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Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by austingreen, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    I don't think the activists were really beaten up. Sure Malthus and his protegees like Ehrlich have been criticized, they also get praised. We continuously get the neo-Malthus and often like the original they are tainted with racism and/or classism. I am only old enough to learn the history of these things, but they were talking about letting India and Egypt starve because we could not possibly feed 4 billion people. Mathus and Ehrlich were right if not stopped population would rise, but they were and are quite wrong that simply the numbers would lead to misery, and its important to understand why, instead of just saying they were early.

    This is the apologist idea. The ends of action are justified by the means of exaggeration with the idea of scientific authority. I don't think duck and cover really helped solve stepping away from the nuclear brink, nor do I think saying the green revolution is impossible and setting up anti immigrant organizations really helped get the green revolution to happen. Saying we are doomed sells books and movies, gathers political power, and raises huge amounts of money, but it doesn't really help us solve the problem. IMHO without the lightning rod of these exaggerations we may actually have passed some legislation. When the predictions turn out to be wrong, and we are always doomed in 10 more years, it is difficult to act.

    I wold say not far enough. But one of these wolf criers was in a position to pass an agenda and totally punted. Yours, hansen, has hurt his scientific standing somewhat by purposely getting himself arrested multiple times and talking about a citizens arrest of Obama and Clinton for crimes against the environment. His rightful criticism of some problems with cap and trade, have recently acording to the new yorker he is the catastophist, which can not help his science to be believed.
    But is the best way to do this to exaggerate and talk about how doomed we all are? Are you not in the same world as I am where al gore negotiated an agreement that was too hard on the us, and ignored the senate in kyoto, and then blamed bush? Now 13 years later the US has moved much slower than some reasonable policies without all the appeal to environmental Armageddon.

    They currently are, at least in their own minds. This is a problem with people that predict disaster, there followers will always claim when it doesn't happen that it was because of their warnings, or that it will happen soon the date was just a little too soon.:D
  2. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius
    My comments here are typically too long. Now a short one. I suggest that people how have spoken out on previous environmental issues (or problems or disasters) have contributed to forming political will to resolve (or address or minimize) the issues. Further, that is has been the general state of affairs in environmental activism.

    AG may feel otherwise.

    There's nothing 'apologist' about it, and saying it doesn't make it so.

    Further if you dismiss someone's science because of 'what they do on weekends' you reveal quite a limited understanding of the activity. Science is what it is.

    I know scientists who play medieval re enactments on weekends. The latter strikes me as useless and, well, ridiculous. But it is something that they feel very strongly about. Has no effect on their science, that I can discern.
  3. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    No disagreement here.
    Since, I was specifically called out, I felt I need to respond and clarify. I certainly was not calling you apologist. But I find there is a great deal of exaggeration, mainly by the politicians, and so say this is justified because it will get the action. IMHO this exaggeration has not gotten those ends, and is unlikely in the future. Now you may disagree that these are exaggerations, as some claim. There are those that cling to the exaggeration after the facts show otherwise, and say the predictions of doom were just premature. I was not putting you in that group.

    I'm sure this has something to do with my criticism of Hansen of nasa's goddard (GISS). This was not an ad-hominem attack, on his scientific papers, it was an attack on some of his more dire predictions that you brought up. I see hansen getting arrested on purpose, and his prediction of "game over" if the keystone pipeline goes through quite related, and not part of any scientific paper he has published. He is 70, and this was his third political arrest, and I find he is probably quite a different person than the one that testified before congresses over 20 years ago on the science. On the science side though, his sensitivity estimation of 6 degrees C per doubling of CO2, quite high and his justification much weaker than say alley's estimation of 2.8 degrees C. This may have led to the more dire predictions in his mind.
  4. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius
    Perhaps it's unavoidable to discuss Hansen, given his leading role as 'crying wolf' now.

    In his 2008 Bjerkenes lecture at AGU, a sensitivity of 3 oC per CO2 doubling, the combustion of all coals and tars, and making the Earth a Venus-like planet were linked.

    It's among many on this page
    Dr. James E. Hansen — Presentations

    I'd need some help to know where the 6 oC per doubling idea comes from.

    Keystone XL could be seen as an enabling technology to begin to get the massive fossil C 'tars' back into the atmosphere as CO2. Could it not? As such it certainly relates to the CO2 loading and climate sensitivity. So I can't agree that his opposition comes from outside science.

    I was not familiar with the arrest record; had to look it up at Wikipedia. Twice protesting mountaintop removal coal mining. Third was vs. Keystone and yes these are all political arrests.

    He is perhaps the most outspoken on the anthropogenic climate change 'side'. If someone else would nominate one to five who are outspoken against, then we could consider who has the better understanding of atmospheric physics and radiative transfer. Because, again, the science matters more (to me) than the theatrics.

    Wiki gives Joe Romm the last word on Hansen "The right wing loves what he's' doing".

    Between him and the AGW denier misstatments that re-appear as internet whack-a-mole, it's a wonder that any Earth system science ever gets done :)

    It does, though.
  5. FL_Prius_Driver

    FL_Prius_Driver Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Tampa Bay
    2010 Prius
    My viewpoint is different. Back 30 years ago, a whole lot of big project expenditures were on particle accelerators. Space vehicles and probes were for looking outward, and the high end journals articles were about specific aspects of the "hard" sciences.

    Today, particle accelerators are being decommissioned faster than new ones are being built, a great many earth observation satellites are fielded and a VAST number of articles in Science and Nature focus on climate and ecology (past and present).

    The opposition and misstatements may seem very large, but in reality, the advances in increasing knowledge are vastly larger.....just less exciting for the mass media.
  6. jdenenberg

    jdenenberg EE Professor

    Nov 21, 2005
    Trumbull, CT
    2020 Prius
    LE AWD-e
    Human nature and limited resources. Read one of my favorite short stories "The Dwindling Sphere" by Hawkins circa 1940 (on my web site)


  7. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    sure here's one

    The key to this Venus catastroph*ck is an angry earth with run away positive feedback. Remember the ice cores do show some situations with large anomalies with possitive feedbacks, but we don't know the conditions that create them or those that create the negative feedback. Hanson has stated that current levels are not safe to avoid a tipping point, and wants us to get back down to 350ppm,we are at 390ppm today.

    cars are the technology that increases the burn of oil. If you don't build the pipeline, the oil is either shipped from canada or refined in canada. If the us decides not to burn the oil, then it simply shifts oil demand in the US to opec, and moves refining to china.
  8. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    I must admit, I'd never heard of Durban. Had to wiki it. Why didn't these folks simply group Skype each other? Not taking lots of Jets to South Africa ... wouldn't that be a symbolic start? Why worry about CO2 anyway, when doing stuff like building a decent U.S. (comprehensive) rail system ... and or seriously limiting poor mileage vehicles, and/or other effective initiatives that can have the collateral effect of reducing carbon. I asked that collateral effect type question once before on PC, and the only response was that it was all about the carbon credits, and then it got political - which I was not looking to hear about.
  9. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    As long as you separate the science from the theatrics, I don't think you can go wrong. I was criticizing the exaggerations and stories of doom. I do think that if Mr. Hansen continues to get himself arrested on purpose and criticize policy in such a political way, he should not be on the NASA payroll. He certainly has my support for free speech as a Columbia Professor and as a private citizen.
    Well Romm seems to love him as long as he predicts doom and supports their policies. Romm decided talk against him when he opposed the democratic cap and trade plan. Hansen had some pretty good points about the bill doing nothing but shuffle dollars between winners and losers that the congress picked. The climate blogs on the other side also do an awful job of explaining the climate science too. Earth science gets done mainly through university research and not in these blogs, even when the researchers are the contributors.
    The purposes of these conferences are to get a global agreement. Reducing ghg emissions are expensive, and if some countries spend a lot of money, but other countries simply increase their pollution, that money spent does no good. As far as progress though, the conferences have IMHO failed, so skype may have been better. In kyoto, some people got false hope so the conferences may have done more harm than good.

    The us is one of the largest ghg emitters in both per capita and absolute terms, and its policy should be to reduce dependance on oil and reduce ghg regardless of what goes on in these world conferences.
  10. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    Inactions speak louder than words, too? ;)

    Yeah, just think of all the CO2 that was released by going to the conference to talk about reducing CO2. Hmm. Not to mention all the gas used by Prius drivers going to conventions to talk about their mileage. :rolleyes:
  11. wjtracy

    wjtracy Senior Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Northern VA (NoVA)
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    Thank you - I liked some of Hansen's recent powerpoint presentation, especially the one slide where he summarized total fossil fuel supply - oil, gas, coal, unconventional oil, and methane hydrates...he is drawing a line in the sand at coal + unconventional oil + methane hydrates (should not be used, he feels).