Not even 20 mins off the car lot with a 2010 gen 3 IV prius, our sunroof explodes. Glass every where, embedded into m skin! the dealership wont replace, and the insurance wont either because there was no "accident". any one had this happen to them? Nothing hit us, all the sudden just cracked. and glass every where!
Randomly shattering sunroofs have been in the news in the past. I haven't seen any posts on this forum that could identify that the Prius is prone to these events. Did the temperature transition pretty quickly that day, from cold to hot? I can see why the dealership wouldn't cover it. I can't see why the insurance company wouldn't cover it unless you only had coverage for collision.
There wasn't a temp change. It was cold, about 45. Going about 65 mph. I did a bit of research and it looks like its fairly common for sunroof owners. Its rare for any one.. But for cars with sunroofs there is a lot out there. Its thought to be the pressure of the cabin building up on the glass until it breaks open.. Its so bazaar. Exploding Sunroofs! - Car Forums - Edmunds there is a link to a website of owners of vehicles who've had it happen.
Did you feel a pressure build up in your ears just prior to the glass letting go? Why won't your insurance cover it, or do you have some ludicrously high deductible? I suppose the dealer figures it got to their lot without breaking, you must have done something wrong, like drive the car off the lot! Let us know what happens!
it's a honda dealer, what do they care? i would go up the ladder at toyota. and nhtsa if you have to, that's a huge safety issue.
I recommend calling or emailing the state's attorney general office. I don't know about Utah but in some states they will contact the dealer and try to convince them to do the right thing, they are often successful. I too find it a bit odd that your insurance company wouldn't help. I put a rock through the back window of my pickup with the lawn mower, while it was parked in my driveway, and it was covered under comprehensive. To bad you didn't tell them you were driving past a dump truck and a rock fell off and went through the sun roof.
A bouncing rock? A punk on an over pass? The rock could have come in from a sharp angle not just in your field of view. A bullet on the down part of its vertical trajectory? There is absolutely no way the 'cabin pressurizes' on a car. I can see the dealer's point of view, but not the insurance company's. It had to have been a rock. That's the only logical explanation. Just keep telling the insurance company that.
pardon my french, but f*ck that dealership! i encourage you to call all of your local news channels and tell them how outraged you are and the shards of glass hurt you, made you bleed, and how emotionally shattered and scared you are! seriously. there could have been a crack or something else that weakened it. i hate dealerships, i mean stealerships. give them a terrible name if they don't replace it. btw, what dealership is it and where is it? tell us all so we don't support them on accident!
Here in NY You can add a Glass Coverage rider to your policy. Without it no glass is covered. I don't know if that would have made a difference. Do you have to add glass in Utah?
What crap, the auto policy should cover 100% of ALL components that make up your car! A Glass Coverage rider, really??? What the hell is next, "a la carte insurance" I will cover the left front fender, bumper, and HSD (insured as complete unit) that should be OK Unless replacement coverage cost was less than OP's deductible, the insurance should step in, even then depending on what the OP's deductible really is, it just might be better to bite the bullet and eat the cost! If I was a Insurance Adjuster, I would kinda discount the over pressure theory, but a rock, that happens every day! Next step of escalation, speak with an Accident Attorney, first call is free, and they will kinda let you if you are a nut case, or have a valid claim! At this point what do you have to lose!
If you were blasting your heater, the temp diff of each side of the glass can make it break. It happened to my dads rear window once.
Corystal, You said, "If you were blasting your heater, the temp diff of each side of the glass can make it break." Come on. You shouldn't use your heater the way you like to? What about,, It's a hot day, 106°, you drive through a car wash,,,, windows don't break easily, they are not fragile. Are you sure your dad wasn't chucking another beer bottle in the back with a little too much force? And I'm not so sure the OP wasn't 'punch testing the sunroof', you know, all excited to be driving in his new Prius !! We haven't heard back from him. Either he has good insurance and holds the line with them, or he pays the deductible. OP, which happened?
I would turn the car into a driving billboard with the facts and dealers name all over it. I would switch insurance companies also and include the name of the company declining to help.
If I was the OP, I'd get back on here and explain a few of these "facts". He's gone. He officially posted his story here, (for some reason), and is done with it. Surely he has the new glass installed by now and is enjoying his Prius,,, and limiting his fist pumping..... Randomly Exploding Glass !! I could make up a cool story about it and post it several places! That doesn't make it a fact.
Could you imagine being a pedestrian watching a Prius drive by and the sunroof explodes all over the driver? Not to sound insensitive OP, but that would be a sight to see!
What is Auto Glass Coverage? Share: Share on facebookShare on linkedinShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on email A Covered Glass Loss with No Deductible Full glass coverage pays the amount of a covered glass loss with no deductible. Full auto glass insurance coverage is optional on your auto insurance policy and can be purchased for an additional premium. Insurance Coverage availability varies by state How Full Glass Coverage Works The advantage of full glass coverage is that unlike comprehensive insurance, it comes with no deductible. So, let’s say your car gets broken in to over night and a window is smashed. Luckily nothing is stolen, but you’re still left with a broken window…and the estimate to repair it comes in at $600. If you have comprehensive insurance but not auto glass coverage, you will have to pay your deductible before your auto insurance company picks up the rest of the tab. So if you have a $500 deductible, you’d have to pay $500, and your auto insurance company would pay the remaining $100 to cover the repair work. But if you have full glass coverage, your auto insurance company will cover the expense of repairing the window in full with no out-of-pocket costs to you.