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How should I be driving for best mileage?

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by Sophia, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Sophia

    Sophia New Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    2011 Prius
    I drive 30 miles each way to work in NorCal. 8miles of it just trying to get onto the highway and the rest is on the highway. some stop n go, some smooth sailing.

    The past few days I paid attention to the mileage gauge and it looks like I am getting an average of 54mpg and my best was this morning when I got up to 59.7mpg at one point.

    But is it my imagination or do I have to drive like Miss Daisy to get the good mileage? I used to drive in the 2nd lane and hit upward of 80 to get to work as fast as possible, but now that I am in a Prius, I try to stay in the 3rd or 4th lane and go at the speed limit of 65 (but I hardly even go up to that now) and strangely, I still get to work at the same time so it doesnt look like it really ever mattered how fast I was driving...

    I don't want to be the annoying "prick" that drives a prius but I dont want to waste what I can get out of my new car either. So what exactly is the best way to drive? The manual said something but it's not real drivespeak to me.

    also, is something wrong with my car or is there a trick to a prius? It feels like it takes FOREVER for my car to go up a hill or pick up speed from red to green. I just feels really sluggish.
  2. JimboPalmer

    JimboPalmer Tsar of all the Rushers

    Apr 14, 2009
    Greenwood MS USA
    2012 Prius v wagon
    We have no idea what you used to drive so it is hard to compare how quick your Prius is. Coming from tiny econoboxes, my Prius is large, powerful, and fast, compared to what I am used to.


    As far as driving it, look out ahead of you so you never need to brake, and drive as you normally would. If you find that not driving like a maniac gets you to work at the same time, why worry?

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  3. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Speed is a mileage killer for any car. If you drive 80 you will never get mileage as good as when you drive 60. It's a trade off, and you will need to judge what it is worth to you, and balance that against time and interfering with traffic.

    Other than that, accelerate briskly to speed, avoid braking, anticipate stops, and avoid short trips for best mileage.

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  4. xpcman

    xpcman Senior Member

    Jun 11, 2009
    California - SF Bay area
    2008 Prius
    You didn't list the year of your Prius. I will assume that you have a 2011 (Gen III). If you have the ECO button turned on then it will feel like a slug. If you press the ECO button again the car will return to "normal" mode and feel like it has more power. For even more sense of power press the "power" button. No extra power but, it will fool you into thinking it accelerates faster. The simple way to max mpg is to feather back the gas pedal after you have reached your cruising speed and then apply just enough gas to keep your speed.
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  5. Sergiospl

    Sergiospl Senior Member

    Apr 22, 2011
    2011 Prius
    This video demonstrates Prius's driving modes and how to maximize your gas mileage!
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  6. ItsNotAboutTheMoney

    ItsNotAboutTheMoney EditProfOptInfoCustomUser Title

    Jul 18, 2009
    2010 Prius
    That part of your post that I've emphasized is why you're seeing that although you think you're traveling more slowly you're arriving at work at the same time.

    If you're hitting stop and go traffic on the highway it means the traffic ahead of you is determining how fast you can go. Driving faster just makes you arrive at the jam sooner. It's racing up to the red (brake) lights.

    As Jimbo posted you want to avoid that braking and you do that by looking well ahead so that instead of braking you can let the car slow down gradually (the best way is if you can glide*). The earlier you get off the gas, the less gas you used. Even better** is if you can see it's stop and go and you can work out what the average speed is: you can then drive at that constant speed.

    It sounds like you have a perfect attitude to driving. :)

    Essentially, you can drive it normally and do pretty well. Unfortunately, what's normal to many people is actually incredibly wasteful. Don't race, but don't drive like grandma, stick to speed limits. Do all the "Free Money" economical driving techniques: leave space in front, concentrate and look well ahead so you can anticipate and avoid sudden braking; time traffic lights and yields so you don't have to stop; don't rush up to a light if you do have to stop; try to keep rolling instead of following the sheep in stop and go.

    There's more if you want consciously to "hypermile", but just awareness and avoiding braking can ensure you get good mileage.

    Oh, and don't deliberately*** try to drive in the EV area. Your charge ultimately comes from the gasoline and burning gasoline to charge the battery then using the charge to run an electric motor is less efficient than running the engine efficiently: the Prius software does quite a good job of working out whether it's better to use the motors, the engine or a blend of the two.

    As others wrote it's mostly to do with the gas pedal. Power mode (which my wife uses) in the Prius is closest to "normal" cars, certainly our last two. In other modes, particularly in Eco mode (which I use), you'll have to push the pedal harder to get the same oomph you'd expect in your old car. The good thing about it, is that is gives you more precise control (and that helps efficiency), but the bad thing is that your foot will work a bit more. Some drivers actually find they get better mileage normal or Power mode than in Eco, probably because they're accelerating too slowly.

    Also, the Prius has a 1.8 liter engine modified to run in a special way that emphasizes efficiency over power. In normal cruising it's fine but when doing something that demands more power, like accelerating or climbing a hill the Prius engine has to work harder than other cars' engines do. If you're someone who drives by sound you'll have to get used to the sound of the engine working hard. (The whine of the engine under heavy load makes my wife pat the dash sarcastically. :D)

    * A glide is where the engine is turned off and you're neither braking nor using the motors to move the car. When you take your foot off the gas in a Prius it slows down like other cars, but only because it simulates it by applying a bit of regenerative braking. You can make the Prius glide by keeping just enough pressure on the gas that you see neither charging nor power on the display. In a glide the Prius retains its speed extremely well.

    ** The technique called pulse and glide is actually the most efficient way of driving, but you have to do it right, otherwise it's less efficient. In traffic it's also easier and better for flow if you maintain a steady speed.

    *** As a rule.
    2 people like this.
  7. ItsNotAboutTheMoney

    ItsNotAboutTheMoney EditProfOptInfoCustomUser Title

    Jul 18, 2009
    2010 Prius
  8. ItsNotAboutTheMoney

    ItsNotAboutTheMoney EditProfOptInfoCustomUser Title

    Jul 18, 2009
    2010 Prius