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Navigation - Store More Than 106 Memory Points?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by CBarr31, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. CBarr31

    CBarr31 Active Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Anyone with a new 2009 Prius know if you can store more than 106 points on the navigation system?

    This is the limit on my 2006 that I filled up after a couple of months with customer locations and was hoping for an increase in the newer models.

    Does anyone have any idea if the new 2010 or greater models will have their capacities increased? I use my Prius for business and store all of my customers in the memory so it sure would be nice if they would increase this number by a few hundred.

    Most likely they are limited by the hardware but it could be a byte thing for the software I guess. Thanks for the information.

  2. alanh

    alanh Active Member

    May 22, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2007 Prius
    The 2009 uses the same Gen V system, so it's going to hold the same number of points.

    Just a note of caution: there's no way to back them up, so if your 12v battery ever dies you're going to lose all those points.
  3. Sarge

    Sarge Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    Milton, Ontario, Canada
    2023 Prius Prime
    XSE Premium
    Hi Chris,

    I also have a 2006 (BTW, which is 5th Gen, to respectfully correct Alan) and you are right that the memory limit is 106 stored destinations. I am quite certain the 2009 still uses the same Nav system, therefore same limit (if it was different, I am sure someone would have chimed in by now).

    Since Gen5 has been going now for 4 years, one would have to think Gen6 has to be around the corner. Perhaps the 2010 model year may be it? I remember reading a while back that the Nav available in the 2009 Corolla supported XM NavTraffic, so I wonder if that might be Gen6?

    In any case... speaking of your current situation, I would begin by prioritizing what does or doesn't get registered as a memory point; i.e. do you NEED to register local clients (etc) as memory points? Why not just store the more remote/less familiar locations where you truly need the guidance? Personally, I have almost filled up my memory points on a few occasions (admittedly by storing lots of points I really didn't *need*), I find it starts to take time to page through the multiple pages... sometimes less is more, if you know what I mean.

    Secondly, the "Previous" list keeps a pretty long (?) list of points as well, that could also be used as an additional 'pseudo' memory list, for the short term, anyway.

    Finally, in case you have not spent time trying it, learn how to use the voice commands. Especially the "Address" command. In one respect, this is even better than storing as memory points, as at least you program your route while in motion without ever touching the screen.

    One last comment - as Alan pointed out - there is no way to back up the memory points list, so if ever it gets reset (i.e. by disconnecting the battery for an extended period), you may lose your destinations, so make sure you have this information recorded somewhere else as well.

    Hope that helps...
  4. CBarr31

    CBarr31 Active Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced

    Thanks for the responses I appreciate it. I actually confirmed the 106 the other day at the Dealership in a 2009 so hopefully the next Gen will be able to store more.

    I appreciate the caution on the battery and we have had that discussion on here before about hooking up a trickle charger but always appreciate words of wisdom and caution.

    The "Previous" list can only used within a region so when you cross regions it resets. I travel to customers from Chillicothe Missouri to Miami Florida to Cambridge Ontario to Boston Mass so the list is extensive. Currently I only have "Major" customers stored but would like to have all. I actually deleted a ton from Wisconsin as far north as Rhinelander to make room for more "local" ones.

    Most of the places I actually already know how to get there, it is the "knowing how far I left" information that I like from the GPS or the "Yeah, I can be there in 2 hours." response that I can give to the customer.

    On an aside, Ema was purchased on March 28th 2006 so isn't even 3 years old yet and has 141,000 miles on her. The stored "voice tags" function is full with phone numbers as is the "Speed Dial" list on the MFD so working the functions is pretty second nature to me. I just wish there was some way to increase the "time out" for the auto shift back to map but there isn't :( Navigating multiple playlists sometimes requires a couple tries, LOL.

    Anyway, thanks for the info I appreciate it. Have a great day!!!!

  5. Sarge

    Sarge Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    Milton, Ontario, Canada
    2023 Prius Prime
    XSE Premium
    Hi Chris,

    You are most welcome. Always here to help. :)
    Interesting... I didn't know that; you learn something new everyday. Granted, my whole country is a "region", so I don't venture out of my region too often.;)

    Yeah... the 20 voice tags get filled pretty quick. Too bad the Bluetooth isn't update-able like the Nav to support new BT profiles, eliminating the need to record voice tags.

    You can't change the timeout delay, but you *can* disable the auto-switching altogether. If you press the Menu key, there is an option in there for auto-switching from Climate/Audio screen to Nav (Sorry, I don't recall the exact wording). By default it is on, but I prefer it off, personally.
  6. CBarr31

    CBarr31 Active Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced

    Thanks again. Here is another possibly useful factoid regarding the "timeout" for the auto shift back to the Map/Nav screen. I did know it could be turned off but the additional problem with turning it off is that "Climate" is by far the EASIEST way to get back to the Map/Nav when on a Bluetooth phone call. That to is disabled when you turn the "Timeout" off.

    As you probably know the Nav voice overides the Bluetooth if you press the "Map" button when on a phone call. To avoid this by far the easiest thing to do is press the "Climate" button then after the 30 seconds when the "Timeout" occurs it kicks you back to the Map/Nav. You can see your directions again having never lost the connection on your phone call.

    That is of course if you were on the Map/Nav when the phone call came in or when you made the phone call. If you were on the Energy or Consumption screen the "Timeout" kicks you back to them. Of course if you were on one of those screens you might not be using the Map/Nav or know where you are going, LOL.

    Anyway, another interesting factod learned on PriusChat. Happy driving.
