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FHOP--Flaming House of Pancakes!

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by slortz, Feb 14, 2006.

  1. JackDodge

    JackDodge Gold Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Hybrid
    I'm staying out of FHOP for the most part. The flaming trolls don't really contribute to the intent of the board which is to discuss the Prius and they make the board look bad to the casual observer. If I had first come to this board lately I would have left and never come back because they make the board seem mean and quarrelsome with no real interest in the Prius. I have all of the trolls on ignore now and will start putting people on ignore who insist on not only arguing with them but quoting them as well. I'm going back to what I came here for in the first place, to learn and help others with their Prius experience. I'm not interested in arguing with goofballs who come here to incite big flamewars for their own entertainment. Do they own a Prius? Do they contribute to the original intent of the board? Or, do they seem only to push people's buttons and enjoy the negativity that they cultivate? If the answer to the first two questions is 'no' and 'yes' to the third, get 'em out of here. Profanity or not, they're worthless.
  2. Walker1

    Walker1 Empire

    Jan 13, 2006
    2014 Prius
    I must be naive, but what exactly is a Troll?
  3. Walker1

    Walker1 Empire

    Jan 13, 2006
    2014 Prius
    I love the idea. I didn't refresh before I put in a post almost like yours. However, now there are 2 posts requesting what I would name the "Gladiator" forum.

    Are the moderators receptive to this idea?
  4. JackDodge

    JackDodge Gold Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Hybrid
    Troll - From the fishing term. As a noun, synonymous with flamebait. As a verb, to post controversial or provocative messages in a deliberate attempt to provoke flames.
    source: http://teladesign.com/ma-thesis/glossary.html
  5. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    A smelly brutish creature that would turn to stone if it came out of its cave in the light of day. ;)
  6. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    Why bother?
    There are plenty of forums on other sites out there for just such activity.
    I wouldn't want to see something like that here unless the rest of us could turn it off in "Controls".
  7. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    No, those wanting to be hateful and ugly can go somewhere else. FHOP is getting beyond what most want at times already, making a new outlet won't help the situation.

    Listen folks, I can't understand why you all let people get you so upset...it's what they want. Speak your piece, when the thread gets out of hand stop reading it...it's not difficult. I quit reading "How to destroy..." after about 2 1/2 pages when it became clear the OP had no intention of being reasonable. Likewise similar threads. MS uses double speak half the time just to stir the pot...just turn and walk away.

    The forum has, over the years, gone through peaks and troughs, rarely have we had to ban anyone and nothing, at this point, has risen to the level to require anyone being banned. Although we try to limit cursing, only the most agregious words are censored and authors warned in FHOP. Repeat offenders are handled off line. Things will cool down one way or the other...we expect that the forum members will take care of it on their own, for the most part, by refusing to participate or get caught up in the silliness. If hostility and attacks ensure we'll take care of it from the moderation end of things.

    A poll like this one will attract those who's delicate sensibilites have been most upset. Those who don't read FHOP or ignore the nastier threads won't participate.

    We're keeping an eye on things, we'll continue to do so, you guys try to behave. The best way to extinguish the behavior you don't like is to ignore it, skip the threads, place an "ignore" on the posters you don't like. The worst way is for the moderators to come in and start throwing around banishments and threats. Police yourselves first, we'll take care of the rest.
  8. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    We have controls which allow us to ignore posts by a member.
    Is there any way to mark a thread or forum to be ignored?
    It would be much easier to ignore unpleasant threads if we could control whether they show up when we press "View New Posts".
  9. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    i agree with kiloran. blocking FHOP would probably be of use to many of us.

    wow, i must have missed a lot last night. the whole thread got deleted? whew. could it have gotten any worse than it was at 5 when i left work? it was pretty ugly then, although there was a bit of calm conversation going on for a few minutes in there around the time i took off.

    hopefully things get less nasty now that it seems everyone's had the ultimate blowout.
  10. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    C'mon let's fact it, people love this stuff. People are glued to this stuff as much as the who shot jr episode of dallas. lol

    Besides, given the stated rules of FHOP, most of this is perfectly acceptable, anyway.

    "is the Off Topic area which means that you are free to discuss just about anything you want - so please keep any bashing, flaming, or soapbox rants to this OT forum. However, try to make it a discussion not just a bash session. "

    As you all know, I, of course, tend to take the opposing side of whatever argument. I love to defend unpopular topics, for what fun is it to agree? This, for whatever reason, tends to bother a lot of people, particularly when it strikes at their core values/beliefs. It really is amazing how people react when you simply don't agree with them for almost ANY reason, regardless of how rational or not.

    So, whatever happens, happens, if I get banned, I really don't care, and you can all go back to reading about what someone had for dinner last night, and how the mash potatoes were slopped down in a manner such that it reminded you of a Prius... :rolleyes:
  11. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    I frankly wouldn't care what gets discussed in FHOP if I had a way to effectively filter.
    I think the following four new controls would suffice: Ignore user, Ignore Forum , Ignore thread, Ignore threads started by user.

    A simpler, short term solution would be to exclude threads in FHOP from the "View New Posts" feature.

    Not everyone is "glued" to FHOP and many of us would prefer to not have half the threads returned by "View New Posts" be FHOP culture war battle threads.
  12. parrot_lady

    parrot_lady Member

    Aug 17, 2005
    Chicago Burbs
    see this is exactly why at our counter strike source forums, I had to start a freaking rules thread pinned to the top of every forum, shut them down, archive a BUNCH of posts.

    My forums: http://ackin.proboards36.com/index.cgi

    My rules:
    just like the server its obvious that we need something here.

    1) RESPECT EACH OTHER. no flame wars, and arguments MUST be kept clean (ie, no saying you're a shit head to someone that has backed up an opinion)

    IF an argument is to be had you should read this: mannerly art of disagreement and FOLLOW the rules.

    Flame wars:

    if you're new to chat/message boards, I suggest you go here:

    2) Don't FEED THE TROLLS
    Trolling definition:

    3) remember that although you write something with an intended tone, someone else reading it might apply the wrong tone to it. Always clarify if you read your post and see people responding to it in a way that they shouldn't be.

    4) don't post for the sake of posting, we have an edit function for a reason

    5) be kind to newcomers.

    6) don't steal copyrighted/patented information/ideas without giving due credit to those that posted them first/invented them (the exception to this is the "name the quote thread")

    7) refrain from using all capital letters as you are considered to be "screaming"...

    8) Keep the illegal activites off the boards. (if underaged drinking is done, one shall assume that parental units were involved/present thus making it legal)

    For People Who Just Don't Get It: If you have nothing constructive to provide to said forum (determined by any of the board moderators/adminstrators), your posts can be removed/locked without warning. If you continue to make posts that offend the group, you may be banned, again at the discretion of the moderators

    I think a lot people might benefit from reading the mannerly art of disagreement. Makes for better more interesting fights. ^_^
  13. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    This board is neither Fight Club nor Debate Club. Freds was originally founded because we enjoyed a little friendly banter about things non-hybrid. When banter turns battle, it's gone too far.

    As Evan said, there are message boards all across the internet in which people can yell and scream all they want and argue whatever topic they want. I'm willing to bet that argumentative posting would be much more appreciated there.
  14. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Then clarify your rules. ;)

    "is the Off Topic area which means that you are free to discuss just about anything you want - so please keep any bashing, flaming, or soapbox rants to this OT forum. However, try to make it a discussion not just a bash session. "
  15. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    So why is it the burden of the message board?
  16. parrot_lady

    parrot_lady Member

    Aug 17, 2005
    Chicago Burbs
    One quick thing before I pop off of here, I have and still do respect the admins here. If there are problems they are dealt with in a timely fashion-- look at how many registered members there are, and think how many admin we have in here on a regular basis.

    I honestly don't know how you guys handle it reading all the new posts (with Tony still on dial up!!!) and scanning everything. I can barely keep up with mine at times when we get busy (there are more hidden forums for clan members in our section)

    Thank you Mods for doing what you do, without you this place wouldn't exist.

    (hate me if you want, but I'm thankful we don't have a karma feature here!)
  17. KMO

    KMO Senior Member

    Apr 15, 2004
    2023 Prius Prime
    I wonder if perhaps a posting limit could be automatically enforced. Eg - you're not allowed to post more to FHOP than the rest of the site. That might slow up some of the people who seem more interested in arguing than Priuses.
  18. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Before I get banned, someone please make sure Jack06 is ok, as it was a pretty bad meltdown...

  19. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I have to 1000000% agree with Evan. When we created FHOP, quite a bit of discussion amongst the mods went into what and how much we would tolerate. We basically decided that as long as people weren't dropping the F-bomb all the time and were courteous enough to one another without resorting to personal attacks then we would pretty much let the place run itself. We've only had to ban one member in the entire existence of PC, which is probably a record amongst boards our size, and that member actually came back under a different username and attitude and has kept their nose clean (yes, I did know that you came back :) ).

    I don't like to ban people or call people out. Hell, I don't like to use the Warn button all that often. FHOP is a part of this site. Without it, the OT discussions would just make their way into the normal Prius-related forums and no one wants that. There are certain people on this site that like to stir the pot a bit more than others and like to find out what nerves they can step on. You find this in your job, your school, your group of friends, even your family. Deal with those people or FHOP in general the same way you'd deal with those people in normal life - ignore them.

    Is there some problem with your mouse that it sees the word Pancake and is forced to click? I hear the requests and suggestions that we allow members to choose which forums to see in their "View New Posts" list, and I'd love to add that since we've had so many requests for it, but right now I can't find anyone who knows how to do it or is willing to look into it for me. With the updated software (yes, we're eventually going to be updated :) ), there is the ability to globally block a forum from showing up on that list and I'll put some thought into using that function once we move to the new update. But, and I hate to use this argument, just like the cable company says about why you can't order just individual channels, think about what you would possibly miss if you start ignoring certain forums. For one, you wouldn't know that I'm engaged :) Someone nailed it on the head in another thread about this subject when they said that the "seasoned" members probably enjoy FHOP the most out of any other forum on PC because sometimes people just get tired of helping newbies out day after day and they want to talk about something else that interests them with people who share a common basic interest - the Prius. There's an argument to be made that if it wasn't for FHOP, we could have lost several of our long-time members a long time ago due to boredom. A new model of Prius only comes around once a year.

    Just as Tony said he wouldn't mind banning a few people here and there to get things under control, I wouldn't mind losing a few members due to their own stubborness. If you have a valid complaint to be made, make it and we will give it its due consideration, but that doesn't mean that your opinion on how we should run the forum is right. If you don't like what someone has to say, walk away, stop posting in the topic and stop confronting the antagonizing poster. Don't want to read what's in FHOP? There's this handy-dandy link called "Mark Forum as Read" at the top of each forum. Everyday when you come to PC, stop into FHOP, scan the thread titles to see if anything interests you and then click that link and go about your Prius-loving life.

    Evan's exactly right - FHOP goes through its own ups and downs, and the last time we had a down time was around the Presidential election time. I personally love to see the activity in FHOP, but I do hate to see things turn into personal attacks and flamewars.

    As far as the posted rules go that were quoted earlier in this thread, know that those rules were made in a spirit that people would still see that a line exists out there, and if you cross it, you won't be able to cite any typed-out rule in the world to help your case. Just watch your mouths, watch your attitudes, and have a good time in here. Nobody's getting banned today, but there is a list of people that we're always watching, and as with every member of this forum, there is a process we'll go through to deal with anyone crossing the line.

    Feel free to respond with your own comments to my opinions.
  20. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    I don't understand your question.
    People who support unrestricted free expression in FHOP have been advising others to just ignore these threads.
    My suggestion would give them the tools to do so.