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AC Condenser Leak @ Hood Latch Caused by Dealer!!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by bixie, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. bixie

    bixie New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    so cal
    2006 Prius
    Hi All... I am just about beyond words at this point.... I know this is long but please read this thru and give me your advice, if you can. Pretty please!!! I'm desperate!

    I took my car in today, finally, to get the AC checked out, since it's not working at all anymore. As I said in my previous post (here), I got my 30,000 service just before my warranty plan expired.

    It took a total of two months approx for all the freon to drain from my system. I went back and asked them to check into it finally... because it's been record-breakingly HOT here in So Cal and with my neuro/spinal conditions, it's a serious health issue for me to even drive my car without the AC!

    I was told by the tech that he had bad news "there's a freon leak in the condenser near the hood latch." He was just about to blame it on collision damage, when I informed him of the drama surrounding my 30k visit. (See below.) The Service Manager, Ken, even called me over to show me a weird oily stain where apparently the freon leaked out. He was very obviously trying to clear his team of any blame! I mentioned that no AC problems had taken place before and that they hadn't noted any issues during my 30k service, so how could it be due to the pre-existing damage, that had been there for YEARS? (I don't think a sizeable, easily found leak could seep out over the course of about two years, do you?)

    Even though my hood has been kinda smooshed for about 2 years, I was able to drive with no problems and never had any issues. Yes, I know it's dumb on my part, but you have no idea what I've been thru recently... I am going to get the front of the car fixed eventually, but it's never been the right time.

    My 30K Visit
    In any case, I'm sure I know how the damage actually occurred: AFTER they performed my 30k service, the tech decided to take it upon himself to mess with my hood further, forcing my hood shut! I was 100% reachable by phone, yet no one asked my permission. This was done without my knowledge OR consent!

    That day, approx two months prior to my AC's death, while I waited to get my car, I read through the service report, as I always do, then noticed information about him zip-tying down my hood and was immediately VERY concerned. When the car pulled up, I asked to see a manager and from there it was a huge ordeal with a Service Director named Cindy.

    I told her my car had been fine and didn't ask for them to take any safety measures, especially ones that were not discussed with me! I was worried because my hood's damage was very visibly worse (I could tell myself, just by visual inspection, that my hood and/or the underlying latch had been pushed in about another inch to inch and a half, in order to get it to fully latch closed). I told her I was concerned that this could perhaps cause the latch to come undone while I was driving and cause a serious accident! This was my issue, at the time...

    Cindy would not allow me to leave until she had their Toyo body shop confirm that despite my concerns, even if the hood was pushed in and forced closed, the latch was still in the same spot it always was and would not unlatch while I was driving.

    So, after it was checked out, I went home, taking the dealer's word for it that the latch continued to rest on what they called the striker's secondary latch area, near safety release. It never occurred to me that the latch damage they created could cause ANOTHER ISSUE -- this time with my AC!

    The bottom-line is this: during the 30,000 mile inspection, they checked a whole host of things, including the AC compressor as well as all belts and hoses. If there was ANY damage to my air conditioning system, they would've discovered it at that time. Especially if there was any freon leak...they would've seen it then, if it was ALREADY damaged! I believe that it's REALLY OBVIOUS... THEY CAUSED this damage, the AC leak is 100% their fault. By deciding to do an un-authorized procedure, they damaged my vehicle, pushing on my hood and/or the latch to force it shut, then lock my hood down with a zip-tie. (Again, all this was done without my knowledge OR consent!)

    Their stance, of course, is that the damage could've occurred at any time, due to the collision itself. That the condenser does move and vibrate and the fact that the latch area was already displaced by the accident means there is no way to say for sure WHEN the leak occurred, but it was because of the accident, not anything they did.


    This repair would require:
    - new condenser to replace the leaking one
    -removing that long metal housing area above the condenser and replacing it, also...

    This is according to the tech.service manager at Toyota. The housing area was (yes) somewhat damaged in the accident LONG AGO. But, the facts here support the fact that this area was FURTHER damaged by the tech two months prior messing with the latch area, hood, etc. (As I said, condensers don't leak for two years... the AC was in good working order as of the 30k inspection--just prior to the tech causing this damage!)

    More evidence that something's fishy: Service Manager Ken had photos of my car 4 of them...from when they messed with my latch. Why did they do that, unless they knew they had done something wrong and wanted photos to somehow blame me at a later date?
    I cannot believe this is happening to me!

    This dealership has put me through a hellish and totally unnecessary ordeal, especially given my serious health issues and the fact that I have had no safe way to drive my car in this heat. I am extremely ill and have spent the entire day in severe pain, experiencing numbness and nerve pain at a level no person should ever have to suffer.


    I am in no shape to deal with going to court on this! As it is, it took me far too long to go and address the AC problem with the dealership because of my health. I really need your expert advice. Any ideas? Anywhere I can turn for assistance? Should I contact someone at Toyota Corporate? The Bureau of Automotive Repair? Some CA Govt office of some kind? Any info, please share it with me! Thanks a bunch for allllll you do!

    Hoping for a Miracle:
    I Just Wanna GET MY AC BACK!

    - Bixie
    Prius Fan Since 2006
  2. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    Unfortunately you had pre-existing damage. You have no way to proove that the crack might have coincidentally just gotten larger after the 30k. It might have done that if parked outside and allowed to heat/cool (expand/contract) one last time.

    This is why being lazy about car damage is a bad idea. Or any other damage if it is something important to you. I realize you were busy, but 'tis the price you pay for convenience.

    Even if you could proove that they did it, and by proof I mean a magic CCTV video camera of the tech banging the compressor with a hammer and laughing meniacally, you would have a hard time prooving damages. If the compressor was broken to begin with (even slightly) it is not repairable, only replacable. So the damage already there was worth the cost of a new compressor. The extra damage did no "extra" damage in terms of what needs replacing.

    Also the tech was trying to help closing the hood. He might have done wrong, but I am sure it wasnt malicious. Even with the hood on the secondary safety latch, it is not unheard of for the hood to release and fly open while driving. That's why there are two latches. And you are using the small safety as your primary. Driving down the highway with air getting under there is putting a TON of force on that itty bitty broken latch. This is very very dangerous for you and other drivers. Dont believe me, then roll down your window when driving on the interstate and put your hand out the window. Considerable force is being applied, and the safety latch does not pull it down the whole way making it like an airfoil.

    I'm sorry for your situation, but ultimately I do not think there is anything you can do legally. Maybe talk to the dealer and see if they are willing to split 50/50 out of their kind hearts. They could say pound sand and offer nothing, with no recourse available for you. If they offer help, take it.
    2 people like this.
  3. adamace1

    adamace1 Senior Member

    Jun 22, 2009
    Charlotte, NC
    2010 Prius
    I'm sorry for all the problems your going through. But i have to agree that with damage to car in the area of the leak, I would think it's caused by that. maybe it was caused by the way they closed your hood but still the cause of problems there are the damage to the hood area. I really really hate to say this but the dealer may be honest in your situation. I guess the only thing they could have done is refused to work on your car untill you had it fixed in a body shop, but then you would be upset about that. Again i'm sorry
  4. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    wow, that is a bummer. i would be willing to throw in a buck. if we can get enough people, we could pay it for you. don't go to court, i don't think you can prove it. it's not worth the aggrivation. hope your health improves, don't let the man bring you down!:rockon: