    2005 Prius
    Thanks for all the replies, and yes is hard to diagnose only by paraphrasing but I still appreciate getting a response.
    Here are the initial codes I got using the Techstream software.

    Engine and ECT: P0420 (this one had a little snowflake on the side)
    ABS/VS/TRAC: C0215
    Air Conditioner: B1421 (Solar Sensor Circuit (passenger side)
    Gateway: B1271 (this one's description was, Combination Meter ECU Communication Stop)

    and after all the replacements, Break actuator, LH Speed sensor, I'm currently getting these codes.
    ABS/VSC/TRACK Live : C0215 (rear Speed Sensor (LH Circuit)
    C1344 (Hydraulic System (RL)

    While on live, I jacked the rear of car and rotated the RR wheel, and gave me a 5 mph reading, while the RL did not change at all when I rotated the wheel.

    I still have no clue as to what to look at or how to proceed from here. For now I got all the lights on, and mechanical breaking system, no ABS.

  5. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    You can rest easy about the B1421, you always have that code if there isn't strong light shining on the dash solar sensor.

    The P0420 is a separate issue concerning the car's catalytic converter. The importance might depend on your area's laws about emissions performance.

    The B1271 is something in addition to the brake issues, probably worth looking into at some point.

    The C0215 and C1344 are braking issues. They both really ought to have INF codes giving more information. I would expect them to have snowflakes on the side. If not, maybe the Data List shows them?

    C0215 should have one of a dozen INF codes 290 thru 301. C1344 should have one of five, 581 thru 585.

    The C0215 means the wheel speed signal isn't getting to the skid ECU successfully. Could be the sensor or the wiring. As you've replaced the sensor, assuming it's a good one and no mistakes were made, the problem was probably the wiring, so that would be the next place to look. There are five pages in the repair manual on how to check that. It goes into both some simple checks you can make with a multimeter, and (if it comes to that) more sophisticated ones with an oscilloscope. If it comes to that, and you don't have a scope, it might be easier to hire that work out.

    The C1344 means the ECU detected something amiss with the hydraulic pressure in the rear left line. One thing that can cause that is a leak, and I think the ECU tends to react by leaving valves to that line closed and declaring it off limits (to try to keep three other brakes working and not spurt all the fluid out the suspect line). It may have to be cleared before it will allow you to bleed that line.

    (I think trying to do a "non-Techstream" bleed, with the brakes awake and not put in "ECB invalid mode" first, is one way that situation can be caused. You open the bleed valve, the ECU says "Schezbzflat! that line's losing pressure!" and seals it off, and there you are. I haven't really checked whether Gen 2 even has an "ECB invalid mode" like Gen 3. As I remember, Gen 2 flat-out didn't provide any endorsed non-Techstream bleeding procedure.)

    If you can't recover by just clearing that code and trying to bleed again (maybe in small stages that don't trip the code), then you'd probably just have to follow the eight pages of C1344 troubleshooting steps. One of those is to bleed the brakes :), which you might have to buckle down and do with Techstream, maybe with another dongle that doesn't give you comm errors. Again, that could be hired out.

    Back to the B1271 ... Gen 2 did not yet use CAN as the network connecting all the things. It still has an older, Toyota-proprietary BEAN that connects (in this order): the power source control ECU, the combination meter, the tire pressure ECU, the certification ECU (if you have smart key), the transmission control ECU (glorified name for the box that parks and unparks you), the transponder key ECU, the body ECU, and the A/C ECU, to the gateway ECU in a big ring. So the gateway ECU has one wire connected to the power source control ECU and one to the A/C ECU, and it also connects to the car's CAN and lets all these things talk to those other things.

    The B1271 means that ring seems to be interrupted somewhere between the power source control ECU and the tire pressure ECU, and you probably kind of want that ring to be intact and things to talk with the combination meter. This stuff is in the "Multiplex Communication" section of the manual. You can find a nice overview of the BEAN and gateway ECU in the pages for B1214 and B1215, and then a few more specific pages of advice for B1271 itself.

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  6. Ed Martel

    Ed Martel New Member

    Jan 26, 2022
    2005 Prius
    ChapmanF, thank you for your reply, very informative. I have scanned thru some of the pages you mentioned and it does seem like I got my work cutout for me. Lots of things to test and understand coming up for me. One curious thing though with the B1271 code, mentioned "Tire pressure" ring... I didn't think I had a tire pressure gauge or connection, I've changed tires a couple of times and the tire shops have never mentioned anything about TPSs and that's what makes me think I don't have a tire pressure monitor.
    None the less, looks like I have to get a detective's roll coming up, and start to clear codes little by little and see what comes up.
    Again, thanks for the reply and I'll keep you posted as to my findings.
  7. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    i was looking in a 2006 manual. Maybe 2005 had no TPMS?
  8. dolj

    dolj Senior Member

    May 14, 2012
    Wellington, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    Correct, there was no TPMS in the 2004-2005, it was introduced in the 2006 facelift.
  9. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    I'd guess the 2005 BEAN ring is pretty similar then, just without a stop for the TPMS.
  10. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    I have the code for the left hand low pressure in the brake system as you know my car is not had ABS for 2 years and now I have one front brake running and I'm not even sure if the two rears are coming in to full effect since the caliper failed on the left front before the caliper fail I had all four brake squeezing even with the low pressure in the rear and the brakes worked fine I could just smoke all four wheel wells no ABS. Now today with nothing but the front right brake working as far as I can tell by the heat it's generating I can use the rear brakes by pushing the parking brake. If I manually try to bleed the brakes starting with the right rear first no power on nobody stepping on the pedal I get constant drips out of all four wheels. On my motorcycles this is what we call a gravity bleed even my left rear gravity bleeds fine drips about every half second no stoppage no slowing down no sucking air it takes about a hundred drips to show a drop in the reservoir the thickness of the line that's marked on the reservoir for you to fill to. I've measured this a bunch of times by counting the drips just for haha. So now all of my brakes have been drip bled for about 5 minutes aside one at a time starting with the furthest away first My reservoir went down maybe a half an inch maybe I put it back on the line. But I still only have the right front brake parking brakes when I step on the parking brake lever and nothing else. And of course I'm the idiot that posted the question do I have to put the whole car back together in order to create a bleed situation with tech stream meaning the inverter and all has to be reconnected replaced in its place all of that before I can even think about if anything's going to go right? Of course nobody's answered that which is what I expected.