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Is Bush as bad as Bin Laden?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by jared2, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    This, coming from the person who claimed the US has a military psyche, and backs it up with one year snapshot info. from pretentious .org sites, a quote from someone in the 50's, and a non-conclusive .pdf

  2. kingofgix

    kingofgix New Member

    Jun 30, 2004
    Littleton, CO
    By rooting them out and capturing or killing them, which is what we should be doing instead of wasting our time and resources in Iraq (because the bad guys in question are the terrorists, not Saddam Hussein). I'm sorry you don't realize what a lousy President Bush is, but fortunately your opinion of him is now in the minority.

    And you incorrectly think that I am a liberal and Clinton lover. This isn't about Clinton, or liberal vs. conservative.

    It is about the horrible damage Bush has done to our country. He he is banktpting our county. He started an unnecessary war, and clearly used trumped up "evidence" to get us there. Actions that I beleive he should be impeached for.

    But most important is the fact that Bush STARTED a war on trumped up evidence. There is a night and day difference between joining a war and starting a war. No other president in the 20th or 21st century STARTED a war. I think most people either already realized, or have started to realize how outrageously wrong this is. I am ashamed of my Country for it, and I hate Bush for making me feel that way about my Country. I hope other people share my feelings, becasue I don't ever want it to happen to us again.
  3. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Bush is clearly worse. Bush has put the US back on the road to bankruptcy, unlike bin Laden; Bush has seriously eroded the Bill of Rights, unlike bin Laden; and he's killed far more people than has bin Laden.
  4. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Bush did not start the war on terrorism. He, arguably, went after UBL, and took down the Taliban in doing so (which some hardcore libs will say even that was unjust, but I digress..), then took a pro-active approach at the next, highest threat, Iraq.

    The point is, what are you going to do, risk another 9/11, based upon a very real, and exceptional threat profile on Iraq (a man who has pro-activley used wmd's more than once, unlike any other threat)? Were we to REPEAT the lack of attention we gave to UBL and the Taliban?

    ***Most importantly, will all those who scream the war in Iraq is unjust, have supported invading Afghanistan prior to 9/11?***
  5. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    We can defend ourselves without destroying our own constitution, without bankrupting ourselves, and without attacking un-involved third parties. It's not too late for us to return to the moral high ground and do well by doing good.
  6. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    Mags, Rather than look at it as 'in the end they say they (we) were right, I prefer to see it as having looked at the other side of an argument and incorporating it into their life view, re-digesting the info and 'seeing the light' or, if you want to be more argumentitive, 'leaving the dark side'. If we're ever going to get off the blame game nationally we must ALL make the effort, not just the 'opposition". FWIW And just to clarify, Maggie, I see life through your eyes much more than through other's.
  7. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    You speak eloquently for me too! I never liked or voted for Clinton, but continue to respect him immensly, and miss his LEADERSHIP (what a concept!)
  8. dbermanmd

    dbermanmd New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    2006 Prius
    How can you impeach a President if he obtain the support of the House and the Senate for the war you just happen to disagree with? You might find that the evidence was not trumped up if you read the articles of war that both houses voted on in the affirmative. All those that voted to authorize the President to go to war viewed all the evidence and found it worthy.

    How do you account for the fact the nearly half of all combatants killed or captured in Iraq are FOREIGN fighters? So we are rooting them out and killing them - OVER THERE. What do you make of Tony Blair's speech yesterday - you can read it in the WS Journal today (OpEd)? What if you are wrong? How many Americans are you willing to sacrifice?

    Either way, this talk of impeachment or censure will only strengthen his base - which already voted him into office TWICE. Imagine if the Republicans run a candidate that can speak in public? Who are the Dems going to run, Hilary? That would be a disaster - she could possibly carry a few states at most including Wash DC.

    BTW, I dont share your feelings. I did not like Clinton getting impeached even though he BROKE the law (Notice how Bush did NOT break any law). We must stop the politics of personal attacks and work together. I strongly believe that as long as American troops are in harms way (no matter who sent them there or for what reason) we have to support BOTH the troops and the mission. To do any less would be aiding and abetting the enemy and endangering the lives of brave Americans in harms way.

    One man's opinion.
  9. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    It is a shame the sacrifices of so many noble Americans is wasted on psychobabble like this. So be it - that is what makes this the greatest country in Man's history. I wonder if you would defend her if she were threatened?

    How many times will you allow someone to punch you in the nose before you defend yourself? - try it sometime...

    Well said....

    This was funny too~

    It is about the horrible damage Bush has done to our country. He he is banktpting our county. He started an unnecessary war, and clearly used trumped up "evidence" to get us there. Actions that I beleive he should be impeached for.

    But most important is the fact that Bush STARTED a war on trumped up evidence. There is a night and day difference between joining a war and starting a war. No other president in the 20th or 21st century STARTED a war. I think most people either already realized, or have started to realize how outrageously wrong this is. I am ashamed of my Country for it islam is looking for new residents, and I hate Bush for making me feel that way about my Country. I hope other people share my feelings, becasue I don't ever want it to happen to us again.

    Yeah lets impeach him cause we want cheney in the office... LOL

    I voted for both as they where the lesser of the two evils running..
    Im not sure how I will vote next time, but I wont vote for Hillary!
  10. Tadashi

    Tadashi Member

    Feb 25, 2005
    Fort Hood, TX
    2005 Prius

    First I just wanted to say thanks for your service. My dad also served there. He was infantry. I followed in my father's footsteps so have an equal chance of being sent over there (Iraq). However, that does not bother me. I am of the mindset that I would rather go there than have something happen to my son here. I also serve so that my son does not have to.

    I have lived overseas ( S. Korea, Japan, S. America, Panama, Hong Kong, etc) most of my life being a military brat. Let me tell you I am very grateful for what I have here, not only the freedoms but our way of life (I know it is not perfect).

    I do not necessarily think it was revenge as much as an excuse to finish up what they wanted to do in the first gulf war. Remember it took 225+ years for our democracy to form. I think theirs will take more than 4 years and will not even look like ours due to their culture.

    I think Iraq was a mistake but now that we are there we had better finish up the job or the failed government will bite us in the behind. Yeah it was probably good that we freed the Iraqi people but I think the bigger threat is N. Korea or Iran, not that going in either country and busting heads is the answer, not to mention how ugly that would be.

    We will never have peace (may not be full out conflict but there will always be terrorism), no I am not a war monger - just a realist. There will always be someone who has a grudge against what we have or the freedoms we offer. Even if we go into isolationism there will probably be someone out there who will try to manipulate us to affect their outcome.

    As long as I can remember I had to go through force protection briefings specifically for terrorism. As a 10 yr old I got used to the idea of never taking the same route back and forth, and varying myschedule, etc. So if not OBL then it will be someone else. Well that is my 2 cents worth. I will go back to lurking.
  11. kingofgix

    kingofgix New Member

    Jun 30, 2004
    Littleton, CO
    Funny how you guys always miss the point:

    I didn't say Bush started the war on terrorism (although he did), I said he started the war on Iraq. And you hang your hat on the true but outdated information that Saddam used WMD's. That was in the 1980's, and we already defeated him in 1 war since then. And we already combed through his country looking for WMD's before and after the current invasion and didn't find anything. Assessing the threat that Iraq poses needs to consdier ALL the facts, not just the hand picked ones that support your preconcieved conslusion.

    You say "The point is, what are you going to do, risk another 9/11, based upon a very real, and exceptional threat profile on Iraq (a man who has pro-activley used wmd's more than once, unlike any other threat)? Were we to REPEAT the lack of attention we gave to UBL and the Taliban?"

    I say Bush IS repeating the lack of attention we gave OBL and the Taliban. That is my main point! We ARE risking another 9/11, because Bush hasn't caught the people behind 9/11 and isn't focussed on looking for them. So even if you think Iraq was the next biggest threat (which was not supported by the evidence), the war there still isn't justified becasue we haven't dealt with THE FIRST BIGGEST THREAT. OBL and al Qaeda are still out there operating.

    I am not anti-war, and I am not anti pre-emptive war (Afghanistan as an acceptable example). I am anti-stupid. I think Bush is being stupid. I think he is risking another 9/11 and bankrupting us in the process. I do not support that.
  12. Tadashi

    Tadashi Member

    Feb 25, 2005
    Fort Hood, TX
    2005 Prius

    <non-denominational> AMEN! :lol:
  13. dbermanmd

    dbermanmd New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    2006 Prius

    Well said.

    More importantly - thank God for Americans like you.

    I pray for your health and well being as I do ALL Americans placed in harms way. I thank you for your service to our Great Country. I pray, like you, that one day there will be peace on earth and our children will not know war.

    May God bless you and protect you and the United States of America.
  14. kingofgix

    kingofgix New Member

    Jun 30, 2004
    Littleton, CO

    Regarding impeachment, I don't think Bush will be impeached.

    Regarding your sentiments about supporting the war and mission, I respectfully disagree. I think it is wrong to support the wrong mission just because it is "our mission". What if we invaded England tomorrow? Would you "support the mission". Many Germans's suppoted Hitler's mission in WWII, and I thnk they were wrong for doing so. So a blanket suppoort the mission stance only works if the mission is just and justified. I do not believe the war in Iraq is either, and I believe that it diverts us from the necessary work of protecting the US from future terrorist attack. That is where we disagree.
  15. kingofgix

    kingofgix New Member

    Jun 30, 2004
    Littleton, CO
    It will likely surprise several of you that I completely agree with this statement. We must now "finish the job" in Iraq (although the exact definition of finish is a bit vague).

    I will, however, never forgive George Bush for driving the bus off the cliff that is the Iraq war. I beleive history will show this to be one of the biggest mistakes the US has ever made.
  16. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    No, it was 100% intentional. Iraq was/is part of the greater war on terrorism.
    ...and no one is solely pivoting upon the WMD issue, it was/is only PART of many other factors, the main point is he actually acquired and USED them, more than once, pro-actively.
  17. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Out of N. Korea, Iran, and Iraq, who has acutally acquired WMD's and, more importantly, pro-actively used them?

    Which of your neighbors would you consider a bigger threat? Neighbor A who just moved into a home next to yours, a twice convicted murderer with a penchant acquiring and using weapons (although he doesn't seem to have any now), or the guy across the street, and next to you, whereas although they hate you, they haven't be convicted of anything...
  18. dbermanmd

    dbermanmd New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    2006 Prius
    Please name one piece part of our constitution that we have destroyed? If you can name ONE lawsuit charging such - just ONE would be fine thanks - that charges even a slight infringement concerning any of our rights. IF you can't, I guess your charge is incorrect.

    Bankrupting ourselves? Tell me how the national debt is bad please. Our economy is exceptionally strong - unemployment less than 5%, GDP 2.5% +, inflation under control, etc.

    Moral high ground? What the heck is that. Do you think we can get there if we still believe in capital punishment and abortion?? How does out of wedlock births affect that? How about passing our condoms to teenagers - is that the moral high ground? How about presidents commiting adultary - moral high ground?

    The most important function the President and our government has is the PROTECTION of this country. Everything else is secondary. One of the few reasons the Founding Fathers thought that a Federal Government should exist.
  19. kingofgix

    kingofgix New Member

    Jun 30, 2004
    Littleton, CO

    The answer is C, neither of the above. The answer is the guy that is constantly sending you death threats, has previously set off explosives in your house killing members of your family, and who is still free and in an unknown location (OBL). Until you deal with C, you are making a big mistake by focusing the bulk of your of time and resources on A.
  20. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Yes, but you've already bulldozed his house into the ground, and have piled up bodies several stories high in return, and in an effort to not let it happen again, refer back to the question...