I should have taken a screenshot before I hit the reset button. 51.1 MPG on the first tank. I purchased my 2009 Prius on April 23rd. The dealer left just over a quarter of a tank in the car so two weeks ago yesterday I filled up with about 9.2 gallons. I was driving this morning and saw it move to a single bar so I found the next closest gas station about 3-4 miles away. Added a total of 8.4 gallons after the pump switched off a few times. Couldn't have added much more. 90% of my driving is 12 miles each way to and from work. I average about 23 mph in those trips. Now to know where I was coming from, I have (and just listed last evening) a 2002 BMW 325i which averaged 22.1 miles per gallon. I'm a happy camper!!!
The gen2 can accept an upper front sway bar, and there are underbody bars to stiffen things up, both lower strut bars can be upgrades, it won't accelerate like the Beemer but the handling can be tuned quite a bit, a new traction battery, if needed, oem ( get an oem) might go 2500$, then you'll be touching 60mpg for a year or so, 50 is a nice start, just mentioning, the traction is 7, a nice age
The handling and lack of oomph is definitely something I had to get used to. I'm not sure if I want to start tinkering with the Prius as it stands, although the rolling when cornering is something I'm not used to. Now if I put the same money I put into the BMW over the past 18 months and put that into the Prius, I'm sure I could do the upgrades. I think I need to do some reading and figure out how to test the traction battery. I'm used to testing everything on the BWM with the OBDII gadget I have.
I'm not sure if we are allowed to post a link so I won't but I bought the V1.5 ELM327 OBD2 Bluetooth Car Wireless Scanner Diagnostic Tool for Android for my BMW. I use that in conjunction with the Torque Pro app. I'm sure I could use the same for the Prius and setup some custom PID's?
the 2nd generation prius has a rubber bladder inside the fuel tank. it is not advisable to try to top off the fuel when filling, that last 1/4 gallon you squeeze in could be going in a bad place, outside the bladder but inside the tank. thus reducing inside the bladder filling capacity in the future. fill ups with your car will vary greatly, sometimes it may only take 8.2 gallons, sometimes maybe 9.5. when its colder the bladder could be stiffer reducing total fill capacity. it doesnt really matter if you get an 8 gal fill or a 9 gal fill when you are getting 50 mpg more important is to figure out that heat and/or AC really reduce mpg keep the tires filled up to 40+ psi and enjoy this econo box in all its glory !
I need to check out the tire pressure. Haven't done that yet. I have new Kumho tires on the car. Happy to have gotten rid of the whistle which was occurring from underneath the mirrors simply by placing tape over the cracked caps. I would like to find replacements with part numbers and put a post over on Toyota's website but have not heard back as of yet. Gas wise (filling up) I don't go overboard but I don't just stop after the first time it turns off. I've never been a big fan of putting heat or A/C on. ie yesterday I drove to work when it was 50 degrees outside in the morning and I didn't turn the heat on. Getting 54.5 mpg now on the last 130 miles of driving. All I wanted to do was double the mpg's from the 22.1 I was getting with the BMW, which I just sold this week.