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Finally got to test drive a Gen III

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by halpos4, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. halpos4

    halpos4 "Taxi"!

    Aug 13, 2008
    2006 Prius
    On Wednesday i got my hands on a Gen III,I picked it up at 2pm from my local Toyota Dealer,he gave me the keys and just said "i'm finished at 6",so i had it for 4 hours and had a good push and poke of every button and knob that i could find.
    As a Taxi driver,i looked at it from that perspective...where the printer would fit,radio equipment and even where the coin dispenser would go,my Taxi Meter is my rear view mirror so that wasn't a problem,
    I found it comfortable but to be honest it kinda reaffirmed how much i love my Gen II,even down to the way my right elbow rests on the drivers side [RHD]door while holding the steering wheel,on the Gen III it's a little low,a small gripe but when you're in a car for long periods..comfort is king!! I found the interior dashboard/door material to be a little inferior than the Gen II but that could change over time,a little more roomy though which is always good in my biz,but i do like all the gadgets though..Hud,touch tracer etc..and even has turn signal mirrors..one mod less to perform!!
    Other than that, a nice motor and one i'll probably end up buying in time.
    1 person likes this.
  2. GrumpyCabbie

    GrumpyCabbie Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    North Yorkshire, UK
    2010 Prius
    So when you going to get it then :)

    I know what you mean about the door shelf being a little low for your elbow to rest on but I've not found it too much of a problem. I've taken to resting my left elbow on the center console, if for no other reason than to stop it rattling.

    I have my two way radio stuffed in the tray under the gear shift and the aerial mag mounted on the driver side rear roof. The coin dispenser fits a treat hooked on the plastic side of the tray on my side next to the two way radio.

    According to the meter man the meter apparantly went in a treat and he was easily able to pick up the speed pulses. The radios here are only 5 watt but the data signal gets a good 30 - 50 mile range and hasn't interfered with the cars electronics. It does like to set off Range Rover & BMW alarm systems from 10 foot away though. :D

    Are you the only Prius cab in your area or are there a few others? I'm the only one in my immediate area with a gen2 like yours in Leeds that I have seen. I did get a few other drivers in our company interested in changing to a Prius but with all the negative stuff about the brakes one got a Merc and the other opted for an Avensis. So I'm still the only member of my exclusive Prius club.
  3. halpos4

    halpos4 "Taxi"!

    Aug 13, 2008
    2006 Prius
    Hi GC,have been working hard all weekend and didn't log on,
    I'm going to hang on to my Gen II until it gives up or i have to give it up,our wonderful taxi regulator introduced the 9 yr rule,your car can't be over 9yrs old,doesn't kick in until 2012 for existing licence holders [moi]so that gives me until 2015,but i'll have to change it before the licence expires in June of that year.
    When i got mine in 06 there was only one other Prius Taxi in Dublin,i'd say there's only about 10 at present but i work nights only so maybe there's a few daytime drivers also,i don't live in Dublin now,i live in a place called Drogheda,which is about 30miles north of Dublin City on the way to Belfast,and there is one Prius Taxi up here,a 07,
    I'm surprised there isn't more Prii operating as taxi's,maybe they're afraid of the technology...certainly the older generation!!
    By the way,i like the way you say you've overcome the centre console rattle...who needs tape,screws or whatever to fix that....when you have an elbow:D
  4. Jim Clark

    Jim Clark Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Northern VA, the 51st state (someday)
    2010 Prius
    Just curious, how many miles do you guys put on your taxis in a year? 9 years seems impossible for a taxi.

    I can understand why you guys would want to use the Prius with the cost of petrol over there. Our only trip to the UK was an outstanding golf trip to Scotland. :D

    Wonderful golf, wonderful people, and we even found good food. ;) No, I didn't try the haggis (I will next time). But I really liked the Black Pudding at breakfast. I asked the waiter what it was made from and he was hesitant to tell me. I told him I wasn't squeamish and he told me it was blood sausage. I found that very interesting and told him it was quite good.

    Back to the petrol cost. When we were there in 2007, the exchange rate was really bad (for us), about $2 per pound, very expensive trip. To fill up or little Peugeot before returning it was about $80.

    Next time I'll try to rent a Prius.
  5. GrumpyCabbie

    GrumpyCabbie Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    North Yorkshire, UK
    2010 Prius
    I guess it depends on the driver and their circumstances. I personally put about 35k - 40k miles per year on a car. I have the car on finance over 5 years and by that time it will be pretty much due replacement. Legally in the UK we can hand a car back just over half way through the finance agreement - no questions asked. Now I will see how my Prius goes and if it is problem free by the expiry of the warranty (only 60k miles over here!) then I will probably keep it. If it turns out to be a pig, then I will hand it back as soon as I'm able.

    Regarding the 9 years age limit on cabs. In my local area we already have that limit and they are looking at reducing it to 7 years. It depends on the local authority. Not all cab drivers use their cabs as hard as I do, some are part time and maybe just work weekends. Also, in my area we are subject to very harsh yearly (until the taxi is 3 years old) and then six monthly safety and emission checks. They check everthing! You will fail if there is a scratch on your body work longer than 2 inches, no holes in the upholstery or carpet, no broken trim or sharp edges etc etc. In addition to the national yearly safety test called an MOT (ministy of transport) test which all cars here must have.

    So at first 9 years sounds quite lax but if you can still keep your taxi running and passing its compliance test at that age then you're doing well. Though I do know of a few guys who have Ford Mondeos running at 8 & 9 years old with massive mileages.
  6. halpos4

    halpos4 "Taxi"!

    Aug 13, 2008
    2006 Prius
    I'll have 280,000km on my 06 before the weekend comes around again,mine was registered June 06,so by June i should be close to 320,000km and i can join the 200,000 mile club here on PC,
    So to answer your question,between 75,000 and 80,000km per year.
    I'm hoping 9 years won't be a problem as taxi's in general..well privately owned ones,tend to be very well maintained.
  7. GrumpyCabbie

    GrumpyCabbie Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    North Yorkshire, UK
    2010 Prius
    Oh and I do a contract with the local government taking school kids to school. On top of the full Police checks I require I also need to send the local government proof that my car is fully serviced as required by Toyota!
  8. halpos4

    halpos4 "Taxi"!

    Aug 13, 2008
    2006 Prius
    They're really cracking down here now...mainly because they don't want to admit they've made an nice person out of issuing licences willy nilly,if they had of had all these rules and regulations in force to begin with it,it would have been a deterrant to any old Joe getting a licence and going out at the weekend,
    There's a new unit of the Garda [Police] comprising 30 officers in conjunction with the Regulators Enforcement officers charged with getting illegal operators off the road and making sure everyone else is compliant,i really hope this does what it says on the can but only time will tell.
  9. Jim Clark

    Jim Clark Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Northern VA, the 51st state (someday)
    2010 Prius
    I did edit my original post, you should check it out.

    I think the average taxi over here in our major metro areas does MANY more miles than you guys. I believe they're closer to 100k miles per year, utilizing at least two drivers and basically running the cars 24/7. I think they expect to get 3 years out of a car. I believe there are regulations that taxis can not be more than 4-6 years old, at least in the major metro areas. I'll try to look it up.
  10. halpos4

    halpos4 "Taxi"!

    Aug 13, 2008
    2006 Prius
    Yeah Jim,fuel is quite expensive both here and in the UK which makes it even better to drive a Prius,i've had people tell me that they'll get 50mpg from their VW Passat Diesel..yeah,driving up and down motorways! bring that Passat into city centre traffic especially Dublin and tell me you'll get 50,not a chance,
    Most taxi's here are privately owned and will just have the owner driving it and so will likely to be looked after but i've seen some heaps of sh**te that are being rented from companies and i think they're typical of vehicles that are being targeted.
  11. GrumpyCabbie

    GrumpyCabbie Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    North Yorkshire, UK
    2010 Prius

    The company I work for (well own a share in actually :p) run about ten wheelchair/7 seater large cabs. Basically it's a Mercedes Vito Van converted to look like a London Taxi inside. It's OK and serves a purpose, but we "double man" them and keep them for three years or 300k miles. They run 24/7 and will do about 100k miles a year. Amazingly, when we sell them at the end of the three years we get a good price as that type of vehicle is in demand in other towns/cities where they regs aren't as strict.