I have three Prius Gen 2. I replaced an actuator on the 2008 and bled through techstream last year. Bought part off ebay. No issues. On my 2007 I recently had a leak of brake fluid on the rear left. I changed pads/shoes out on the rear and the fluid was coming out of where the brake line attaches to the hub so I tightened that. Went to the bleed process and nothing. It wouldn't push fluid through the rear left. And this is using techstream utility. I ended up also replacing the actuator thinking that this was the problem. I am now on my third actuator and same issue, can't get fluid to go to the rear left during the utility bleed process. This is what is strange, I can push fluid to the rear left through the manual process in techstream where you specify the line to bleed. Brake light, abs lights on. 1203 and 1345 codes. Will not do the linear offset either. Typically it is supposed to flash the brake light and abs, those lights don't flash when I go through this utility.
So then you're saying you're talking about replacing the rubber hose that turns from metal to rubber and then back to metal at the wheel cylinder Is that correct usually when I have fluid leaking in the back like that it's usually a wheel cylinder leaking and it's running down on the break backing plate and all of that but you know where your leak is I do not so this is a new one for me the hose was leaking and you just tightened it and the flare squeezed up and there's no leak now? And by pumping the brakes you can actually pump fluid through the rear on that side so then I'm guessing if you were to suck on it with a mighty vac or something like that it would pull fluid and/or air because I've bled my generation twos a few times without text dream before I had the luxury and in the back once I get to the last step where I'm using the brake pedal and having my other half step on the brake that's where your activating the pump so you're saying you can't get the right rear or whatever side we're talking about in the rear to come out when you're doing it with the pump someone sitting in the car pushing the brake pedal and you cracking the fitting and nothing is coming out seriously? Do you hear the pump running when this is going on?
I'm in Godwin NC. Just a "diy" er, don't work for anyone. This is a personal vehicle. Yes so it was leaking down the back as you say. I fixed any leak, and I believe it had something to do with the pads wearing too thin. But regardless, I can press the brake down and no fluid will come through left rear when I crack bleeder screw, but if I do same thing on l right rear the actuator kicks on and fluid comes out. Do you know of any cut off on that rear brake line that is maybe causing it from allowing the fluid to come out?
It sounds like the safety feature has been activated, cutting off fluid to that brake section since a leak was detected. I had that happen one time and was able to reset it using techstream.