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2006 Prius losing power on Hills

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by patcoghm, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. patcoghm

    patcoghm Junior Member

    Feb 13, 2006
    OK. I checked the specifics on the battery they replaced in my car. Its a Toyota Re manufatured by and warranty by Toyota. Toyota 12 months warranty. The service manger states the case and hardware are reused from used batteries returned to toyota and all the electric parts are new. The cells are totally new cells but which GEN of cells he didn't know. It cost $ 1850.00 plus labor for a total of $ 2594.94. This is the latest Toyota battery replacement cost as of Feb 2017.

    They also gave me a free rental during the period they needed to receive and install the battery. Only thing I noticed is the fan has a high speed that I never noticed before. I do have a hearing loss. The normal speed is a slow wisper of air which is almost undetectable.

    I know I know, never assume, but I will assume the battery is not the problem at this point, so that puts the power loss going up hills either the battery not getting recharged on the open road at fast enough rate by the Generator MG1 & 2, or the inverter failing to handle the charging properly.

    Just finished a test ride on video that might be of interest if I can attach videos. The Prius fails on a hill but keeps going until I crested the hill and it recovered a charge before the next hill. The video shows the energy monitor page on the MFD with battery state and flow of power, and a UltraGauge showing BAT V1 & V2, SOC, RMP, MPH, Battery Temperature U & L, Batt Amps, plus my comments by voice about temperature, power usage by fans and lights, altitude as we climb, road conditions during different points in each video.

    Does anyone have the same problem, losing power on hills.
  2. JDenyer232

    JDenyer232 Member

    Sep 10, 2016
    2016 Prius
    You can download techstreaam and get a mini vci cable as has been mentioned here. That way you can check the amps flowing to and from the battery. With your cooling fan running at a higher speed with the "new" battery, it sounds like it's a bad battery. Heat generation during charging is probably where the energy is going instead of being stored like it should.
    RCO likes this.
  3. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    might be worth checking the intake grille and cooling fan.
    RCO likes this.
  4. BK310CH

    BK310CH Junior Member

    Jul 18, 2017
    Niagara Falls
    2004 Prius
    Does anybody know if the cat can plug or get restricted without a code?

    If the cat is plugged or restricted, your ICE is producing less power and causing a higher % of the total power to be provided by the traction motor. Your highway cruise description suggests this scenario. It's using more battery to meet the power demand until the battery management says "no more juice for you!"
  5. patcoghm

    patcoghm Junior Member

    Feb 13, 2006
    The solution to My problem, No power on Hills, low battery 25% at high speed driving, Runs normally around town and below 55 MPH.
    I have or should say had the same problems for years until I figured out why. For me the Prius runs like it should in town on flat areas at speeds 55 MPH and below. It fails at high speed or in high speed climbing hills.

    The problem is low battery charging, no engine power after the battery is to low to give power assist, the engine slows at times to 35 MPH on hills. Crest the hill it charges fast, runs normal and around town has power, driving charges are normally 50- 60% and regenerative charging gets into 70-80%. So its normal in Reno, NV and the valley but when I take a trip and leave the valley I must climb mountains.

    Occasionally I would get a code P0011 "P0011 TOYOTA PRIUS - Camshaft Position 'A' Timing Over-Advanced or System Performance Bank 1". I found the solution. This VVT Oil Control Valve is needed at high torque as in climbing hills and high speed driving. I neglected this code as it would disappear after restarting the car, ocassionally itkept the check engine light on, but would reset itself. The car ran normally around town so I did not connect it to the hill and High speed until I started to read my Prius repair manuals.

    Then it hit me. it has been doing this for years and occurs when I leave town a few times a year and then need to climb the mountains. Normally it runs as normal around town in Reno. After reading this is what I did, I replaced the VVT Oil Control Valve.

    Just tested it and its running like new. Battery is always about 60% at high speed, will discharge on high speed hills but is stronger and didn't fail, but the difference is the engine now has power. I can accelerate.

    Driving from Reno to Donner Summit on I-80 is 43 miles, goes from 4413 feet to 7227 feet, and I always negotiated this long climb in cruise at 65MPH. Then when this problem appeared, the cruise was unable to keep the speed and turned off, the engine had no power to accelerate and the car would slow down, at times to 35MPH.

    After the VVT valve was replaced it solved the P0011 code, now run at high speeds at 60% + battery at 80MPH, 70MPH, 65MPH, and it actually has power to accelerate at high speeds and on hills. Going up a hill at high speed, the engine has power, so when the battery gets lower its now able to cross the mountains. Its back to normal and I can cruise at 65MPH over a mountain.
    I replaced it my self, bought at Auto zone with tax 108.25. It was well worth the money as I now have a Prius with power again.
    RCO, RobH and Raytheeagle like this.
  6. RCO

    RCO Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2016
    Other Hybrid
    Glad to hear you solved your exasperating problem at last. Congratulations.(y)