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A show for the road

Discussion in 'Prius Owner Photos' started by hobbit, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    It's been a little over three years of ownership by now, and
    a long strange trip indeed.
    This year one of the demos I'm intending to take on the road is
    a simple slideshow, running on a big ol' monitor I've arranged
    a means for putting up on the roof of the car without denting it
    too badly, which will hopefully be daylight-visible when the
    canopy is over everything. When people come up and watch that
    for a while and take a flyer that leads them to the plentiful
    web resources about hybrid cars and the community, they'll get
    a really entertaining view of what we're about. Especially if a
    certain scruffy weirdo is standing there able to explain each
    image within the 6 or 7 seconds it displays. Alternatively,
    one nice thing about this is that I can run the power and video
    cables out through a cracked side window, lock up the car and
    walk away and leave it all running for visitors next to a table
    full of flyers, and then I'm able to wander around and see the
    rest of the events.
    This community tends to generate lots of images. The slideshow
    is pulled from all over the place -- pictures you've contributed,
    pages I've assembled, material from papers and tech documents,
    and many other sources. A sort of "thumbnail review" of it all
    is here -- it loads about 2.6Mb total. Here's a sample:
    Do you see your own car?
    Trust me, you *don't* want to know how the meta-pictures were
    generated; it was a somewhat klunky process. They aren't linked
    to anything but most of the source material is already kicking
    around on the net. There are a few unreleased shots from writeups
    that I may or may not put together depending on sufficient
    material and useful conclusions.
    Another summer of road-trips is beckoning before us, and I hope
    this will be just one more thing to help spark public interest
    in efficient technology and conserving fuel and still having fun
    with personal transportation. Let's all continue working to get
    the word out, while we still can.
  2. Neicy

    Neicy Member

    Apr 29, 2007
    Wakefield, MA.
    2021 Prius Prime
    Great job putting that together. Looking forward to seeing the full-size version on your monitor. But I'll need the "scruffy weirdo" to tell me where some of them were taken!
  3. Ichabod

    Ichabod Artist In Residence

    Jul 21, 2006
    Newton, MA
    2006 Prius
    Ooh, I do see my own car... I made the hit parade at least twice!! Woo!

    That reminds me Hobbit, I never sent you the pics I took when you dismantled my dash light dimmer... I'll PM you a URL and you can do with them what you like.

    p.s. since you have some technical-looking stuff in there, and since I know your dislike for anything other than basic HTML on the web (;)) you may not yet have seen my PSD demo page, so here's a screenshot in case you want to include that in your slideshow.

    Attached Files:

    • PSD.png
      File size:
      68.7 KB