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EV switches on eBay

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by Godiva, May 26, 2005.

  1. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    It's not that complicated. I wrote out the instructions to be "idiot proof"...very much step by step. Someone familiar could pretty much do it based on the 'overview' part.

    I do need to amend that Knowledge base comment. I think it's corrected in the comments below the article, but it was true at the time of writing b/c it was based on a prototype version Dave had made and installed in a friend's car.
  2. roso

    roso New Member

    Apr 15, 2005
    Southern California
  3. gnerate

    gnerate New Member

    Jun 8, 2005
    Studio City
    My ebay name is lionfood65 and i just bought the switches from the guy in north hollywood. I am in studio city ( about a mile away ) he delivered the switches to me and both the switch and the connectors are factory parts sealed in the toyota bags. No pins are included...
  4. ScubaX

    ScubaX Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    Redding, CA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gnerate\";p=\"96625)</div>
    Did you get two of them for $102.50? Otherwise, he should have installed it too.

    Also I am curious, what install instructions are included?
  5. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    Ours is scheduled for delivery today. Yep, that's what we get for living clear across the country...
  6. DaveG

    DaveG Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    Vancouver, BC
    2004 Prius
    I ordered one from japanparts.com too.

    I had pondered picking up 5 of them and selling the remaining 4 on ebay, but I decided that although I could likely make a profit doing that, I'd rather just direct people to (link: Japanparts.com) and they could get their own there without any markup.

  7. gnerate

    gnerate New Member

    Jun 8, 2005
    Studio City
    Yeah I did not know about Japanparts at the time and the only instructions he gave were only to this forum...
  8. gnerate

    gnerate New Member

    Jun 8, 2005
    Studio City
    I just got done installing my factory EV switch which I bought from Ebay.. This job is not for greenhorns. It took me over 2 hours for a very nice clean install and keep in mind that I got the donor pin and prepped the switch connector last night.. It works like a charm. I just love how nice and clean the dash components come apart and more importantly go back without breaking clips like on crappy domestic cars...
  9. kartanoman

    kartanoman New Member

    Apr 29, 2005
    Northern Alabama
    Kudos to Rick and Evan for taking the time to post the process for enabling this feature! I took a look at both processes and, after digesting the logic, concluded that this is something I can do. I went ahead and executed a "Buy It Now" at eBay for the $50 button and will install ...

    ... when I get home with my new Silver #6 after I acquire it on or about 25 June!

  10. jdfoster

    jdfoster New Member

    May 21, 2005
    Gillette Wyoming
    If you install the factory EV switch will it void your warranty. Also what is the benefit of the EV switch Thanks Jim
  11. ScubaX

    ScubaX Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    Redding, CA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jdfoster\";p=\"97084)</div>
    The benefit is that you can move your Prius without the engine coming on. For instance, you may want to move it from the drive way to the garage and not have the ICE fire up. Go from one place to another while shopping and not use fuel. There is a debate as to wether there is any MPG benefit as the ICE will still have to charge the HV later.

    As to the warranty, they can only void things related to the install and the burden of proof would be on Toyota. But, that's what the law says. Lawyers have a way of turning things around to their point of view. If they voided the warranty on the HV, that is $5,000. However you could then sue them in small claims court (if your state has a 5g limit) and show that it is a Toyota part available in Japan and Europe for the same car. Then Toyota would have to prove there is something different here that would allow the voiding of the warranty. Many doubt Toyota would even push the issue, but no one has tested them yet. For myself, I usually on keep cars three years and will probably not see a dead HV. But if I needed work on it, I would probably remove the EV first. If they are not going into the dash such as for service, I would just remove the switch.
  12. kartanoman

    kartanoman New Member

    Apr 29, 2005
    Northern Alabama
    Sorry if this has been posted in the past ... Toyota FAQs (Toyota FAQs) #25 asks:

    25. Does Toyota support the modification of my Prius to be a plug-in Hybrid and run on electric mode only with a switch?

    Any such alterations, modifications or tampering with the vehicle voids the warranty and is likely to be counterproductive for air quality and Prius’ durability and safety.

    It doesn't explicitly call out only voiding the HV ... it almost sounds like the vehicle as a whole. Nonetheless, with several folks here already reporting successful installs and implementation, it sounds as if it would be a tremendous service to all in this forum if those with the EV button implementation keep everyone up to speed on how the vehicle is holding up with this modification. With enough information over time, it should serve as reliable empirical data for folks considering the modification to make a lucid and educated decision as to press forward with the install or not.

    In my position, I expect to burn through my standard warranty in a year and half's time given that I drive over 25K miles per year. What happens after 36K is moot (lest I purchase the extended warranty which would then appear to be a waste of $$$ if and when I perform this mod to my vehicle to be). In weighing all the factors in the risk assessment, given the worst case scenario of the warranty being voided following install, the initial data of the successful install and implementation of this feature, the fact that it is a standard function in Europe and Japan, as well as the fact that (at least for me) my standard warranty will have an effective period of performance of approximately 18 months, not to mention the need to stroke my burning passion for extracting every ounce of technology out of the "toys" I own, the risk assessment in my case falls somewhere between "low" to "low/medium." In other words, my risk mitigation plan tells me to assume that risk until empirical data starts flowing in to indicate that this really isn't a smart move.

    Of course, the HV may never have a problem; even with the EV button. What happens, however, when something else fails on the vehicle and Toyota voids the warranty if they learn about the EV button install? I agree with the folks who say to hold on to the blank filler button and simply stick it back in the slot when you're ready to have the vehicle serviced so as not to open a can of worms.

    Bottom line - assuming the button performs as is intended, apart from the small nuissance of changing out the button before and after servicing by Toyota, this will be a nice little mod for those who wish to have this technology available on their system for the price of a little sweat (hopefully no blood nor tears!).

  13. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    First off, the only part of the car that could have its warranty in jeapardy is the HV system (Battery, HV ECUs, and inverter). Those components are factory warrantied for 8/100, longer in CA emissions states.

    The Q&A states plug-in AND use a switch. Now I know semantecs can be taken apart and be said that Toyota meant OR. I can fully understand Toyota wanting to void the warranty on extending battery capacity and making it plugable, but it is another to add a momenary ground to a pin designed for such input to implement a feature already designed into the car.
    Could Toyota void your warranty if you design your own GBS, nor not even install one, remove that yellow wire and borrow a THHT to enable your alarm that already exists but is disabled? I think not.
  14. Hybrid_Dave

    Hybrid_Dave New Member

    Jun 12, 2005
    Richmond Virginia
    The Magneson-Moss Act is everyone's friend in situations like this. As long as everyone realizes first that it does in fact state it will void the/or a portion of the warranty on the car. As we're all mostly adults here, we have the ability to make decisions on what we think is right when adding a modification. I agree that it doesn't make sense that Toyota would make this feature available in Europe and Asia, and not in the US. But it still doesn't change the fact that they stated they would void all or a portion of the warranty. It's somewhat "black and white"...will I attempt this mod myself?, you betcha :p But I also understand the risks associated with it, and trying to dismantle the legal rhetoric in what they will or will not cover as a result really does no one any good unless you're planning a tedious and possibly fruitless small claims settlement because you went against Toyota's US policy regarding the switch.
    Besides, if it's easy to take off and "hide" from the dealership, why are we trying to talk semantics about Toyota's legalese? I may not be the most honest and straightforward person all the time, I'm human, but by the mere suggestion of "hiding it from a tech", you're already acknowledging that you know you shouldn't be performing the mod anyways. It's all a risk thing no matter how you slice it...anyways, I'm rambling...I'll shut up now :D
  15. ScubaX

    ScubaX Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    Redding, CA
    2005 Prius
    Hiding it from a tech only means I don't want the hassle of defending my action to install an EV switch. It does not mean I know I should not, only that I know I may get hassled. I will also be installing a CoastalTech Viewtech when available, and a hitch too. I guess they better just void my warranty now, because I will also be installing.........

    Also, is it the act of the install or the use that would void a warranty? If I install it because it looks cool and never use it - then what? They really do have to prove you did something that damages the vehicle. Not just say I installed a part they don't like and will void the warranty.

    As many of these things that are being sold, if Toyota voided all the warranties of EV installers, they would get some lousy PR on a vehicle at a time when Toyota wants to dominate the Hybrid sales for years to come.
  16. Hybrid_Dave

    Hybrid_Dave New Member

    Jun 12, 2005
    Richmond Virginia
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ScubaX\";p=\"98158)</div>
    I hear what you're saying...and I agree that Toyota shouldn't void warranties for something they use and approve in other markets...but come on now, would you actually say you installed it just because it looked cool as a defense against a possible warranty rejection? Like I said, I'm going to do the mod as well, as I don't see any immediate problems or effects with it...I'm probably going to do the Coastal Tech one that links to the cruise control cancel wire...as far as bad PR for Toyota...hell, look at the Echo :p :lol:

    All I was saying is that we know it will void part or all of the warranty, so there's really no justification for the complaints about the possibility of Toyota doing so. It's just a "use at your own risk" type situation is all.

  17. ScubaX

    ScubaX Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    Redding, CA
    2005 Prius
    The MAGNUSON MOSS WARRANTY ACT puts the burden of proof on the manufacturer. They will have to defend the action to the EPA and the FTC if they void a warranty and a complaint is filed. Further they would have to defend that action in any lawsuit brought by a person with a warranty denied. It is not a simple case of voiding a warranty. If they do it, and you call them on it they will have to prove the EV switch or any other item you installed caused the defect. In the case of the EV switch, it is a Toyota part and installed on automobiles world wide. It will be difficult to point at their own part and say that caused the failure.

    My point about installing and actual use is that most people after installing have rarely used it. It becomes a seldom used trick item added to the car. The install alone can not be used to void the warranty. It must also contribute to the failure of a warranted part. If you used it 12 times in a year for a few minutes, how would Toyota be able to say that would cause a defect in the HV or other Hybrid parts? And what if you used it only 4 times right after you got it and then never again? Maybe you even decided to use that switch for something else (factory EV matches the interior) and a tech noted you have the EV when in fact you don't. I am thinking of installing mine with a hidden switch that will cause the EV button to turn on my CarPC display only. If a Tech plays with it he will only open and close my LCD. He would have to open the dash performing unauthorized work to trace the wires and find my switch. Since I am planning a valet switch for the CarPC, this will also be an effective valet switch for the EV.

    Then what? Because they say you had an EV the warranty is void? By Toyota standing in court and pointing to a device and saying it caused the problem is a very long way from proving it. While I would not want the hassle if they did decide to try and void a warranty, I believe they would lose that fight. :guns:
  18. Hybrid_Dave

    Hybrid_Dave New Member

    Jun 12, 2005
    Richmond Virginia
    You're right about the Magnuson Moss Act...that's what I was eluding to when I said it is your friend in cases like this, so I'm not disagreeing with you...I'm just saying, everyone knows the risk of installing it when you take Toyota's word for word on the void statement at Toyota.com's FAQ section...that's all. Your idea for the connection to an LCD is great, and you're right that a tech has no right to do unauthorized work. Right or wrong on Toyota's view, I was merely stating that we all know the risks that are possibly involved with this mod, and yes it's stupid for Toyota to be OK with it everywhere but here in the states and Canada. I just think people should be prepared for the hassle of having to go through all of this stuff if a Toyota service manager denies any warranty claim siting the EV switch as the problem. You'd probably win in the end, but it's the process of winning that becomes the pain in the rear, no matter how good the odds are of being in your favor...hope that clears it up a little.

  19. ScubaX

    ScubaX Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    Redding, CA
    2005 Prius
    I agree with that totally. And if Toyota did void my warranty I of course would fight it. But, I would still be the loser if it took months to repair and my Prius was 10-7 during that time. That and nosy tech and car wash attendants are a good reason for the valet switch.
  20. Hybrid_Dave

    Hybrid_Dave New Member

    Jun 12, 2005
    Richmond Virginia
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ScubaX\";p=\"98241)</div>
    Indeed, I hear ya....I knew we'd both get what the other was trying to say eventually :p

    And yeah, after all of that, like you I'm still going to do the mod regardless :D