Using a meanwell 350ma 257v power supply to trickle charge my pack, have it all wired up, but testing the 300v 10a voltmeter I purchased seems off by +/- 5v so I'm leary off relying on it...could I just charge till it reads 235v and then just check once an hour turning the car to accessory so I can get a more accurate read from the Dr. Prius app via my obdii scanner?
My buddy Raj just delivered my charger on his magic carpet EV.. I’m charging at 2.4 Amps to 335 max I think it is . You charge till there’s no changes for 5 seconds on the meter . So my pack got to 265 V and stayed theyre I left it 60 seconds with no climb. On my custom charger I just turn off leave connected and watch display after 12 hours it was at like 236.. this battery I’m testing is a greentec lotsa build up on some plate nuts etc .nothing got warm at all during charging .usually wen bad things happening during charging Heat is generated ..
You can test and adjust the voltmeter and Meanwell if you are so inclined. Also study a bit more on balancing the battery. Can I borrow your battery charger/balancer/reconditioner? | Page 7 | PriusChat
Charged overnight, just got done from an hour drive running her hard, sat idle in park for a few minutes to let the pack settle...anyone have any insight? To me it looks like bank 1 and 14 maybe have some corrosion on wiring or busbars causing higher resistance, which would correlate to the voltage being highest on those?