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Does anyone here have Package #1???

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by tracysbeans, Dec 28, 2005.

  1. tracysbeans

    tracysbeans Member

    Dec 25, 2005
    So windstrings can you find a way for me to justify now wanting to go to Package #8 :unsure:
  2. MtnTraveler

    MtnTraveler New Member

    Nov 10, 2005
    Everett WA
    I really don't understand paying sooooo much money for luxury items, so I'm getting package #1 also. Why pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for a map you can buy for $6 at the grocery store, or to place your butt on leather, or because you are too lazy to take the key out of your pocket? I intend to keep the car as long as possible (my last car lasted 22 years). It's a tool to get from A to B.

    However, I do like the safety option of the side airbags. I also like supporting the clever use of technology and the reduction in gasoline usage.

    I wish the Prius came with window cranks, no radio so I can put in my own, regular knobs for all controls instead of a fancy screen, no air conditioning, etc. Give me the energy-saving technology without the doo-dahs any day. But... our culture demands these goofball luxuries, so I'm stuck with the bottom package.

    I remember in my day, when you had to walk 10...... feet to turn on your TV set!
  3. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Ok, you must be talking about for moving up to the prius from the Ford? Because if not, you look at post #2, you see the difference between package #1 and #2 is only 175.00... package two has the SKS.
    but hey.. since were buying cool toys... gotta go with package #8, but don't let me influence! :ph34r:
  4. tracysbeans

    tracysbeans Member

    Dec 25, 2005
    Ok it to late you have already influenced me. :p Now if someone says I'm :blink: crazy :blink: for getting #8 than I will tell him you hypnotized me into thinking I had to have #8. Toys Toys me want toys.

    Heck you only live one (that I know of) so what the heck right.

    Geesh I should have stayed out of Toyota tonight. :rolleyes:
  5. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    cars without AC, tracy? only in wisconsin would that fly, in fact my last car had no working AC. here i'd melt without it :lol:

    get whatever makes your heart most content. if you like all the bells and whistles and want a new toy, then get all the bells and all the whistles you can handle.

    we were kind of in the same situation as you when buying our car. well except we still rent our house but that's because we're moving back up north so soon it's not worth buying a house. anyway we have all the fun indoor stuff paid off and wanted a nice car because we apparently weren't broke enough :lol: we ended up getting the second from the top package (there are only 6 packages in the 05s) because it was nice but not overload. don't miss the nav or the bluetooth because i don't really have much need for them.

    it's your car and you get what you see fit for it, whether it's package 1 or package 8 or anything in between.
  6. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    Okay, Traceybeans, I'll help you out. And this coming from someone happy with a #1.

    You are going to be driving this car for a long time. You are also going to be investing a lot of money in it. For these two reasons you should be as happy as possible. You should get the exterior color you want. You should get the interior color you want. And if the extras make you happy, then you should have them too.

    A new car is not cheap. If money were really a concern you'd buy a used car and wouldn't be fussy about the make or model, just the price and the economy of maintenance and use.

    Since you have opted to buy a new car AND you have opted to go beyond that to buy a Prius, I'll assume there are other factors involved in your decision, I.E. the fuel economy, the low maintenance, the tax credit and the environmental factors of low emissions. I don't know where you are but HOV access might also be a factor.

    Given all this I'll say again...for the investment you're making and the time you expect to drive this car you should get something you really want. You should not spend the next 10-20 years kicking yourself because you didn't get this color or that package or you wish you had spent the extra money on such and such.

    The only regret I have is that I still have an ivory interior. My last car was black with a tan leather interior. My Prius is also Black with the ivory interior. I really wanted gray but I wasn't willing to order and wait back in April. That's what there was so I bought it.

    If a blue with a gray interior had been available I might have waited but Toyota only offered the gray in silver, white and black and I didn't want white or silver.

    I usually keep my cars at least ten years, but the Prius is the first car that might change that pattern. They'll be redesigning the car for 2008-2009 and I might trade up then. I'll make sure my next Prius has a gray interior. I'll probably still get black unless they offer a really nice, deep, dark blue. And I might even get the highest package available the next time around. That may be my "retirement" car as by the time it's paid off I'll be ready to retire. *That* car I'll probably keep longer than ten years.

    So....get what makes you happiest. If a #8 makes you happy and you can afford it, go for it. Get the color and interior you want. Don't settle for less. No regrets.
  7. tracysbeans

    tracysbeans Member

    Dec 25, 2005
    Well yeah my Toyota truck had NO AC and also was a manual transmission. And on top of that it was black!

    Hey, You aviator is making me want my new back Prius NOW LOL

    I though it was SO funny tonight that my sales guy didn't know you don't need the FOB to start that car. When I pushed his FOB away and started the car and starting pulling away he turned and said hey I have been putting in the fob all the time. I was like wow you need to do some research on this beautiful little car! LOL
  8. tracysbeans

    tracysbeans Member

    Dec 25, 2005
    Ok Godiva that's exactly it. If this was ONLY about price tomorrow I could have a nice new shinny black car in my driveway. It would be the smartest move financially speaking. When I imagined another car in my mind in just didn't make me happy. So there you have it. I really think at this point my mind is made up. It just took my a bit of time to go out looking around and getting everything straight in my mind.

    Now that I have made up my mind I'm sure I will hear all kinds of comments on how I am SO stupid to spend SO much on a car. Oh well it's my money and since I'm single I don't have to run it past anyone BUT myself. ;)

    The only think I WILL do because I have a nice car with nice mileage and with some nice toys is to get out and start doing some traveling so I get to enjoy my car.

    So I think I will go update my signature! B)

    When windstrings said this: I have never regretted splurging untill it hurts to get the extras in anything.. but I have regretted not doing so!

    It pretty much sealed the deal on me going for the BEST!

    PS I think that deep dark blue they offer in Japan is so cool! I think I might pick that if it was available.

    PSS OT of a Prius I bought a FoodSaver for myself for Christmas. I had a Black & Decker one that I couldn't get to work right. Thought I would try a FoodSaver brand. Bought it and LOVVVVE it. BEST kitchen appliance I have ever bought. Paid a high price for it but know I will definatly be saving a ton of money with that little gem of a machine! (My daughter definatly can't say this machine will go by the wayside like my Smore machine did! ;) ) She DOES say that I treat my FoodSaver like a toy though. Yeah I have been good FoodSaver crazy but that's cause I had to get everything I already had FoodSavered and then go buy a bunch of new stuff to FoodSaver.

    SO back on topic if I love my Prius as much as I like my FoodSaver things will be good!
  9. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Oops.. now I feel guilty! :unsure: ... well maybe just a little.

    Well if you do get #8 and keep the car, you will really enjoy the toys a long time, if you sell, you will get a good price and an easy sell based on history.
    Normally you don't get all your money back in respect to extra toys when reselling, but you will fair well and they sure are fun!

    To me a car is definately more than transportation and gas mileage... its an experience that I spend a stinkin lot of time in... if that were not true, I would not have a really nice stereo system with 4 seperate amps!

    I have a 65 inch Big screen and surround sound when a 20 inch would do just fine, and have "never" regretted buying it among the other toys I have bought without regret.
    Am I rich and famous?... "no"... only famous!.... :unsure: but I would rather be rich! :lol:

    The only reason I plan on ever selling is to upgrade...... I'm not really expecting another manufacterer to come out with something that blows the prius out of the water in the near future... except maybe another prius!

    If you ever sell, just do it towards the end of the year before the new ones come out and you'll fair better.

    Its fun getting something besides just a car!.. if you can afford it!
  10. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF

    umm...well, considering a goodly amount of us Priuschatters have already spent nearly what you are gonna spend, i doubt you will hear much razzing here. now with others unaware of the precious Priustine experience, they may think you are crazy...but rest assured...we know better
  11. tracysbeans

    tracysbeans Member

    Dec 25, 2005
    So when do you pic up your little baby windstring?
  12. tracysbeans

    tracysbeans Member

    Dec 25, 2005
    I guess if someone does say something to me I will ask to see their credit card bills. (yes ALL of them) Cause I have zero credit card debt and the ONLY debt I have left at this point is my business mortgage which I'm working on now. (like crazy)

    I'm more shocked about some of the things my friends keep buying. Just a bunch or worthless junk.

    I will be paying cash for my Prius so nobody will be able to say I went in debt for the car either ;)
  13. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    I don't know yet and I hate it.... I will hopefully know something withing the 1st week of Jan... we'll see.
  14. Three60guy

    Three60guy -->All around guy<-- (360 = round) get it?

    May 20, 2005
    Racine, Wisconsin
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Hey Tracy its the cheezehead again....

    As you saw in the other thread, I am getting package #8. I swear, I WOULD regret it BAD if I got anything less than that. I am one of those people who is stereotypically into anything techy. Have been all my life. The last car I had was a 1992 Oldsmobile Toronado which had the first built-in touch screen on the dash. I was in love. Sold it almost exactly a year ago. Have been a one car family since then (2002 Saab 9-5). But I didn't know what to replace that Toro with. Have been researching this ever since. Now I know exactly what I want. And it ain't a package #1. hehe.

    Is there anything else I can help you spend money on? I have a ton of suggestions. (grin)

    Hi-ho Hi-ho, it's off to Prius I go.
  15. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Wow.. you have been holding out on us!... I'm just putting mine against my house on a line of credit.. my house went up in value more than the prius cost just last year!... so when I finally sell my house, it will be a freebe "so to speak"

    I better be careful.. If I keep talking, I may be a bad influence on someone else? :ph34r:
  16. flynz4

    flynz4 Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    Portland, OR
    2015 Prius v wagon
    Which dealer are you going through? Have you talked to many of the Portland dealers?

  17. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    They want 1000.00 to hold and will order with a promise to deliver within I think 20 to 90 days or something like that. The phone calls I have made have not impressed me.. they are not very knowledgable and have more than once tried to tell me they have a bacelona for me to look at, but when I further questioned them they had to admit they only have 05's.

    I am going through a broker.... 500 below msrp with a fee of 250.00 to the broker. The final sale or transaction will actually still go through a dealer, but all the paperwork and headaches are handled by the broker.
  18. tracysbeans

    tracysbeans Member

    Dec 25, 2005

    Oh so you don't have a New Years Day baby :(
  19. tracysbeans

    tracysbeans Member

    Dec 25, 2005
    I didn't know any cars had touch screen dash. What could you do with that? I love gadgets and I call myself the gadget queen. My only problems is I can play with the gadgets but don't know anything about fixing them. Wish I did. Maybe I can learn some stuff at the Chi Town meetings? :p

    No there's nothing else I want to spend money on. Maybe eventually some nice rims?

    It seems like I'm always drawing attention with what I drive.

    First I got a 1973 Honda 350. Took a motorcylce class at NWTC and my teacher teased me and said I could pass but just barley. (Hey well I can't help my driving when there's cones all over the place in my way. ;)

    Then I got an RV. I don't know to many single girls coming out of the drivers seat of an RV. LOL

    Then I got a moped. Yes I'm 41 with a moped. :p Just had to retire from driving my motorcyle cause the switching of gears was to hard on my feet unless I was wearing boots. I love my mpoed and fly all over town with it. I get TONS of comments while at the gas station ;)

    So now it's onto a Prius which I'm sure I will get comments on too! Oh well I can take it B)
  20. tracysbeans

    tracysbeans Member

    Dec 25, 2005
    Why are you going with a broker? I see you will make out ok moneywise that way. Does that help you to get a broker?

    Boy that would be nice to have the broker handle all the paperwork.

    Maybe I should think about that. I'm already paying MSRP so it should only help me not hurt me.