I recently lost my beloved 2009 touring (500 miles from 200k, truly devastating) to a distracted driver and am looking for as close to the same car as I can get. I've had a hard time finding many of the 2009 touring editions for sale, but I've found a number of 2008 tourings and 2009 bases. I've heard the rear suspension* on the base is noticeably different but haven't found much on comparing the 2008 T to the 2009 T in terms of that. If anyone has any insights on this, major issues to look out for with the models, or anything else related to buying a used 2009 TE please let me know. Note* I drive in all sorts of conditions (city, highway, unpaved) across the US including rural and back country unpaved roads up in the mountains so if the suspension is significantly worse that'd be a deal breaker for me
The 2009 is the best Prius ever made... The touring is more expensive to operate, both in cost of tires and slightly lower MPG. The slightly different rear shocks aren't noticeable to me, but I haven't driven a loaded down touring version on a long highway drive, so maybe it more different than I think? I recently saw a 2009 for sale in Los Angeles that only had 13K miles on it and it was spotless and lived in a garage its whole life. Of course they were trying to get $17K for it. But I bet in 40 years a mint condition 2009 Prius like that will be worth more than a million dollars.
I thought we were all going to be needing submarines within the next 40 years? Isn't all the land going to be covered by water due to GW?
I'd be down with a hydrogen propelled submarine that makes hydrogen with electrolysis... There's way more real estate to claim for yourself under the ocean than there ever will be on land.