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every light in the house . . . eer prius is on

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by archibald tuttle, Dec 4, 2020.

  1. archibald tuttle

    archibald tuttle Junior Member

    Sep 15, 2018
    Rhode Island
    2008 Prius
    tried Dr. Prius. it will only look for engine and battery codes and could not find any way to get it to look at car or manufacturer specific PIDs beyond that.

    of interest, I got the same result as on my OBD scanner, no engine codes

    but I did get a battery code:
    "HV Battery ECU Error Code: CC129

    so then i went over to torque and it appears that the broadest list of PIDs is only available for Torque Pro so I bought that version which seems to be running fine on my phone. I can go to the settings and chose "manage extra PIDs/Sensors and in that window hit the 3 dots top right and choose "Add predefined set" and Prius Gen 3 2010+ is one of the choices and then I get a long list of extra parameters it can interrogate, but i none of th3e youtubes i'm watching indicate if simply getting those parameters on the settings screen adds them all or they only work if i make a gauge for them or ? so i'm kind of at an impasse. several look like they would be good parameters for interrogating for brake communication error , the area where my mechanic said he found a fault. the PIDs in the list offer, for instance: "brake warning light" #213d although that is an on off value so i dont know where you find the code or trip that set it. "ABS warning light" which is also #213d ?also an on/off indicator and "Commmunication with brake", #2124 which is also an on off value, so maybe the code I had is just a reading of "off" for communication with brake.

    In any event, I see these in the list have no idea if how to 'turn them on' or if they are what i am looking for.


  2. archibald tuttle

    archibald tuttle Junior Member

    Sep 15, 2018
    Rhode Island
    2008 Prius
    and i have now tried car scanner which seemed like it might be slightly more user friendly accessing at least some additional parameters but it connects to the ELM and starts a connection to the ECU and then it drops. tried half dozen times, restarted the phone. obviously the other programs have been able to use the bluetooth adpater so not sure why car scanner is dropping out instead of completeing connection to the bluetooth.

  3. archibald tuttle

    archibald tuttle Junior Member

    Sep 15, 2018
    Rhode Island
    2008 Prius
    i forgot to reply that symptoms have not changed. it drives fine but no speedometer or energy consumption meter.

    meanwhil, I figured out Torque. for any following that discussion, once you get the pro version you can choose to manage sensors and PIDs in the settings and "add predefined set" brings up extensive list of manufacturers, and for the Prius, its own sets of predefined PIDs by generation in the Ps, not sure why its not under toyota but it works so i don't ask questions.

    then the thing i could not figure out was how to query these parameters once you had imported the list. turns out you go to "Realtime Information" (a choice on the home screen) and then you hold down on a blank area of the screen (this was mystery part that I couldn't find explained anywhere), this offers you a pop up "Add Display" command and then you have to choses a meter style, choose anything, and it takes you to your list of all parameters you can query to which you just added all these prius specific PIDs. And this list has all the most current values in it!

    So you can complete the process and get a meter that will show up in the future on the realtime information page for the parameters you wish to check most frequently but you can literally just scroll through this list and check every parameter.

    So that's the setup, ironically, it did not respond (no value returned) for idiot light PIDs, e.g. brake warning PID 213d . or ABS warning also PID 213d but one has multipler of 6 and the other 7 (I'm not really sure what that means but perhaps some PIDs are accessing a number of on off indicators and the multiplier gets you subparameter you're after). In any event, I wasn't getting 0 (off) or 1 (on), I was getting nothing and this was made clear because the displayed list under "Add Display" is green for PIDs that have a value and black for those that don't.

    However, I might be a little closer to a similar indication to that my friend at the shop got with his meter regarding brake communication. He didnt give me a fault number and I don't recall seeing one on the screen although I only got to look briefly. But "Communication with Brake", PID 2124 is yielding a result and that result is Off (0). And conveniently, the two other Communication PIDs, (HV and AirConditioning, also 2124 with a different multiplier) are showing On (1). So I'm assuming that normal state of operations is that communication is on and while it isn't presented as a fault the fact that brake communications are not on is potentially what started this cascade.

    I'm assuming if it was a voltage problem that a new battery would have restored communications and the parameter would not still be off. There doesn't appear to be anything to 'clear' in that respect. So this takes me back to analysis of brake communication failure modes. What could cause that, where do I start? (bearing in mind recent note from RJ that if it is the brake actuator it may be covered by a customer service directive that could expire after 10 years in service so I'm not going to waste months before going to the dealer but trying to troubleshoot a little before taking that step.

    Also, you may recall, during this work I did get a CC129 error for the HV Battery from Dr. Prius that Torque did not deliver under its Fault Codes option from the home screen. Any info on that fault? I wasn't anticipating that would have anything to do with the problems I' actually experiencing but if there is anything up with the HV battery want to get that on record before the 10 years expires.

  4. Leadfoot J. McCoalroller

    Leadfoot J. McCoalroller Senior Member

    May 12, 2018
    2018 Prius c
    Any possibility of rodent intrusion/wire harness damage?

    Sophisticated system like the Prius it doesn't take much of a bug for big consequences.

  5. archibald tuttle

    archibald tuttle Junior Member

    Sep 15, 2018
    Rhode Island
    2008 Prius

    a cinematically aware car fiend . . . very nice catch.

    nothing is inconceivable. there certainly are plenty of mice where we live although no obvious evidence of infestation and we use the car regularly vs. those that sit like the old camry convertibles where the mice must be evict edfrom the heater every year no matter how many dryer sheets we throw in and invite the cats to fill the with hair (and you really need a heater in your convertible around here unless you want it to be a two month season).

    So assuming I have or had some kind of brake communication problem, I guess I'm trying to locate relevant modules and plugs to inspect for damage, looseness, mice, whatever. If anyone else has ever had a brake communication problem what did that ended up entailing? @rjparker has noted that the brake actuator may have a customer service repair from the dealer but not sure if this lack of communication can possibly be laid at that door.

    I'm also interested that there are PIDs for the warning lights but I don't seem to get any reading for them through the bluetooth adapter (which shows the PIDs but doesn't pick up any reading). Might this be different in anyone's experience as to reading the lights and/or the option to turn them off available in the XP based techstream downloads that come with hard wire readers like VX Diag?

