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2013 Prius V - No Throttle and Codes: p3190, P3191, P0A0F, P3000

Discussion in 'Prius v Technical Discussion' started by Dylan Perez, Sep 14, 2024.

  1. Dylan Perez

    Dylan Perez New Member

    Sep 14, 2024
    2013 Prius v wagon
    Hello everyone first time posting here, been searching through the forums and have found a lot of information from people who have had similar issues to be, but not sure where to start. So just hoping to get opinions and advice from those who are much more experienced with these cars than me.

    This is my wife's prius, it's a 2013 V III and she bought it used with 90,000 miles on it 5 years ago, it now has 135,000 miles and it's been basically trouble free until recently. We had an issue about 6 months ago where several warning lights and lights related to brakes (ABS/BRAKE) popped up, brought it to the dealership for that one and they were not able to diagnose it without us committing to expensive repairs, eventually I ended up doing a brake job on it myself and it has been working fine since then until a couple of weeks ago.

    This time we had just started the car up and backed out of our parking space, as I was driving downhill holding the brake the car made an odd shake along with sounds like the brakes were slipping, but then continued to drive normally so we proceeded on, unfortunately about 2 minutes later while going up a hill the car threw several warning lights lost all acceleration and slowed completely to a stop, at this point we were able to start the car up but it had no throttle at all, just powers up and sits there with no response to the gas pedal, eventually got someone to help me push it back to our driveway where it now sits.

    Recently I got the car connected to an OBD2 scanner and used the DR.Prius app to get what information I could, and screenshots of that are included below along with a couple of pictures inside the engine bay.

    From what I can gather the car has the following issues:
    P3190, P3191, POAOF, P3000, From looking at the DR.Prius Battery Chart it seems like some of the battery packs may not be in good shape as well, but I am not sure how to interpret this.

    From what I've been able to gather it seems like these codes could be caused by a lot of issues, so wondering if anyone has general advice what steps they would take at this point to go about fixing. Also greatly appreciated would be any guidance for resources to look at to better understand this vehicle and troubleshooting steps for it.

    I am generally competent to repair small to medium difficulty issues on a gasoline engine vehicle, but at a bit of a loss when it comes to the hybrid, was taking a look in the engine bay for example and saw that there is a pulley with no belt, my immediate thought was maybe the belt snapped when I was driving down hill hence the odd shaking and noise, from what I gather not it seems these cars do not have a serpentine belt at all. I checked the oil condition, but from what I can tell it does not look super milky to me, though perhaps a bit light in coloration.

    Attached Files:

  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
  3. MAX2

    MAX2 Member

    Aug 12, 2024
    Third Rock from the Sun
    2007 Prius
    Many people confuse the starting process.
    In a regular gasoline car, the engine is spun by the starter, then fuel is supplied, ignition is turned on, and the engine starts to run at speed.
    In a hybrid, the high-voltage system is first checked, checked for current leaks, the condition of the battery models, etc.
    When the system has passed the check, "ready" lights up on the dashboard.
    Only after this is the car started.
    The motor-generator of the high-voltage system spins the engine like a starter in a regular car.

    And then fuel is supplied, ignition is turned on, etc.
    You need to understand the sequential cause of the failure.

    It is better to break it down into two stages.

    1. The high-voltage battery is working, is the hybrid system working?

    2. The gasoline engine does not start
  4. Dylan Perez

    Dylan Perez New Member

    Sep 14, 2024
    2013 Prius v wagon
    Got what I consider an advance on fixing this today. First thing I did was go out and clean the mass air flow sensor and reinstall it. Next I started to consider fuel as probably the next easiest thing to start working on so since last time the vehicle started it showed a full tank of gas I got a siphon pump and tried to pump some fuel out of the gas tank to confirm, and I got absolutely nothing out. So it seems like the tank shows full even when empty. Next I went to get some fuel, got a 1 gallon gas tank full and put it in the tank. After that I decided to try and start up just to see if this was the issue, I figured if it was 1 gallon of fuel would be enough to get me to a gas station to refill it. Surprisingly enough the car started - and engine error lights started to turn off after a moment surprisingly the engine started up and I got moving forward. My joy was short lived unfortunately I only got about 10 feet before the engine made a nasty shuddering sound shut off again and lost all power. Tried to put it in reverse to get back into the parking space and that did not work either tho it did give me a slight amount of power just enough to roll me backwards a couple inches before shutting down again.

    All this is pretty surprising to me because last time I tried to start it up I got nothing at all, no engine start up and no power. So I am now suspecting that I have a fuel issue of some kind, but not sure where to go next for further diagnosis.

    Do you guys think I am going about this the right way in suspecting a fuel issue at this point? Where would you look next?
  5. Brian1954

    Brian1954 Active Member

    Jan 31, 2021
    South Central PA, USA
    2011 Prius
    The Dr Prius app is very limited on the systems (ECUs) that it can communicate with. Download and install an app called "Car Scanner ELM OBD2". This app can communicate with more of the systems in a Prius, but not all of the systems. See if this app finds more or different trouble codes.

    You can also read this thread to learn about different scan tools and their limitations: https://priuschat.com/index.php?posts/3290690
  6. ASRDogman

    ASRDogman Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    2010 Prius
    Toyota says to put in at least 2 gallons of fuel if the tank runs dry.
    You should put in 2 more gallons of fuel. Then try again. This time let it idle
    until the engine shuts off. That will allow the fuel to circulate through out the whole
    fuel system and build up enough pressure. It might just be there was just enough pressure
    to get the engine going, but not enough keep it going because there wasn't enoug fuel.

  7. Dylan Perez

    Dylan Perez New Member

    Sep 14, 2024
    2013 Prius v wagon
    I will definitely try that tomorrow. I'm still sort of suspecting a fuel leak or something though because I know soon before the car died the first time it really was just 100% topped off on fuel. So I have no idea where all that fuel could have vanished off to.
  8. ASRDogman

    ASRDogman Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    2010 Prius
    Well you could have a leak, but you'd smell that, I would think.
    Or perhaps you got some bad fuel? Put some in a clean glass jar and wait 10 minutes or so
    and see if you have water in it.

  9. Dylan Perez

    Dylan Perez New Member

    Sep 14, 2024
    2013 Prius v wagon
    Well we did have a couple of instances a while back of smelling fuel while driving but honestly last weekend I filled it with fuel and removed the part of the hood where the windshield wipers attached and looked for a leak and couldnt see anything, didn't get any smell or sign of a gas leak at all. So still stumped at this point. Got the car to start up a few times but never longer than about a minute before it popped warning lights and shut itself off. And now the hybrid battery I believe is about 10% so not sure I'll be able to do much more of that.