Hello! I'm taking delivery of a 2015 Toyota Prius v Two with about 88k miles. It's getting detailed now, I'm excited for it to get better mpg than our current 2015 Scion xB in our daily commute. Does anyone know if this is the stock headlight? Headlight Name by TheTewks posted Apr 13, 2023 at 8:20 AM Topics I plan to cover in time: Upgrading speakers Hardwiring a dashcam (does not have power near mirror except for dome light?) constant power vs triggered Adding driving lights/oem foglights (but getting better actual assemblies) and wiring them (many discussions on this I see..)(but most of those are dead with no photos anymore) Upgrading the headlighgt stalk to add auto On/Off headlights instead of just auto off. Adding a tow hitch for bikes (seems easy enough with tools but wiring looks difficult) Mantenaince of a hybrid vs my "normal" Scion xB differences. Things to do immediately when buying a Prius V. - I cleaned out the battery fan filter, and I'll check the fan itself soon, but what else? Thanks y'all! Pic for fun! Smaller by TheTewks posted Apr 13, 2023 at 8:20 AM
Also, forgot to add, I'm also interesting in swapping the front to look more like the level three or five trim. I want those cool LED's in the lower outside bumper area instead of just black plastic covers. Anyone know if there is wiring back there for them on a base two without any options? Bumper Lights Wanted by TheTewks posted Apr 13, 2023 at 8:27 AM
2015 with 88k, you should be ok. See first two links in my signature; best to get on that by 100k at the latest.
Thank you for the replies! Just went for my first morning drive and it was so nice! This is such an upgrade from my previous 2013 Toyota Yaris 5dr. It's much quieter and smoother, and the technology (although still dated) feels like a huge upgrade! Only thing I really wanted that I didn't get in this car was automatic headlights, which I thought it had, but I guess that was only on the level three trim and higher. My first electronics project will likely be swapping the stalks and/or relays to get that feature. I'm off to search the forums for advice!
Okay, after some searching, I have found a headlamp stalk from a level 5 prius v and want to install it. Since most of the threads are about older models, I can't quite seem to get a consensus about if the stalk is all I need, or if it will require running a wire (which I do not want to do) or some other modification. Plug and play or nothing is the experience I want. Can anyone provide any clarity? I have DRL's now, and I don't want to lose the functionality. Here is the Toyota part number: 84140-33202.
Cute kid! I went from a 2009 XB to my 2015 Prius II. Miss the XB's leg and head room!! If you can give us a general idea of where you live, we can also suggest some places that can do repairs at a reasonable price.
Welcome! For sure clean the EGR system....MANDITORY. To save the engine, Clean the hybrid cooling fan as well. Follow and watch Nutz about Bolts videos on EGR Cleaning removal on yooo tube. Educate yourself and enjoy your new car.
Howdy! I live in Ohio near Cincinnati. I'm going to find a dealer or mechanic nearby that will perform this service for the EGR system because I don't have the time. Thank you for the replies!
Good video, but there's a lot of unnecessary coolant spillage. See first link in my signature in particular, for a couple of strategies that completely avoid this.
It'll be much simpler, cheaper and effective, to find the time. It's too bad that's the case, but that's how it is, right now at least. Dealership service departments will likely start with push-back, saying it's not necessary, unless you're experiencing cold-start shakes or the code for EGR clogging. If you do talk them into it, it'll be parts replacement only, and the parts alone are at least a grand USD, before they start piling on the labour hours. Independent mechanics will very likely be clueless, do a lackluster job, and charge a lot. It's finicky time-consuming work, the penance of third gen ownership.
My goal is to give less money to the corporations, saving money on gas is not my priority. Spending money at a local shop is worthwhile to me.
My wiring at the map light. And none of these are switched? My meter has stopped working so I can't confirm until Tuesday night when I can get a new one.
Enjoy your ride. I bought a Prius C 4 months ago, with more than twice the miles on yours and have had no problems with it since that time. Some of the replies here are a little harsh, but try to consider that they are trying to protect you from issues with that model, as well as the rest of the 2010 to 2015 "new models". Staying ahead of the "known issues" with the model you just bought should prevent them from becoming much larger issues. If it was me at the miles on your car, I would make sure the EGR system is cleaned PROPERLY. I would use the recommended oil viscosity and watch the consumption, IF THERE IS ANY. If not you are golden as far as engine issues. The EGR problem can cascade into head gasket problems and head bolt problems, BOTH OF WHICH YOU ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE MILEAGE WHEN THEY BECOME COMMON. Mitigating the design weaknesses can save you a small fortune and give you a very long service life from your new purchase, LONG PAST THE TIME WHEN THE YOUNG FELLOW IN THAT PICTURE ISDRIVING THAT CAR HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also make sure the brake fluid has been flushed, which may require a trip to the dealership. Doo your due diligence and research the dealers that are close to you to see which of them ACTUALLY VALUE good working relationships with their customers. I would have the dealership OR A LOCALSHOP YOUTRUST IMPLICITLY do the EGR cleaning and the brake fluid flush. I owned and operated an independent shop of the type you should find, assuming that is possible. If not then find the dealership that knows about these issues and is willing to help you preempt their appearance. Mendel Leisk, is your go to source of information which is the KEY to the longevity of your newer vehicle. Follow his recommendations and you should be fine, the time to fix the issues he has listed in his posts is NOW, now later after the damage has cascaded into something very costly. The cost of mitigation is far lower than the cost of repairs after the damage has been done. If there is a local shop that knows your model then they should be your go to choice. If the brake fluid in your car is dark then get it done NOW, if it is as clean as new then it should be OK. Introduce yourself to the local dealership. They should give you the service history of your vehicle. Keep an eye on any oil consumption, you want it to be 0. Give it a couple of bottles of Chevron Techron ot keep the injectors clean and balanced. If you have a good service history AS MINE DID, then all the warnings you have read here are NOT critical at this time with those low miles. My other car is an ECHO manual trans and steering, the ultimate in simplicity, with 200k miles, bought at 147 for $1600. I kept it as a spare. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not against better mpg and I'm all for a more "green" car. Just because focusing primarily on MPG is not my priority, does not mean I'm not conscience of my gasoline usage. Also, I suck at putting my thoughts into words on the internet, so sometimes my words betray me. Anyways, I love my car, hate corporations (Marathon and BP the most), and love this community. Have a rad day!
You are a fantastic human being, thank you! Next up is figuring out how to wire the stock microphone to use with my new aftermarket JVC Android Auto head unit! Well, I removed the cigarette lighter and dedicated the power that was going to that, to the newly hard wired dashcam. Very happy, and while I was installing my dash and door speakers, it was very easy to run the wire to the mirror area. Anyways, just bought a new JVC head unit and all the modules and wiring, and can't wait until this weekend to install it all!