3rd Actuator Replacement -- Linear Valve Offset Issue and Strange Brake Noises

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by ieatdirt12, Jun 2, 2024.

  1. ieatdirt12

    ieatdirt12 New Member

    Jun 1, 2024
    2005 Prius
    After putting in two bum junkyard actuators into my 2005 Prius, I bit the bullet and ordered a new OEM one.

    It went in without incident, but the linear valve offset will not calibrate. On top of that, when I hit the brakes it makes a strange groaning sound and then the low accumulator pressure beep comes on untilI let off. If I attempt to drive it, it's like driving without an actuator at all, i.e. no rear brakes.

    I've bled it manually and have had limited success bleeding it with Techstream. It's been a week now so I'm not completely sure, but I believe I bled it successfully once with Techstream, but have not been able to go through the process successfully since then. I reach the point where it warns that it will gush out of the front drivers side bleeder valve, and it usually fails right after that, during or after the "pump the brakes 20 times in 20 seconds" section.

    What do you think could be the issue here? I suspect that I somehow mixed up the brake lines going into the actuator or that something's gone wrong with the master cylinder, as I've read about that in a couple of other posts.

    The trouble codes are in the attachment and I've uploaded the live data recording when hitting the brakes here:

    In case the trouble codes screenshot isn't showing up, it reads as follows:
    C1246 -- Master Cylinder Pressure Sensor
    C1345 -- Not Learning Linear Valve Offset
    C1368 -- Linear Valve Offset

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Whoa whoa whoa whoa here hold on a second You cannot mix up the lines going to the break actuator those metal lines with those barrel fittings on them they're using a 10 mm break wrench or you should be I don't think you you'd be one hell of a person to be mixing those up or putting them in the wrong holes they generally won't reach If you're bending those lines enough to be doing that We have a real problem Houston. When you're undoing this business you are taking the clamp that holds all what is it five of the brake lines as they go around under the main rubber feed line that feeds the actuator with brake fluid from the metal tube on the firewall? As all the brake lines come out of the actuator they curve around the side forward edge of the actuator and they're in this clamp That's supposed to be unbolted so that when you undo all the lines you can bend all five of the lines are four of the lines at one time away from the actuator so you can pull the whole bracket and actuator out so I'm not sure how you're going to mix the lines up. The groaning noise or the banging noise that you hear should be over on the right side fender well where that other little pump looking thingy is whatever that is I don't know don't care That's where my banging usually comes from when that's happening and I don't think it's because of a bad actuator or any of that it seems to be air or something not pumping right to the back so usually when the relays are back in I have some one sit in the car and hold the pedal down while I open up the rear fittings one at a time so that the electric pump can pump brake fluid through the rear. And I hope we're pumping 30 times in 30 seconds for the internal valve bleeding of the actuator but that's no matter either when you're doing that pumping at the end like say it 25 strokes all of a sudden the pedal gets rock hard You almost can't pump it Is this happening?
  3. ieatdirt12

    ieatdirt12 New Member

    Jun 1, 2024
    2005 Prius
    While putting in the second actuator I replaced three of the brake lines and as a result, those three are of varying length and could fit into several of the receiving valves on the actuator. I'm a dummy and should have marked them.

    This does happen, I'll hit the specified number and it the brake pedal becomes rock solid.

    I did do this a couple of times, but the results were strange. Sometimes a line wouldn't push ANYTHING through, sometimes it would shoot out fluid like normal.
  4. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    The lines that go into the side of the actuator that are coming up across the side and the front of the actuator which is aimed towards the passenger side of the car every one of those lines it would be tricky to even if you had those removed when you lay them up to where they're going to go My god my friend it's pretty quick to see this doesn't go here this one goes there looking at another car a picture of your lines connected as the assembly before it was disassembled would have saved you from all of that mess so you've had to unbend these lines and rearticulate the bends in the lines holey cow