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1987 BMW L7 (European release)

Discussion in 'Other Cars' started by rufaro, May 16, 2007.

  1. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rufaro @ May 23 2007, 04:17 AM) [snapback]447977[/snapback]</div>
    oh damn. car's off the road until kid pays for brakes! incentive for him to keep said job.
  2. rufaro

    rufaro WeePoo, Gen II

    May 26, 2006
    Lost Angeles
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ May 23 2007, 07:00 AM) [snapback]448116[/snapback]</div>
    Well, that HAS been my position all along. Sadly, daddy is still snowed. And will likely remain so until the <strike>brat</strike> kid either comes home in a box or sends someone else home that way. DH and I have been married for almost 14 years, since the kid was 5 (dh & wife #1 had been divorced for more than 2 years--more than one year before he and I ever met, so I was NOT at all involved in THAT).

    DH is a good Jewish boy who does guilt good, and our ex is a TOTAL master manipulator. The kid is, in far too many ways, his mother's son. And dh still feels guilty about not supplying his son with the 50s tv family like he grew up with.

    I'm pissin' in the wind.<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ May 23 2007, 10:45 AM) [snapback]448306[/snapback]</div>
    Dad will NOT HEAR me.

    I will, however, print up your lyrics and post 'em on the refrigerator...Not that they'll do me a hell of a lot of good if it turns into an "I told you so."

    By the skin of my teeth, I got dad to more or less agree to restricting kid's driving to...work/looking for work/doctor appointments/drum lessons. But somehow, whenever kid asks for clearance for other uses, dad says ok.

    Pissin' in the wind gets old. Dad tells me kid's not as bad a driver as I think. Because that's what he wants to believe. Kid says someone forced him off the road in the last one where he killed (only) the Acura. My position is and always has been that he was driving too fast on a road I had said he wasn't supposed to be on, at a time when we BOTH had said he wasn't supposed to be out. Dad says, yes, but...we can't say he was lying about what happened in the accident, can we? So...it wasn't his fault. Then we have the ticket he got for a crosswalk violation. And the two times he got stopped (but not cited) for leaving a gas station without his lights on (oh yeah--he refuses to use a bicycle headlight because it ruins his night vision, and he can get out of the way of any car), and the time he backed up into someone else's vehicle in a parking garage (because there was a problem with the steering) (and the vehicle he caused $1500 damage to was being driven by the daughter of one of his grade school teachers....ain't small towns grand?)

    And I am the one who is overreacting.

    Oops. Ranting again.

    Okay, no, VENTING...

    That's what scroll buttons are for...
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusmaybe @ May 23 2007, 11:48 AM) [snapback]448377[/snapback]</div>
    Yeah. I know. See above rant/vent.

    At the moment, the theory is that he is going away to school in August, to Montreal, to a three year professional theatre programme. Based on past/current performance, I expect him back in California by Thanksgiving (Canadian--which is Columbus Day here). DH is getting increasingly unwilling to enforce ANT kinds of sanctions, since he believes that if we make the kid unhappy(!) now, he will use that as an excuse to fail at school. Ummm....like he NEEDS any excuse??? MY current position (other than doormat) is that, yeah, I'll back the hell off...as long as dh agrees that if kid washes out ANY time during his first year, he gets a plane ticket out of Canada and then is on his own.

    OTOH, I can always move in with my parents and younger sister in LA and leave the boys to destroy each other...and just write off the last 15 years of my life. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ May 23 2007, 01:26 PM) [snapback]448455[/snapback]</div>
    Hey Gal...I'd adopt you AND your dh in exchange in a HEARTBEAT. B) I am also certain that DH wishes he/we had turned out a person as admirable as are both of you.

    "Tough love" is not a concept my dh understands.

    And, 14-plus years notwithstanding, my opinion is just that...an opinion, not a vote.<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ May 23 2007, 07:49 PM) [snapback]448684[/snapback]</div>
    Yeah, I'm a sucker. Wth.Just as dh is a good guilty Jewish boy, I'm a good guilty Jewish girl.

    But, boy, does the garage get tiresome after a while, blitz or no--and then there's the dog who flips out if I leave him inside...and doesn't like the volume of the stereo if I bring him out with me. What's a grrrl to do? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ May 23 2007, 08:05 PM) [snapback]448696[/snapback]</div>
    S'okay. It was a sales job, that dh & I hated the sound of, but felt we had to let him try. His mother made him quit. While also reminding dh about several hundred dollars the kid owes her on a credit card she was stupid enough to give him. Oh yeah--she was also telling dh about a 2 week road trip she is planning on taking the kid on in July.

    Thank you all for your thoughts. I'm glad to know I am not nuts...well, about THIS anyway.

    And yeah, (t)he(y) REALLY had the cute going back then...(sorry about the size of the pic...just one more thing over which I have no control, as it is DH's site...do NOT ask or I will likely tell you...)

    Funny thing though...if you "click to enlarge," it gets smaller. Go figure. Kinda the story of my life. :blink:

  3. Pinto Girl

    Pinto Girl New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I wish your son best of luck in that theatre program.

    I hope he remembers that it's called show*business* and not show*fun.*

    I'm involved in theater; especially early on in their careers, actors work long, hard hours and make many sacrifices with little or no promise of financial compensation. Also, one of the things which keeps an actor's name on the mind of casting directors is the actor's ability to work well as a member of the entire artistic and production team. Even leading actors who are unable to do this sometimes discover that it becomes increasingly difficult to find work in town, once the word about one's personality gets around.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that acting is such a collaborative process --and one which requires large amounts of self-discipline on the part of each member-- that, based on how you've characterized your son, he may find that acting isn't an alternative for someone who doesn't like school.

    It's also, usually, not a way to get rich.

    I really feel like I'm preaching now (sorry!) but I see kids come in all the time who just "want to be a star" and think that a degree from a top acting school automatically guarantees this.

    I imagine that your son must have significant acting experience, however, if he's been admitted to what sounds like a quality program...so I may be totally off base about everything.
  4. rufaro

    rufaro WeePoo, Gen II

    May 26, 2006
    Lost Angeles
    2006 Prius
    Nope, PG, you are spot on. He thinks he's the next Robin Williams/Laurence Olivier. BUT...it was the ONLY way I could see to get him out of town and on his own (yeah, I kinda pulled some strings to get him the audition--not to get him accepted--a friend of mine I've known since I was about 12 has been teaching in the psych dept. for about 35 years...) As to his success or lack thereof--we'll see. He KNOWS it is rigorous--in three years, there are TWO electives...I'm figuring he'll crash and burn (figuratively, in this case, since we're not sending him with a car--strangely enough, he accepted that there ain't no way in hell that we're sending a California boy to Montreal with a car, since he's never lived through a winter, much less driven in one, never mind that Montreal actually HAS public transport), but hoping otherwise...

    I REALLY can't believe how blind his father is. Pig-headed, yes. Blind, no.

    Gonna go pound my head against some walls now... :(