I have a 2012 Plug In Advanced... It has 105,000 miles. Yesterday, the screen stopped working. When I turn on the car, the Toyota Logo Will appear for a few seconds, then everything will go dark. If I put car in reverse, the back up camera will show on the screen The buttons on either side of the screen will not work now, and I can't change the station on the radio. Anyone have any idea what is causing this? I have a 2012 Plug In Advanced... It has 105,000 miles. Yesterday, the screen stopped working. When I turn on the car, the Toyota Logo Will appear for a few seconds, then everything will go dark. If I put car in reverse, the back up camera will show on the screen The buttons on either side of the screen will not work now, and I can't change the station on the radio. Anyone have any idea what is causing this? Is There a Fix? The Radio Station Will Not Change on steering wheel either...
Sorry for your problem. Maybe someone else has a solution based on actual knowledge, but just off-hand I would suspect a hard-drive failure. In the car or in your computer, they don't last forever.
Can you get an itemized list of everything they propose for the repair? Since your MFD can display a logo, even briefly, it's working and I would not be so quick to replace it. That would be like buying new hands when a clock stops running. Focus more on the computer that delivers its output to the MFD. Maybe that's all they ever had in mind for the $2,900. Still, it seems pricey.
One more thought and I promise to chill for a while: Working off the assumption that a random software glitch, like the wrong command at exactly the wrong time, caused the MFD to shut down, why not ask the local Toyota service dept to update or reinstall your software? If the fix works, everyone will be happy and the shop guys will all feel like they are heroes. If the fix does not work, well, they would probably need to load that software into a new HDD anyway. Maybe they can even try it on a spare HDD. The computer, itself? Wait until they rule out the HDD.
Before that try a hard reboot: disconnect the 12v for a couple of minutes. Worst case you lose all your radio pre-sets..... Umm, guess that doesn't really matter!!!! LOL