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Did reprogram affect your mileage?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Azor, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. Azor

    Azor New Member

    Feb 27, 2006

    Just to clarify: ALL the gas mileage I have quoted in my thread of conversation comes from me filling up the gas tank to the very tippy top and then dividing the miles I have driven since the last tippy top tank by the gallons I just put in. I have never relied on any display. Of course, I continued to calculate mileage the exact same way after the reprogram and got significantly lower mpg.
  2. Azor

    Azor New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    By lengthening the duration to, say, 0.4 seconds, the reprogramming will avoid the "false alarm shutdown." The actual conditions under which the ICE starts up are not changed, just the "patience" of the car as it waits for the ICE to fire.

    Do you think this duration lengthening could decrease mileage for someone who got good mileage to begin with because of their "patient use" of the gas pedal? I did all the tricks to increase the mileage...
  3. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    No but it could increase the amt. of fuel left before the light comes on so you'd travel less before the last bar blinks and also fill up less.
  4. artie

    artie Member

    Feb 5, 2004
    san diego
    2016 Prius
    My mpg was reduced a bit after the campaign. maybe not so bad now, i am able to avge. 50 plus on the hwy, but i have to drive slower, 64 or 63 mph.
  5. robinsod

    robinsod New Member

    Jan 10, 2005
    Kerrville, TX
    I have noticed no change since the reprogramming. I understand the reason for the reprogramming was that with some '04's the ICE would shutdown and not restart as it should have. I had this happen once. (It finally restarted after a several minute wait with the car powered off.)

    If the mpg drops after servicing, I would suspect an oil over-fill problem.

    Also, after a tire rotation, you may find that the tire pressure is not what you usually maintain.

    I agree that a large (10-20mpg) drop after the reprogram suggest a malfunction. I'd insist on another reprogram.
  6. Azor

    Azor New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Thanks to everyone for all the info.

    I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get the old program back. I will definitely try for another reprogram (I just hope things don't get worse than they are now). At the least, I'm hoping Toyota pays for this reprogram. I also think they should warn those that have not upgraded their old program that there is a pretty good chance mileage will decrease.

    For those mentioning the oil - I had no oil service. Therefore, oil overfill is not the issue.

    For the note about more fuel remaining in the tank - that would make no difference in my mpg calculation because I use an accurate method that does not rely on displays: I fill the gas tank to the top and divide the miles since the last full tank by the gallons inserted in the new full tank.

    The issue is that I observed the engine acting differently after the reprogram. For example, on this stretch of highway that gently sloped downward I could release the gas which would shut the gas engine off. Then I would coast on battery and then ever so gently press the gas to trip the electric motor. I could go on electric for 2 miles or so at speeds over 50 mpg. Now, no matter how hard I try, the car will not allow me to do this on the exact same stretch of highway. The engine always kicks on when I gently press the gas. The electric coasting was something I did consistently for 2 years on my way to work. The reprogram no longer allows this resulting in a significant decrease in my mileage.
  7. V8Cobrakid

    V8Cobrakid Green Handyman

    Jun 6, 2004
    Park View, Los Angeles, CA. U.S.A
    2004 Prius
    i hope it doesn't do what lexus put into their programing.. with the 400h, you get three tries for the ICE to fire.. if it doesn't fire, then it locks out.. and you have to take it to a dealer.. so i plan on testing this with our 400h?.. no..
  8. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    By "top" you mean filling until you see fuel? cause when the pump clicks off can vary too.
  9. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    Already posted here my results. Get way better mpg with the reprogrammed computers.
    Very glad I got it done and early.
  10. HybridVigor

    HybridVigor New Member

    Jul 24, 2005
    Chandler, AZ
    I believe that my dealer performed this upgrade on my car during my 5K oil change/service. I also saw a change in mileage but only on the MFD. By this I mean, my MFD mileage dropped by several miles per gallon, but my calculated mileage based on miles driven divided by gallons pumped stayed approximately the same as before. I have not noticed any difference in when glide can or cannot happen. Driving behavior seems about the same. In the end, this has been a good thing because my MFD mileage was consistently 2-4 mpg too high, and the update brought it closer to my calculated mileage.

    One item of note: When the dealer did my service, they identified that my tires were set at 38/40 (or whatever the hell I had them at) and reset the pressures to Toyota specified numbers. This temporarily drove me batty until some kind soul here suggested checking them, and I was able to bump them back to 40/42. Perhaps part of the problem some folks are having might be related to lower tire pressure?
  11. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I had mine done early January. I can't make any claims to mileage difference as we have had fall, winter, fall, winter, spring, winter since November. My last few tanks have been about 45 MPG. Higher than last winter when the car had < 5K miles on it. I had numbers in the high 30s and low 40s execpt when it was below 10F for HIGHS for 2 weeks. That tank was just over 32.
    However we are NOW having the kind of temps we should have had the end of Jan and early Feb. Though I only have about 100 miles on the tank, I watched it drop from 45+ to just barely over 40 the last couple of days.
    In general I seem to be experiencing similar behavior to last year, when it is cold (under 32) the car is much less likely to go into electric. When even colder (< 15), it is not willing to go into forced electric even though it has been running for some time and the graph shows 7 green bars. And it has that nasty habit of running while stopped early in my morning commute, without the heat on and showing full blue bars so it doesn't even charge the battery. I HATE when it does that! :(

    It does seem to hit 1 block on the gas guage earlier than I expect and I can't cram in extra so I don't know if there is a change with that or it is just the colder temps affecting the gas tank bladder. The pumped gallons MPG calc is still 1-2% lower than the computer calc, as it has always been.

    If you are truely seeing a 20 MPG difference on a full tank between the computer calc and real miles/gallon, there is a problem not related to the 50P service.

    As far as the reprogramming, they can't just 'give you back' your old one. It isn't like there is a CD they toss in somewhere. Does the code exist somewhere? Probably, but Toyota isn't going to have people bouncing around with all sorts of back level code.

    For those interested in oil overfills: After the 1/8" over fill at 5K miles and 1/4" (a full 8 oz, I took it out) at 10K, I gave them 4 quarts of Mobil1 at 15K and said I wanted 1/2 bottle back. I put in about half the remaining pint the next day to get to the top mark. I'm guessing they are either/and/or
    • not so good at draining ALL the old oil
    • not so good at making sure they put in ONLY 3.9 quarts.
  12. jrfaris

    jrfaris Member

    Feb 25, 2004
    Windward Oahu
    2007 Prius
    I have not done the 50P yet. I postponed doing it last year because of This Post and have not been to the dealership this year. I wonder if these software version issues could be contributing to the differences people are seeing. Anyway, since you can't get the old software back, it might be worth trying to get a re-flash with the current software. Always a hard decision since I guess it could always get worse.
  13. Azor

    Azor New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Yep - until I see the fuel. I do everything possible to control variables that are actually controllable.
  14. Azor

    Azor New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    One item of note: When the dealer did my service, they identified that my tires were set at 38/40 (or whatever the hell I had them at) and reset the pressures to Toyota specified numbers. This temporarily drove me batty until some kind soul here suggested checking them, and I was able to bump them back to 40/42. Perhaps part of the problem some folks are having might be related to lower tire pressure?

    We have a compressor at home, so its pretty convenient to control our tire pressure.
  15. Azor

    Azor New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Thanks so much for that link! I do not know if there is any relation to what is happening to me, but I will definitely try and find out what version I have. Since I got the reprogram in early Dec, there is a good chance I have the bad version.

    QUESTION: Is there any way that a reprogram can affect the way my display performs? Shortly after the reprogram, there were a few times that the display of the average mpg would get hung on 99.9 while I was using the gas engine. It happend just a few times at first and I ignored it (mainly because I was so concerned with the gas wasting way my car was now behaving). But, three months later, that display problem has evolved to a completely freezed display to turning completely off by itself to not being able to turn it on to can't keep my radio on to can't control my ventilation.

    I've been on business for a few days and I had a message from my Toyota service manager. Obviously, Toyota has contacted them. He said he could not get the old program and that the display problems I was having were not connected to the program in any way.

    Any thoughts?

    I'm suppose to get a call from Toyota later today.
  16. KTPhil

    KTPhil Active Member

    Jan 14, 2005
    Much of the observed changes in ICE behavior following reprogramming probably have nothing to do with the reprogramming itself.

    Part of the reprogramming process removes the "tailoring" of engine parameter controls (timing of ignition and injectors, maybe valves) that the car does continually. In other words, the car "learns" about your driving habits, warmup cycles, and then changes many default values for the equations that control the ICE. This way your emissions and mileage and performance can be tuned automatically based on the gas you use, your driving habits, and for those of us who keep cars forever, aging of the engine (reduced compression, etc).

    Following any reprogramming, the car must relearn. The old values are erased and changed to factory defaults. It will take several tanks to relearn. Not only that, if it is relearning under different conditions (like weather or gas), it may not return to the same "state of tune" as before for some time.

    Even if you reflashed the ECU with the SAME programming, you would see this effect.

    Give it a few tanks. Mine has crept back up to 0.5 mpg of the old mileage after three tanks.

    For the owner with the MFD misbehavior, this is unrelated and is also a documented problem. Search the site for your symptons (loss of radio control, maybe A/C control, blank or frozen screen), and you will find info that will help you convince the dealer to replace your MFD.
  17. Azor

    Azor New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Thanks for the info. I'm the owner of both the significantly reduced mpg and the funky display after a reprogram in early december. I have given the car 10 k miles to "relearn" in both very cold and warm (70+ degrees in Florida) and still can not get over 44 mpg (old range was 46-53 mode of 49/50). I'll search this site for the display symptoms as soon as I figure out how to do that...
  18. narf

    narf Active Member

    Mar 15, 2005
    2016 Prius
    Four Touring
    I had the most recent reprogamming done about 4 months ago. After that I took a 2000 mile road trip. I found that for the first 1000 miles, the system did behave diferently and the mileage did go down a bit. (Remember this is in the middle of winter when everybodies mileage goes down because of weather and reformulated gas.

    Then at about 1000 miles, everything seemed to ga back to normal. And this week when the weather finally hit the 60s and 70s I had the best mileage ever, with an average of about 56 for mostly highway driving.
  19. Charles Suitt

    Charles Suitt Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2004
    Dallas TX
    2012 Prius
    I had my 15,000 mile service done in January (per my specific instructions - used my oil {3½ qts Mobil-1 5W30} my tire pressures {40/38}, SSC-50P and brakelight switch replacement, and tire rotation).

    It's hard to say about any change in MPGs. While they appear about 8-10% lower, rotating the tires could affect MPG until they settle-in, and our North Texas weather is in its "different every day or two" mode, say from 28º one day to +55º couple of days later.

    Still, at ~5.12¢/mile for fuel, it's GREAT!
  20. Azor

    Azor New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    This must be what you are talking about, correct?

    TSB EL002-05

    I sure hope it is a loose connection. Otherwise I fear I am out of at least $600. Even though my car is only 2 years old, I have over 40K on it and it looks like this free replacement doesn't cover over 36K. sigh... I am just not having a good time here...

    and honestly...my reduced mileage bugs me much more than the wacko display and intermittent loss of radio and vent controls.