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Hybrid Cars Burning Gas in the Drive for Power

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by thorn, Jul 20, 2005.

  1. priusenvy

    priusenvy Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Silicon Valley, CA
    2005 Prius
    You forgot water (but did remember it later).

    Actually, it's a medium chain hydrocarbon, since gasoline is mostly made up of molecules containing anywhere from three to twelve carbon atoms, and the definition of "medium chain" is generally accepted to be six to twelve carbon atoms. When I think "long chain", I think of something that's solid at room temperature, like paraffin wax (although I suppose some long chain hydrocarbons are liquids at room temperature).

    Actually, the conditions that promote high combustion chamber temperatures are high compression and advanced ignition timing - exactly the conditions that cause detonation. So when your engine is pinging, you can be sure that it's producing a lot of NOx too.
  2. tstreet

    tstreet New Member

    May 16, 2005
    Allenspark, Colorado
    As accentuated by the latest and greatest heat wave, one thing we don't need at this point is better performance. We've taken this performance obsession way beyond what is reasonable. Pissing away this new technology on performance is just a repeat of what we've been doing the last 25 years. We always seem to be waiting for the next great breakthrough in technology because we refuse to give anythng up. Our life style is sacrosanct and, therefore, we will bring the planet down with us. How the Europeans and others can even pretend to go along with us at G8 is beyond me.

    As far as emissions goes, CO2 has the greatest long run impact, by far.
  3. tckramer

    tckramer New Member

    Jul 4, 2005
    Wray, Colorado
    After reading this one I had to throw my hands in the air. This is even more disappointing news.! :cussing: