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Navigation - automatic reordering?

Discussion in 'Prime Main Forum (2017-2022)' started by btrflies, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. btrflies

    btrflies Junior Member

    Aug 27, 2017
    Rockingham VA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    I have a 2017 Prius Prime Premius with 11 inch display. I'll be doing Meals on Wheels and I was wondering... if I enter about 13 addresses into a route, is there any way to have it re-order the route automatically based on which address is closest to the next, instead of going in the order I typed them in? I know I can reorder them manually, but most of the time I have no idea which address next on my paper is closest and I spend most of the time driving around in circles. I don't get my sheet of addresses until I pick up the meals, and I don't have time to sit there in the parking lot, looking over a map, trying to determine which address is closest to the next....the meals would go cold by the time I figured it out. If the navigation in the car would do that for me, that would be great! I'm guessing there is not an option like this in the menu because I've looked through the manual, but if there is and I've missed it, or if any one has any tips I'd really appreciate it, thanks!
  2. Alan Winston

    Alan Winston Junior Member

    Aug 6, 2017
    Other Non-Hybrid
    That is a lovely restatement of the "traveling salesman problem," which is a classic, and classically difficult, problem in computer science. Take a look at Travelling salesman problem - Wikiwand - do not expect to be able to read and understand that article, because if you have had enough math to understand the article, you surely would have recognized that you have an example of this problem. If you search the Apple appstore or Google Play for "traveling salesman problem," you will find apps under various names that will help you - not necessarily with the perfect solution, but better than you are likely to come up with with pencil and map in any reasonable amount of time. You may be able to transfer your destinations to the Prime's nav screen from your phone, but I would just navigate with the phone.
  3. FuelMiser

    FuelMiser Senior Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Monument, CO
    2016 Prius
    I don't have a Prime, just a Gen 4 Three Touring, but I did notice that upon entering multiple destinations in the Nav, it would show an overview map of the route with the various destinations numbered from 1 to n, and it was fairly easy to spot which ones were out of order. Then you could edit the destinations and reorder them manually as you said. Also, I have owned two dash mount GPS (Garmin and Magellan) that will automatically optimize a route of multiple destinations at the push of a button.
  4. Since2002

    Since2002 Senior Lurker

    Nov 12, 2011
    Duluth, GA
    2006 Prius
    One problem that I have run into with many GPS is when you have a route with multiple stops, when you reach one of the stops you may not hit the exact "target", especially at a business where you come in on a different driveway than it expected. Then when you drive off, following the directions from the GPS, you don't always immediately realize that it is still trying to get you to the previous stop, wasting time until you realize what it is doing. Even when you do realize it, with some GPS it's not always easy to remove a stop from a route, requiring moving through menus, not easy to do if you have already started driving.

    I have used a few GPS that are smart enough to figure out that if you pass within say 100 yards of your destination and are now moving away from it, then it automatically removes the previous stop from the route and sends you off to your next one.

    Hard to know how a particular GPS will handle this until you have used it. Maybe since the OP is delivering to houses hopefully it won't happen as often, unless for example they park around the corner from one of the houses where they are delivering. If the particular GPS being used doesn't handle these situations well, then you have to get into the habit before leaving a stop to go into the route menu and make sure that it has now moved onto the next stop, and if not then delete the previous stop. I have actually found it better to do all of this when you arrive at each stop prior to turning off the car, which is also a good time to make a mental note of which direction you should head out of the parking lot for your next stop. Otherwise when you later start the car the GPS has to find the satellites again, and also it will have "forgotten" which direction your car is pointing, so unless you staying directionally oriented yourself, you have to start driving in basically a random direction before the GPS figures out which way the car is pointed, at which point it it tells you to do a u-turn because you started out the wrong way. Been there done that a few times.